The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > September > Spiritist dissertations > To the Spiritist Centers to be visited
To the Spiritist Centers to be visited

The large number of centers that we intend to visit together, given the distances to be covered, does not allow us to dedicate the amount of time we would like. We believe we should take advantage of the opportunity and utilize the time for instruction. Given that it is our objective to respond as much as possible to questions that require clarification. We learned that when we propose this during the meetings people generally do not know what to ask or go quiet for being shy or have difficulties to collect their thoughts. In order to avoid such a double inconvenience we ask you to previously prepare the questions in writing and send that to me before the meeting. We can then methodically classify them, eliminate repetitions and respond everyone in a more satisfactory way, at the same time providing refutation to objections to Spiritism.

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