The Spirits' Book

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spirits' Book > BOOK THREE—MORAL LAWS > CHAPTER IX—VIII. LAW OF EQUALITY > Social Inequalities

Social Inequalities

806. Is the inequality of social conditions a law of nature?
“No, it was created by human beings, not God.”

a) Will this inequality eventually vanish?
“Only God’s laws are eternal. Have you not noticed that it is being steadily erased every day? Your present inequalities will vanish with the disappearance of pride and selfishness. The only inequality that will remain is that of merit. A day will come when the members of God’s family will no longer view themselves as more or less pure. They will know that it is only the spirit that is more or less pure, and that this is in no way related to social standing.”

807. What should we think of those who abuse the superiority of their social standing to oppress the weak for profit?
“They deserve to be condemned! Their fate will be miserable, because they will in turn be oppressed, and they will be re-born into an existence where they will suffer all that they have caused others to suffer.” (See no. 684)

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