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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > January > Letter to Mr. Mohéry with respect to Ms. Godu
Letter to Mr. Mohéry with respect to Ms. Godu
Certain strange phenomena produced by Ms. Godu have been commented lately, phenomena that would consist on the production of diamonds and precious stones through strange means. Mr. Mohéry personally sent us a long and descriptive letter about it and some people were surprised that we made no comment about it. The reason for that is the fact that we never accept a given assertion just out of pure enthusiasm. Before accepting we examine things cold-bloodedly since experience teaches us how much we must suspect certain illusions.
Had we published all the wonders that were reported to us in more or less good faith, without a proper examination, our Review might have become perhaps more enjoyable but we must preserve the serious character that the Review has always had. With respect to the new and prodigious faculty that would have been revealed with Ms. Godu, we frankly believe that the healing medium was more precious and useful to humanity and also to the propagation of Spiritism. However, we deny nothing and those who think that with such news we would rush to take the train to check the facts we respond that if something is true it shall not avoid official confirmation. It will then be the time to speak and we have no problem with being the first to proclaim it. Here is a summary of the answer that we sent to Mr. Mohéry:
“…It is true that I did not publish all the reports that you sent me about the cures operated by Ms. Godu but I said enough in order to call attention to her work. Constantly speaking about the case would give the impression that I serve particular interests. Wisdom advised the wait to have the future confirming the past. As for the phenomena that you describe in your latest letter those are so strange that I did not venture into publishing them but when I have your undeniable confirmation. The more abnormal a fact is the more caution it requires. You must not be surprised by seeing too much of that in such cases. This is also the advice from the Committee of the Society to whom I submitted your letter. The unanimous decision was to wait for the developments before we speak about it. Up until now the fact is so much contrary to any natural laws and even all known laws of Spiritism that the first feeling that it entails is that of disbelief, even among Spiritists. Speaking about it in anticipation and before being able to support them with authentic proofs would be a useless call for mockery.”
NOTE: We are postponing to the next issue the publication of several evocations and Spiritist dissertations of great interest.
Allan Kardec
Had we published all the wonders that were reported to us in more or less good faith, without a proper examination, our Review might have become perhaps more enjoyable but we must preserve the serious character that the Review has always had. With respect to the new and prodigious faculty that would have been revealed with Ms. Godu, we frankly believe that the healing medium was more precious and useful to humanity and also to the propagation of Spiritism. However, we deny nothing and those who think that with such news we would rush to take the train to check the facts we respond that if something is true it shall not avoid official confirmation. It will then be the time to speak and we have no problem with being the first to proclaim it. Here is a summary of the answer that we sent to Mr. Mohéry:
“…It is true that I did not publish all the reports that you sent me about the cures operated by Ms. Godu but I said enough in order to call attention to her work. Constantly speaking about the case would give the impression that I serve particular interests. Wisdom advised the wait to have the future confirming the past. As for the phenomena that you describe in your latest letter those are so strange that I did not venture into publishing them but when I have your undeniable confirmation. The more abnormal a fact is the more caution it requires. You must not be surprised by seeing too much of that in such cases. This is also the advice from the Committee of the Society to whom I submitted your letter. The unanimous decision was to wait for the developments before we speak about it. Up until now the fact is so much contrary to any natural laws and even all known laws of Spiritism that the first feeling that it entails is that of disbelief, even among Spiritists. Speaking about it in anticipation and before being able to support them with authentic proofs would be a useless call for mockery.”
NOTE: We are postponing to the next issue the publication of several evocations and Spiritist dissertations of great interest.
Allan Kardec