The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

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Inauguration of a Spiritist Center in Bordeaux

Despite certain resistance, Spiritist centers multiply daily. It is a duty and a pleasure to present to our many readers the inaugural speech given in one of those by its founder Mr. Condat on March 20th, 1862.

The way in which the serious question of Spiritism is presented demonstrates how much it is understood with respect to its objective and true social reach. We are pleased to say that such a feeling is now general for curiosity is replaced by the search for instruction and betterment. That is what we verified in our visits with several towns.

We saw them dedicated to instructive communications, and the mediums who received them appreciating their value. It is a characteristic fact in the history of establishment of Spiritism. We do not know the referred group but we can assess its tendencies based on the inaugural speech. The speaker would not have used such a language before a lighthearted and superficial audience just gathered for distraction. Serious meetings are the ones that give a serious idea of Spiritism and that is one it is never too much to incentivize their multiplication.


“Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thank you for accepting my invitation. Now please allow me to address you with some words about the reason for our gathering. Given my lack of presentation skills. I hope you will still find the conviction of a man profoundly dedicated to the progress of humanity. Frequently the fearless traveler willing to reach the mountain summit finds the narrow path obstructed by a rock; on other occasions during the ages when humanity tries to approach God an obstacle is found: the rock is materialism. Humanity stations for some time, perhaps for centuries, but obeying the invincible power that acts in proportion to the resistance, it wins the battle against the obstacle and humanity. As humanity is always required to move forward, it reestablishes the march with greater inspiration. Hence, ladies and gentlemen, let us not be surprised by the announcement of one of those great ideas that better illustrates the celestial nature of the human beings; when one of those prodigious facts takes place, coming to confuse restrictive calculations and limited observations of the materialistic science.

Let us not be amazed and above all let us not be discouraged by the resistances that oppose anything that serves to demonstrate that humans are not just formed by a little bit of clay whose elements return to earth after death. Instead, let us attest and attest joyfully, we the followers of Spiritism, the children of the nineteenth century, a century that was the most comprehensive manifestation of skepticism and its discouraging consequences; let us attest that humanity advances!

Behold the ongoing progress of Spiritism in this great, beautiful and intelligent town. Look around and see the doubt-giving place to the clarity of this new science.

Let us count, ladies and gentlemen, and let us sincerely confess how many among us still, even yesterday, bore a smile of disbelief in our lips, and today we are on our way, the hearts resolved not to back down. It is understandable since we follow and are dragged by the flow.

What is this doctrine then ladies and gentlemen? Where will it take us?

Awake human courage, support humanity in those weak moments, fortify humanity against the vicissitudes of life, cheer up people’s faith and demonstrate the immortality of the soul not only philosophically but also through the facts, that is the doctrine and where it takes us!

Which other doctrine can produce better moral and intellectual results? Will it be the denial of a future life that would be offered as a preferable alternative in the interest of humanity and towards a moral and intellectual perfection of every one individually?

Taking by principle the following words that summarize materialism, what can be produced other than the void? – Everything is over when the grave is open.

I have a painful feeling, a kind of shame for having established a parallel between these two extremes. The hope of finding a better world, our loved ones whose souls opened their wings, the invincible horror that we feel and even the atheist feels when thinking that it will all be annihilated with the last breath of the material part of our being, all that would be enough to keep away any idea of comparison.

Nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen, if all the reassurance contained in Spiritism were only a matter of belief; if it were just a purely speculative system, an ingenious work of fiction, as objected by the apostles of materialism, saying that the objective is to submit certain weak intelligences to some rules arbitrarily called virtues and by doing so keeping them away from the seductive appetite of matter, a compensation that on a pitiful day the author of this fatal order of things, who gives everything to some and suffering to the majority just as a distraction.

Wouldn’t those ingenious combinations, ladies and gentlemen, established as a consequence of an unfounded principle and as a sole result of imagination, wouldn’t they be another torment added to the fatality that the strong and rational intelligences cannot avoid?

Demonstration, no doubt, is something remarkable. It tests, before anything else, human reason and soul, the abstraction of matter. But until now its only starting point has been Descartes saying: ‘I think hence I exist.’

Today Spiritism came to give a huge push to the principle of immortality of the soul, based on tangible and irrefutable facts.

