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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > August > Spiritist dissertations > The Pentecost Group from Sainte-Gemme-Tarn, medium Mr. C…
The Pentecost Group from Sainte-Gemme-Tarn, medium Mr. C…
The Spirit of God breathes upon the world so as to regenerate His children. If God does not show up any more like tongs of fire as in the time of the apostles He is not less present among you. Pray with all your heart to the Almighty so that you are worthy and take advantage of the moral benefits and every imperishable gift that God found adequate to spread over the heads of the apostles of Christ. Ask and you shall be given, and nothing that you may ask to the benefit of your moral progress will be denied. Once more, pray with all your heart but allow your heart to speak and not your lips; or even if your lips move may they only repeat what your heart is saying. Once animated by the Spirit of God your happiness will be so great that you cannot imagine. It depends on you to achieve that. From that moment your days will be just considered as a stretch of the path to achieve the destiny and where, at the end of the day, are going to receive your meal and a shelter for the night. The small amount of relative importance that you must associate to the earthly things must not distract you from your very serious material duties. In the eyes of God it is a serious mistake if you do not consciously perform your everyday duties. Nothing that has come out of God’s hands must be neglected. Within limits you must enjoy the material assets that you were given. You duty is to share them with your brothers and sisters who were precluded from them and do not keep them exclusively to you. A pure conscience, a boundless charity and a limitless humility, that is the best prayer to attract the Saint Spirit. It is the true Veni Creator but that does not mean that the one sung at the church is not a prayer that will be blessed whenever it comes from the heart; as it has been said many times the intention is everything, the form is nothing. Pray through your actions so that the Saint Spirit comes to visit you and spill upon your soul the strength that gives you the faith necessary to overcome the miseries of human existence on Earth and to reach out to those brothers and sisters whose weaknesses of spirit preclude them from seeing the light, without which you can only grope around, risking to shock against every obstacle spread on your way. The true happiness sought by everyone is there, reachable by everybody. It is a matter of will to reach it.
Make your firm and good resolutions and then you shall not lack the Spirit of God, rest assured. Love your neighbor as yourself for the love of God and you will have dignified the very day when the Saint Spirit came to visit the apostles of Christianity.
Hyppolyte Fortoul
Make your firm and good resolutions and then you shall not lack the Spirit of God, rest assured. Love your neighbor as yourself for the love of God and you will have dignified the very day when the Saint Spirit came to visit the apostles of Christianity.
Hyppolyte Fortoul