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Spirits during Wars
541. Are there spirits who help and support each side fghting in a battle?
“Yes, and who inspire their courage as well.”
Ancient populations represented the gods as taking sides for a group of people. Those gods were nothing more than spirits represented by allegorical fgures.
“Yes, and who inspire their courage as well.”
Ancient populations represented the gods as taking sides for a group of people. Those gods were nothing more than spirits represented by allegorical fgures.
542. There can only be one right side in any war. How can spirits support the wrong side?
“You know very well that there are spirits who seek confict and destruction. For them, war is war; they do not care whether it is fair or not.”
“You know very well that there are spirits who seek confict and destruction. For them, war is war; they do not care whether it is fair or not.”
543. Can spirits inspire a general in planning a campaign?
“Of course, spirits can use their infuence for this, or any other conceivable plan.”
“Of course, spirits can use their infuence for this, or any other conceivable plan.”
544. Could bad spirits suggest unwise plans to them in order to lead them to defeat?
“Yes, but don’t human beings have free will? If a general’s judgment does not enable him to distinguish between a good idea and a bad one, he will have to bear the consequences of his blindness. Besides, perhaps it would be better for him to take orders rather than give them.”
“Yes, but don’t human beings have free will? If a general’s judgment does not enable him to distinguish between a good idea and a bad one, he will have to bear the consequences of his blindness. Besides, perhaps it would be better for him to take orders rather than give them.”
545. Can a type of second sight or intuitive perception show him the result of his plans beforehand and guide a general sometimes?
“This often happens with men and women of genius. This kind of intuition is called ‘inspiration’ and causes them to act confdently. It comes to them from the spirits who direct them, and who act upon them through the abilities gifted to them.”
“This often happens with men and women of genius. This kind of intuition is called ‘inspiration’ and causes them to act confdently. It comes to them from the spirits who direct them, and who act upon them through the abilities gifted to them.”
546. In the disorder and confusion of a battle, what happens to the spirits of those who die? Do they continue to take an interest in the struggle after their death?
“Some of them do, others pull away from it.” In war, as in all other cases of violent death, the spirit’s frst feeling is one of shock. It does not know that it is dead and seems to be taking part in the ongoing action. The reality of its situation becomes apparent gradually.
“Some of them do, others pull away from it.” In war, as in all other cases of violent death, the spirit’s frst feeling is one of shock. It does not know that it is dead and seems to be taking part in the ongoing action. The reality of its situation becomes apparent gradually.
547. Do spirits who fought opposing side of each other during battle still see each other as enemies after they die? Are they still furious with one another?
“Under such circumstances, a spirit is never calm. At frst, it may feel enraged with its enemy and even pursue it. When it has recovered its composure, it sees that its animosity is fruitless. Nonetheless, it may retain some traces of it for a longer or shorter period of time, depending on its character.”
a) Does it still hear the cry of battle?
“Yes, perfectly.”
“Under such circumstances, a spirit is never calm. At frst, it may feel enraged with its enemy and even pursue it. When it has recovered its composure, it sees that its animosity is fruitless. Nonetheless, it may retain some traces of it for a longer or shorter period of time, depending on its character.”
a) Does it still hear the cry of battle?
“Yes, perfectly.”
548. When a spirit is casually watching a battle as a spectator, does it witness the separation of the souls and bodies of those who are dying? How does this phenomenon affect it?
“Very few deaths are instant. In most cases when the body dies, the spirit is not yet aware of it. When it begins to come to, its spirit may be seen moving beside its corpse. This appears so natural that the sight of its dead body does not produce any horrible effect. As the life of the individual is concentrated in its spirit, the spirit alone attracts the attention of those around it. They converse with this spirit and may even give it orders.”
“Very few deaths are instant. In most cases when the body dies, the spirit is not yet aware of it. When it begins to come to, its spirit may be seen moving beside its corpse. This appears so natural that the sight of its dead body does not produce any horrible effect. As the life of the individual is concentrated in its spirit, the spirit alone attracts the attention of those around it. They converse with this spirit and may even give it orders.”