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The Spirits' Book > BOOK TWO—THE SPIRIT WORLD > CHAPTER IX—INTERVENTION OF SPIRITS ON THE PHYSICAL WORLD > Guardian Angels: Protective, Familiar and Sympathetic Spirits > 509
509. Do savages and morally inferior human beings have protective spirits? If so, are these spirits of the same order as those of civilized humanity?
“All human beings have a spirit who watches over them, but their missions depend on their charge. A child who is learning to read does not have a professor of philosophy for this task. The advancement of the familiar spirit is always relative to that of the spirit it protects. While you have a higher spirit who watches over you, you may in turn become the guardian of a spirit who is lower than you. The progress you help that person make contributes to your own advancement. God does not ask for more from a spirit than its nature and degree of evolution can provide.”