All the above explains why and how we gathered here. However, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to describe an impression that I have always had, a constantly renewed desire every time I found a society whose objective was the moral betterment of human race. I wish I had taken part in the first group, the first communications from soul to the soul of the founders; I wish I had presided over the development of the germ of the idea that, like the grain that turns into a giant, later produced abundant fruits.

Well, ladies and gentlemen! Today that I can gladly propose the formation of a new Spiritist group my idea has plentiful support and I beg you to join me and keep in your minds and hearts this day March 20th.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, it is time to put hands on and I might be late. Without transition to fix the waste of time much dedicated to a relief I will touch the objective of our meeting, asking you to be forewarned against an objection that will naturally occur to you as it did to me about the indispensable need of mediums in the formation of a Spiritist group. That is an apparent but not a true difficulty. In the beginning the absence of mediums in our sessions will not make them sterile, believe me. Here is an idea that I would like to submit to your advice:

The first part of each session would be dedicated to the reading of The Spirits’ Book and The Mediums’ Book. The second part would be dedicated to the formation of mediums among us and believe me, ladies and gentlemen, if we follow the advices given by our venerable Mr. Allan Kardec in these books the mediumistic faculty will soon develop in most of us. Our works will then receive their greatest and kind reward because God, the creator of all things, the infallible judge, will make no mistake with respect to the righteous use of that we intent to make of the precious mediumistic faculty. He will certainly give us the most beautiful reward, allowing us to have among us one medium at the same level as the several mediums that we are fortunate to have among us tonight.

Our dear brothers Gourgues and Sabo that I have the honor of introducing to you, wanted to give our inaugural session the highest degree of importance by attending it. We beg them to give us the hope of visiting us with the frequency that is possible. Their presence will strengthen our faith and stimulate those among us that could feel discouraged before any initial disappointments in their first mediumistic attempts.

In particular, ladies and gentlemen, let us not take the wrong path. Let us be clear about the precise nature of our endeavor and its objective. It would be a regrettable mistake by anyone who wanted to take part in our organization just in the hopes of finding here futile distractions and misaligned with the good moral preached by the good Spirits.

‘The essential aim of Spiritism’, said our honorable chief, ‘is the betterment of people. In Spiritism one can only look for what can help the moral and intellectual progress. Let us not forget that the belief in Spiritism is only beneficial to the person that may say: Today I am better than yesterday’.

Let us not forget that our planet is a purgatory where we atone in our current existence the faults carried out in previous ones. This demonstrates, ladies and gentlemen, that none of us may be considered perfect since we will reincarnate whilst there are faults to be atoned. Hence, our presence on Earth attests our imperfection.

Spiritism placed the landmarks of the route leading to God. Let us move on keeping our eyes on them. The line delineated by the good Spirits, geometricians of God, is sided by cliffs and thorns. Let us not fear the bruises. What are the ulcers compared to the eternal happiness that shall welcome the traveler at the end of the trip.

Such an objective, ladies and gentlemen, has been the object of my meditations for a long time. Looking back into my past and recognizing the thorn bush that hurt me, the obstacle that made me stumble, I could not but do what every person must do at least once in their life time: the balance of joyful moments and disappointments, the good moments of courage and those of discouragement. With a tranquil mind and a free soul, I said to myself: Human existence is just a dream, but a horrible dream that begins when the soul or incarnate spirit of the child is illuminated by the first sparks of intelligence to terminate at the moment of death. Death! This disgraceful word to so many people in reality is just the awakening from that bad dream, the compassionate benefactor that frees us from the unbearable nightmare that followed us every step of the way since birth.

I speak in general but not in absolute terms. The life of a righteous person has a different character. The great deeds, the great and useful things illuminate their dreams. For such a person the transition from life to death is not painful. Nothing that could compromise the future spiritual life is left behind, a future life that is the reward for the good deeds.

To the voluntary blind ones who had their eyes closed to good, who denied the existence of God, who refused to contemplate God’s divine works as well as the proofs and manifestations of His goodness, His justice and His power, to those I say that the awakening will be terrible, full of bitter regrets, particularly for having neglected the healthy advices of their Spiritist brothers. The moral suffer that they will endure will last until a true repentance takes place and God will have pity on them through the concession of a new incarnation.

