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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > March > Spiritist Teachings and Dissertations > Moral instruction Paris, Group Faucheraud – medium Mr. Planche
Moral instruction Paris, Group Faucheraud – medium Mr. Planche
I come to you, poor ones lost in a slippery terrain whose inclination claims no more than a few steps to have you precipitated into the abyss. Like the good father I extend the charitable hand to spare you from danger. My greatest desire is to lead you to the paternal and divine shelter so that you can feel the love of God and work through the Christian faith and charity, through the peace and kind pleasures of a home. Like you, my dear children, I met joy and suffering and I know all the doubts in your minds and the struggles of your hearts. I will be just but strict and forearm you against your faults and show you the obstacles that can destroy you.
From up and above the celestial spheres that I dwell my eyes dive with satisfaction into your gatherings eagerly following your sacred instructions. However, while my soul rejoices on one side on another it experiences a bitter suffering when it still sees so much attachment to earthly things in your hearts. To the majority the sanctuary of your lessons is a theater of spectacles with the expectation of wonderful things from our side. We are not assigned with the task of showing you miracles but with that of working your hearts by opening long trenches to cast handfuls of divine seeds on them. We struggle incessantly to make them productive for we know that their roots must grow from one end to the other of Earth, covering its surface. The fruits that will be born from that shall be so beautiful, so pleasing and great that they shall reach heavens. Fortunate is the one who have harvested them and satiated for the blessed Spirits will come to them and crown their heads with the aura of the chosen ones walking them through the steps that lead to the majestic throne of the Eternal, inviting them to share the incomparable happiness, pleasures and endless joy of the celestial phalanx.
Unfortunate is the one who was given to see the light and hear the word of God and who have closed their eyes and shut their ears for the spirit of darkness will embrace them with its grim wings, taking them to the empire of darkness, making them atone their disobedience to the Lord for centuries through countless torments. It is time to apply prophet Hosea’s death sentence: “Coedam eos secundum auditionem coetus eorum”. May these words be like vapor spreading in the air but may them capture your attention and have you seriously meditating about them. Hurry up to dedicate the few moments that you still have to God. One day we will come to ask you what have you done with the lessons and how have you utilized the sacred doctrine of Spiritism.
Therefore, Spiritists of Paris, you who can do a lot given your personal position and your moral influence, you have the glory and the honor of giving the sublime example of the Christian virtues. Do not wait for misery to knock at your door. You must march ahead of your suffering brothers; give the poor the alms of the day; dry the tears of the orphan and the widow with kind and reassuring words. Lift the Spirits of the old person abated by the weight of the years and under the yoke of iniquities, bringing out of their souls the shiny and golden wings of hope in a better future life.
Spread love and consolation around you on your way. Raising your good deeds to the level of your thoughts you shall then honorably deserve the brilliant and glorious title that you are mentally attributed with by the Spirits of the country and from abroad whose eyes rest upon you, touched by admiration for the waves of light that escape from your gatherings, calling you the Sun of France.
From up and above the celestial spheres that I dwell my eyes dive with satisfaction into your gatherings eagerly following your sacred instructions. However, while my soul rejoices on one side on another it experiences a bitter suffering when it still sees so much attachment to earthly things in your hearts. To the majority the sanctuary of your lessons is a theater of spectacles with the expectation of wonderful things from our side. We are not assigned with the task of showing you miracles but with that of working your hearts by opening long trenches to cast handfuls of divine seeds on them. We struggle incessantly to make them productive for we know that their roots must grow from one end to the other of Earth, covering its surface. The fruits that will be born from that shall be so beautiful, so pleasing and great that they shall reach heavens. Fortunate is the one who have harvested them and satiated for the blessed Spirits will come to them and crown their heads with the aura of the chosen ones walking them through the steps that lead to the majestic throne of the Eternal, inviting them to share the incomparable happiness, pleasures and endless joy of the celestial phalanx.
Unfortunate is the one who was given to see the light and hear the word of God and who have closed their eyes and shut their ears for the spirit of darkness will embrace them with its grim wings, taking them to the empire of darkness, making them atone their disobedience to the Lord for centuries through countless torments. It is time to apply prophet Hosea’s death sentence: “Coedam eos secundum auditionem coetus eorum”. May these words be like vapor spreading in the air but may them capture your attention and have you seriously meditating about them. Hurry up to dedicate the few moments that you still have to God. One day we will come to ask you what have you done with the lessons and how have you utilized the sacred doctrine of Spiritism.
Therefore, Spiritists of Paris, you who can do a lot given your personal position and your moral influence, you have the glory and the honor of giving the sublime example of the Christian virtues. Do not wait for misery to knock at your door. You must march ahead of your suffering brothers; give the poor the alms of the day; dry the tears of the orphan and the widow with kind and reassuring words. Lift the Spirits of the old person abated by the weight of the years and under the yoke of iniquities, bringing out of their souls the shiny and golden wings of hope in a better future life.
Spread love and consolation around you on your way. Raising your good deeds to the level of your thoughts you shall then honorably deserve the brilliant and glorious title that you are mentally attributed with by the Spirits of the country and from abroad whose eyes rest upon you, touched by admiration for the waves of light that escape from your gatherings, calling you the Sun of France.