The Spirits' Book

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spirits' Book > BOOK TWO—THE SPIRIT WORLD > CHAPTER VI—SPIRIT LIFE > Spirit Perceptions, Sensations and Suffering of Spirits > 244
244. Do spirits see God?
“Only the highest order spirits see and understand God; lower spirits are conscious of and can feel the Creator.”

a) When a lower spirit says that something is permitted or forbidden by God, how does it know that this is really an order from God?
“It does not see God, but it feels Divine power. It feels a sort of intuition, an invisible warning that commands it to refrain from completing certain actions. Don’t you sometimes have a mysterious feeling, commanding you to do or not do something? It is the same thing with us, but at a higher degree. A spirit’s essence is more subtle than yours, they are better equipped to receive Divine warnings.”

b) Are Divine commands directly transmitted to each spirit by God, or through other spirits?
“Those commands do not come directly from God. A spirit must be worthy of direct communication with God. God transmits orders through spirits that are higher in perfection and instruction.”

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