Many people still see the works of the devil in the Spiritist communications. Their number, however, diminishes on a daily basis. Such a fortunate reduction is due to the curiosity of visiting Spiritist groups and reading The Spirits’ Book for among the curious there are people who become convinced particularly those who read the book.

Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, you will not make many followers by just bringing them to our sessions. I have a strong conviction that a person completely strange to Spiritism will not be convinced by what they may see in our activities. Such a person will, on the contrary, tend to laugh at the phenomena instead of taking them seriously.

As for myself, ladies and gentlemen, I believe I have done much more for Spiritism by leading someone to read The Spirits’ Book than taking that person to one of our sessions. When I am sure that the book was read and that it gave good results, something that cannot be different, then I am pleased to take that person to a Spiritist group. I am positive that at that moment the person will understand everything that is happening and the one who would possibly laugh will experience opposite feelings. I do not mean to say that the person will cry.

The best way to finish this is with a citation from The Spirits’ Book. This will convince the ones who do not believe in the truthful foundation of the Spiritist beliefs more than with my words.

‘Those who say that the Spiritist beliefs threaten to invade the world are for that very reason attesting its power for an idea that completely lacks logic will not become universal. If then Spiritism is established everywhere, if it recruits particularly in the enlightened echelons of society, as everybody acknowledges, the reason is its true foundation. The efforts of the detractors will be vain against such tendency. A proof of that is that the ridicule that they try to impinge on Spiritism

far from stopping it seems to give it a new breath. Such a result totally justifies what the Spirits have told us many times: - Do not worry about the opposition. Everything that will be done against you will revert in your favor and your greatest adversaries will unwillingly serve your cause. The will of humans will not prevail against God’s will.”


Letter from Mr. Dombre to a preacher

Having the Dominican Friar F… preached in Marmande in the last month of May he decided to throw some stones against Spiritism in one of his last sermons. Mr. Dombre would like to have the opportunity to discuss the subject in a broader way and that instead of having Friar F… attacking with banalities that he should touch matters of substance. Fearing that his name would not have the necessary prestige to convince the Friar he then sent him the letter below, signing with the pseudo name A Catholic.

Dear Mr. Preacher,

I follow closely your dogmatic instructions every evening. Given a deplorable fatality I arrived later than usual on Friday and learned after leaving the Church that you had started with a harsh attack against Spiritism. I feel happy for that in the name of every devout Catholic.

If I learned right, these are the points that were discussed:

  1. Spiritism is a new religion, from the XIX century;
  2. It is unquestionable that there are communications with the Spirits;
  3. In the well-established and attested communications with the Spirits you have demonstrated, after long and serious studies about Spiritism, that the Spirits who give communications are nothing else but the devil;
  4. Finally that it would be dangerous, from the point of view of salvation of the soul, to deal with Spiritism before the Church pronounces about it.
I do appreciate this fourth item but if one recognizes beforehand that it is the devil then the Church has nothing else to do.*

* Since the Church has not yet pronounced the issue of the devil, it is no more than a matter of personal o
pinion without legal support and that is so much so that not all priests share that opinion. We know many in that group. Until ampler information is available the doubt is allowed and one can already see that the doctrine of the devil has little influence over the masses. If the Church officially proclaimed it, one could fear the same result as that of the declaration of heresy and condemnation formerly applied to the movement of Earth, like in our days the anathemas against science with respect to the six periods of creation. We believe that it would be wiser and more prudent that the cleric did no rush into liquidating the matter by affirming something that provokes more smiles and disbelief than fear these days and in which – we can attest – many priests believe no more than us for the fact that it is illogical. By exposing the Church to a contradiction in the future having to confess the mistake will harm the moral authority of the Church that proclaims the infallibility of its teachings. It would be better to abstain. As a matter of fact regardless of what is said about Spiritism experience is here to demonstrate that its march is irresistible. It is an idea that spreads everywhere with a remarkable speed since it simultaneously satisfies reason and heart. In order to stop it one would have to oppose another doctrine that would giv octrine of the devil and the eternal penalties. Allan Kardec

There we have four important questions that I would like to see resolved at once, to confound pseudo Catholics and Spiritists who neither believes in the devil nor in the eternal penalties but who admit God and the immortality of the soul, as well as the materialists who believe in nothing.

