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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > December > Magnetic dispensary
Magnetic dispensary
Founded by Mr. Canelle, Rue Neuve-des-Martyrs, 11 - Paris
The first article of this issue points out the existing relationships between Magnetism and Spiritism and shows the help that in many cases the magnetizer may obtain from the Spiritist knowledge, cases in which a materialistic idea could only paralyze the healthy influence. These relationships will be even more highlighted in the second article to be published in the next issue.
By bringing to the public the information about the establishment directed by Mr. Canelle that we know in person and from a long time as an experienced magnetizer not only spiritualist but a devout Spiritist, we are pleased for giving him the testimony of our sympathy.
The treatment is provided by him and several other magnetizer medical doctors. There are special sessions dedicated to free magnetization. See the prospects for more detailed information.
The first article of this issue points out the existing relationships between Magnetism and Spiritism and shows the help that in many cases the magnetizer may obtain from the Spiritist knowledge, cases in which a materialistic idea could only paralyze the healthy influence. These relationships will be even more highlighted in the second article to be published in the next issue.
By bringing to the public the information about the establishment directed by Mr. Canelle that we know in person and from a long time as an experienced magnetizer not only spiritualist but a devout Spiritist, we are pleased for giving him the testimony of our sympathy.
The treatment is provided by him and several other magnetizer medical doctors. There are special sessions dedicated to free magnetization. See the prospects for more detailed information.