With respect to the first question – Is Spiritism a religion? – The Spiritists respond: No, Spiritism is not a religion and does not wish to be. Spiritism is based on the existence of an invisible world, formed by incorporeal entities who populate the space and who are just the souls of those who have lived on Earth or on other planets. Those beings surround us incessantly and, regardless, exert a great influence upon us humans. They represent a very active role in the moral world and, to a certain extent, in the physical world too. Spiritism is part of nature and one can even say that to a certain order of things it is a force of nature like electricity and gravitation are from another point of view. Spiritism unveils the invisible world to us and that is not news since the history of all peoples shows that. Spiritism is founded on general principles, independent of any dogmatic issue. It has moral consequences, that are true with respect to Christianity, but it has no cult, temples or ministers. Anybody can transform his or her opinions in a religion but there is a great distance from that to the constitution of a new church. Hence, Spiritism is not a new religion. Here is what the Spiritists say, Mr. Preacher, about this issue:

“The false Catholic and materialists laugh at this question. The former, if among the fortunate ones of this world, laugh with a pale smile since the doctrine that incorporates the plurality of existences or reincarnations harm their pleasures and their pride. It is horrible to think about a return perhaps in inferior conditions! The Spiritists tell them: That is real justice, true equality. But such equality is not convenient to them. The materialists, strong Spirits formed by pseudo wise men, laugh out loud because they do not believe in the future. Their deaths are absolutely the same thing and they prefer that way.

With respect to the second question: Is there communication with the Spirits, the Spiritists and us, the devout Catholics, are in agreement. The false Catholics and the materialists bear the smile of disbelief.

The third question: It is only the devil that communicates, the Spiritists laugh in turn; the materialists also laugh, mocking the ones who believe in the communication and those who attribute them to the devil. The false Catholics go quiet seemingly saying: You deserve each other.

Regarding the fourth question: Is necessary to wait for the Church to pronounce, the Spiritists say: “It is certain that a day will come when the belief in Spiritism will be so much spread that the Church will be forced to follow the flow, unless it decides to remain isolated. Spiritism and Catholicism will then melt.” The materialist say to this question: Who cares! The false Catholic feels a sort of spite. As I said before, this one will not be able to accept such doctrine. It shocks their pride and selfishness. It rejects the possibility of such a fusion and says: It is impossible. Spiritism is a pure utopia that will not walk four steps in the world. **

Respectfully, etc.

A devout Catholic”

** There are true and false Catholics and materialists that use this language. It would be understandable to have it said some years ago. However in the last four or five years Spiritism has walked so many steps and it does so every day that it will soon achieve its objective. Given this unprecedented result of propagation, against which all the attacks and mockery are shattered and that grows in proportion to the violence of the attacks, it is really very naïve to say that Spiritism is just a fad. If that is the case why so much anger? Let it fade away by itself. We are the ones standing at the vanguard, watching it moving ahead, following along troubles and developments and foreseeing its conclusion. It is then our turn to laugh. AK

Mr. Dobre then sent the following letter to Bordeaux:

Friar F… sought to know who was the Spiritist and not the devout Catholic who had sent him that letter. His envoys came to me and said:

Friar F… would need seven or eight sermons to respond but he lacks the time. He then wanted to know who you were. Here is how I responded: I guarantee that the author of the letter will show himself in case he wants to respond.

It seems over here that the more people speak against Spiritism the more proselytes happen so that they preferred to remain quiet for Friar F… left without returning to the subject.

You will certainly say that it is somewhat dangerous to enter into such a debate. I know this place well: noise is needed.

The systematic or interested adversaries of Spiritism just want mutes and I want to make them deaf with the debate. There are always indifferent people or people interested in learning around the non-believers and those take advantage of the struggle to learn about Spiritism.

You may perhaps say: - But do you expect to leave such polemic debates honorably?

Oh God! When someone is a subscriber to the Spiritist Review and has read all the books of the doctrine; when completely in line with the argumentation and the teachings of the Spirits, we are like Minerva, fearlessly armed form head to toe.

OBSERVATION: They say: You believe in reincarnation but the plurality of existences is contrary to the dogmas that only admit one. That is why you are out of the Church.

We respond to that with what we have said hundreds of times:

- You formerly expelled from the Church, said anathema, excommunicated, and condemned as heretic those who believed in the movement of Earth.

They will then respond:

- That was in times of ignorance.

- Be it. But if the Church is infallible it should have been in the past as it is today and its infallibility cannot be subjected to the fluctuations of mundane science. Hasn’t the Church lately and in this century of lights condemned scientific recoveries with respect to the formation of the planet? What happened there? And what would happen if the Church persisted in expelling from its core all those who believed in these things? There would be no more Catholics or the Pope. Why then had the Church to give in? Because the movement of the planets and their formation are part of nature and because against the laws of nature there cannot be a sustained opinion.

As for the reincarnation it either does exist or it does not. There is no compromise. If it does exist it is because it is in the laws of nature. If a dogma says otherwise then we need to know if reason follows the dogma or nature that is the works of God.

Reincarnation then is not a matter of opinion, or a system like a political or social opinion that we can admit or reject. It is a fact or it is not. If it is a fact then regardless of how much it goes against people’s taste there is nothing that they can say that will change the fact.

We firmly believe that reincarnation, far from being contrary to the dogmas, provides a logical explanation to the successive lives that makes them acceptable to the majority of those who rejected them because they did not understand. The proof of that is the large number of people brought into religious beliefs through Spiritism.

Let us admit the incompatibility though if you wish to do so. We then present the following question: When the plurality of the existences is acknowledged – and that will not be long

– as a natural law; when everybody recognizes that law as the only one compatible with God’s justice and as the only one capable of explaining what was inexplicable, what are you going to do?

You will do what you did with the movement of Earth and the six days of creation and it will not be difficult to conciliate the dogma with the law.

Allan Kardec

Spiritism in a distribution of prizes

One of our colleagues from the Parisian Spiritist Society sent us the letter below that he addressed to the board of directors of a boarding school where one of his two daughters is enrolled:

Dear Madams,

With your permission I would like to send some thoughts about a speech given during the distribution of prizes in this boarding school. In my condition of a breadwinner and in particular as the father of one of your students I believe to have the right to give you my appreciation.

The author of the speech, a stranger to your organization, and according to what I was told a professor at C… College, allowed himself – and I do not know why – to mock the Spiritist Science and the mediums at length. I would understand that if he had given his opinion about the subject in any other circumstance but before the audience that he had and in the presence of youngsters who were trusted to your care, allow me to say that the subject was misplaced and badly chosen to achieve success.

Among other things the gentleman said that ‘people who show interest for experiences with tables and other Spiritist phenomena or of psychological nature are lighthearted, silly or stupid’.

I am myself, ladies, among those interested in the subject and I do not hide it. Besides, I am sure that I was not the only one in the event. I have no intent to be a wise man, like your speaker, hence in his point of view I might be stupid. The expression, however, is very rude when referring to people that are unknown and when generalizes ideas but my position and my character certainly shelter me from the epithet of lightheartedness. That gentleman seems to ignore that such stupidity today counts on millions of followers around the whole world and that the supposed “silly” people are found in the highest echelons of society without which he could have thought that his words could have reached more than one of his listeners. If through his inopportune jokes he demonstrated a lack of sensibility and elegance he also proved that he was talking about something that he ignores.

As for myself, ladies, I have been studying and observing these facts for four years and the result of my observations have convinced me as so many others that under certain circumstances our material world can enter into communication with the spiritual world. I have thousands of proofs about this from several places and from all countries that I have visited and know this that I also have them and many of them in my family with my wife who is a medium but not silly and with relatives and friends that like myself were seeking the truth.

Do not you think ladies that I just believed at first sight and without examination! As I said I studied and observed with criterion, coldly, in calmness and without any preconceived idea and only after mature thoughts I was fortunate enough to convince myself about the reality of these things. I say fortunate because, I must confess, the religious teaching that I had received had not been sufficient to clarify my reason and I had become a skeptical. Now, thanks to Spiritism and to the positive proofs presented by Spiritism, I am no longer skeptical since I was able to assure myself about the immortality of the soul and its consequences. If this is what that gentleman calls stupidity, he should at least abstain from saying so in the presence of your students who can sooner than you think be aware of the phenomena that has now been uncovered. For that the only thing they need is to enter real life. The new science advances in great and quick strides out there, I guarantee.

Hence one should not fear when they have the following thoughts: If we were led to make mistakes about these matters; if they wanted to hide the truth from us, couldn’t have them deceived us about other points also? When in doubt the most elemental prudence recommends abstention.

In any case that was not the time or the place to discuss such a subject. Ladies I found it to be my duty to communicate my impressions to you. I beg you to receive them with your customary kindness.


A.Gassier, Rue de la Chaussée, 38 – d’Antin

OBSERVATION: Spiritism spreads everywhere so that it is not rare to find at any given time and place a certain number of followers. Producing sickening jokes about an opinion that grows incessantly; utilizing rude expressions before an audience that is unknown is the same as to expose oneself to hurt respectable people and sometimes to face reproach. Do that in a gathering that for its very nature and more than any other requires strict observation of conveniences in which every word must carry a teaching is a big mistake. If one of those youngsters whose parents were interested in Spiritism told them: “you are lighthearted, silly and stupid” couldn’t she be justified by saying: That is what we were taught during the distribution of prizes?

Would that gentleman do the same thing against Protestants or Jewish calling them heretic or mad or against this or that political opinion? No because there are only few colleges where there aren’t students whose parents profess different political or religious opinions and he would fear to have them harmed. Well! He should know that today, particularly in France, there is the same amount of Spiritists as there are of Jewish and Protestants and that soon there will be as much a Catholics.

As a matter of fact, the result in that place as everywhere else will be the opposite as intended. There you have a large number of naturally curious young ladies many of who have never heard about such things and that will be willing to get to know it at the first opportunity. They will experiment with mediumship and some will unmistakably be successful; they will talk to their friends and so forth.

When forbidden to look into these things; when you are scared away with the idea of the devil that will be one more reason for them to do it in hiding since they will want to know what the devil is going to tell them. Do not they hear about the devil every day, the pink devil? That is the danger because without experience and a good, enlightened and experienced tutor they could find themselves under bad influences from which they would not know how to escape. Much more serious inconveniences may result from this since they would not dare say a word about it for being afraid of the prohibition and the punishments.

Would you prohibit them from writing? That is not always easy. The teachers of the boarding school know that well. But what are you going to do to the ones who become clairvoyant or hearing mediums? Could you cover their ears and have them blindfolded? That is, Mr. Speaker, what your unwise speech may produce, a speech that may have made you very happy.

The result is absolutely the opposite on those children raised by parents who support those ideas. To begin with they have nothing to hide and that protects them against the dangers of inexperience. It then gives them a reasoned compassion that fortifies later on. They become kinder, more submissive, more respecting. The certainty about the presence of the dead around them and with whom they communicate and receive wise advices operate in them as a powerful brake for the healthy fear that is inspired.

When the generations are educated in the Spiritist beliefs there will be another youth, more conscientious and less tempestuous. This can already be assessed in the effect produced in the youngsters who are already following these ideas.


Considering the mockery that has been shattered against the armor of Spiritism and that it serves better to its propagation than to its discredit, the adversaries rehearse of another ploy is not going to give better results and will eventually create new proselytes. Such a ploy is persecution. We say that it will help more for a very simple reason. The fact is that the importance of Spiritism grows in proportion to the importance that it is given. Besides, the more a cause is beaten the more we feel attached to it. The readers will undoubtedly remember the beautiful communications given about the martyrs of Spiritism published in The Spiritist Review of April last. The Spirits announced such a phase long ago. They said:

“When they see the uselessness of ridicule they will try persecution. There will no longer be bloody martyrdoms but many will suffer in their interests and affections. They will try to separate families, reduce the number of followers by persecute them. This is a situation that will be worse than death. However, they will still find some unmovable and devout souls who will know how to face the miseries of the world in hopes of a better future that waits for them. Remember those words from the Divine Savior: Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. Rest assured, however, that the time of persecution is close but it will be short and your enemies will only harvest shame out of that because the weapons that they utilize against you will turn against them.”

The predicted time has begun. We see in several places regrettable things done by the ministers of a God of charity and peace. We shall not speak of the violence against consciences by expelling from the Church those who are taken there by Spiritism. Since this has led to more or less negative results they sought other more efficient practices.

We could mention places where people were threatened to lose their jobs; others where the followers were marked by public scorn, persecuted by gangs of youngster; others still were kids were spelled from schools for the reason that their parents sympathized with Spiritism; another one where a poor professor was fired and left in misery because he had a copy of The Spirits’ Book at home.

We received from this latter one a touching prayer in a poem, full of noble feelings and the most sincere resignation. We must add that a benefactor Spiritist reached out to him and that he was victim of an infamous treachery from the part of a man who he had confided and who seemed to be interested in the book.

During the last Lent and in a small town where Spiritism counts on a good number of followers a missionary said from the pulpit: “I trust that there are only good faithful people in the audience without any Jews, Protestants or Spiritists.” It looks that he was not very much confident in the power of conversion of his words.

In a community near Bordeaux people wanted to forbid five or more Spiritists to get together saying that it was forbidden by the law. A superior authority, however, drove the local authority to behave according to the actual law. The result of that little annoyance is that today three quarters of that community are Spiritists.

Spiritists of several towns wanted to gather in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne and were accused of conspiring against the government. Such ridicule accusation was soon dropped as it should and provoked laughter.

As a compensation to all that we were told that a magistrate said: “I wish that by the will of God everybody were Spiritist”. He has thus announced a great and profound truth for one can already observe the moralizing influence that Spiritism exerts upon the masses. Isn’t that a wonderful result to see people renouncing to alcoholism, mockery, all sorts of degrading excesses, and suicide? Violent men become well-behaved, kind and peaceful and good family members! People who used to say blasphemies against God now praying with their hearts and approaching altars? These are the people that you are expelling from the Church!

Ah! If there still are many days of atonement on Earth may God allow the existence of many Spiritists because these have learned to forgive their offenders and consider reaching out to them instead of stepping on them to their first duty as Christians!

A bookseller from Charente sent us the following:

I was not afraid of openly declaring my Spiritist opinions. I put the petty worldly things aside without worrying if that would harm my business. I was, however, far from expecting what did happen to me. If all that was reserved by evilness were jokes that would not be anything. Ah! Thanks to those who hardly understand religion I became the ugly sheep of the flock, the plague of the district. I am pointed at as the precursor of anti-Christ. They threw everything at me, including calumny, to take me down, to scare my customers away in a word and to ruin me. The Spirits speak of persecutions, of martyrs of Spiritism. I am not proud of that but I am certainly among them. It is true that my family also suffers with that but I am fortunate to have a wife who also shares my Spiritist convictions. My children will soon be at an age that will allow them to understand such a beautiful doctrine. I intend to enlighten them with our belief. May God allow me to do so – regardless of what people do otherwise – and have them instructed and prepared to fight, if necessary! The events reported in the May issue of your The Spiritist Review has a shocking analogy with what has happened to me. Like the author of the letter I was disgracefully expelled from the confessionary. Before that the vicar wanted me to renounce to my Spiritist ideas. The result of his imprudence is that he will never see me again in the religious ceremonies. If what I am doing is wrong he is the one to blame.”

The following passages were extracted from a letter sent to us from the Vosges region. Although authorized to name the author and the place we will not understandably do so but the letter is in our hands and will use it whenever necessary. The fact is identical to all others mentioned above and according to its greater or lesser importance they will later belong to the history of the establishment of Spiritism.

I am not very savvy in literature to treat the subject accordingly. Nevertheless I will try to make myself understood as long as you forgive the imperfection of my style and my writing for I have been eager to write you for months since my son sent me the books containing the Spiritist Doctrine and the one about the mediums.

I was returning from the fields when I saw the books brought by the mailman. I was quick with the dinner and immediately started reading them under the candle light by the bed thinking that I would read until I felt sleepy but I read all night long and so keenly that I never felt like sleeping.”

He then describes the reasons that had led him to the absolute religious disbelief here omitted for a matter of respect.

“..All these considerations populated my mind daily; I was taken by a feeling of displeasure; I was led to a state of harsh skepticism; in that solitude, boredom and despair I had decided to end my misery through suicide. Ah! Sir, I do not know if anyone will ever make an idea of the effect that The Spirits’ Book had on me. The trust was reborn; the love of God took my heart over and I felt embedded in a kind of divine balsam. In my whole life I sought the truth and God’s justice to only find abuse and lies, and now in my advanced age I am fortunate enough to find that so much desired truth. What a change in my situation! From sadness to kindness. I am now continuously in the presence of God and his blessed Spirits, my Creator and the loyal protector Spirits.

I believe that the most beautiful poetic expressions are insufficient to describe such a pleasant situation. When allowed by my weak chest I sing hymns and songs that might please them. Finally I am happy because of Spiritism. I sent I letter to my son, the one who sent me the books, telling him that the books made me happier than if he had sent me the greatest fortune.”

Below follows a detailed report of tests of mediumship with the results carried out by followers in a village. Several mediums appeared among them and one seems to be remarkable. They evoked parents and friends who gave incontestable proofs of identity and also superior Spirits who gave them excellent advice.

All these communications were taken to the Cure and manipulated by gossipers. On May 18th, one of these mediums hurled thousands of insults against the house of C… (one of the main followers) and against myself during a ceremony of first communion while teaching catechism.

He then said to a child of C…: I do not want you here but in two years you shall be strong enough and my advice is that you leave your parents who are not capable of giving you good examples. What a beautiful catechism! In the same afternoon he took the word to the pulpit and repeated the same sermon given to the students earlier by saying that we could not identify hell and that we were not afraid of being involved with robbery to become richer at the expenses of others; that we were given to superstitions from the Middle Ages and a thousand more inventions.

By the way I wrote a letter to the Imperial Commissioner of M… but before sending it I wanted to consult with the spirit of St. Vincent of Paul in the first meeting. That good spirit had the medium writing the following: Remember these words said by Jesus Christ: Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. After that I burnt the letter.

The noise about this doctrine spreads around all neighboring villages. Many have requested books that I do not have. All of those who understand the texts a little want to know it better and pass the books from hand to hand.

After I read The Spirits’ Book and The Mediums’ Book I wanted to know if I was a medium. Since nothing happened in the first eight days I communicated the lack of success to my son. He lived near a magnetizer who proposed to send me a magnetize letter with which I would be able to evoke my wife. The poor magnetizer could not imagine that he was supplying me with a whip to have him beaten. After that I became a hearing medium. I had myself prepared to write again and I was then told: “People are trying to deceive your son”. I heard that for three days, finding myself distracted from what I was doing. I wrote a letter to my son about the event warning him about a certain man. He then wrote back criticizing me for the doubts I had about that man who had his full trust. A few days later he sent me another letter in a different tone saying that he had sent the miserable invader away and that he abused his apparent honesty to deceive his victims. He showed him my letter who had painted them so well even a hundred leagues away.”

Observation: This letter needs no comments. We can see that the sermon of Mr. Cure has produced an effect on the villagers, like it has elsewhere. If in that case it was the devil who took the name of St. Vincent de Paul that Mr. Cure must be thankful to him. Aren’t we right by saying that the adversaries themselves do the propaganda and unwillingly serve our cause? We must say, however, that facts like these are rather exceptions. At least that is how we prefer to think. We know many honest priests who reject such actions and consider them unwise and politically wrong.

If we are told so many deplorable things we also learn about many other events of truly ethical character. A vicar was telling one of his penitents who asked about Spiritism: Nothing happens without God’s permission. Hence, these things only take place for His will.

A dying person sent for a priest and told him: Father, I have been away from the Church for fifty years and I had forgotten God. I was brought back to Him by Spiritism and that is why I called you. Will you give your pardon? My child, said the priest, God’s designs are impenetrable. Say grace for having received this lifeline. Die in peace.

We could mention a hundred other similar cases.

Reconciliation through Spiritism

Spiritism has demonstrated many times its beneficial influence by reestablishing the harmony among families and individuals. We have many examples in private cases that were entrusted to us and cannot be revealed. Such a case, however, does not apply to the story below.

A merchant marine captain from Le Havre, one of our personal acquaintance, is a devout Spiritist and a good medium. He had a large number of men under his command initiated in matters of Spiritism and was really pleased with their order, discipline and good behavior. His eighteen-year- old brother and a nineteen-year-old pilot were aboard, both mediums of strong faith who happily received the wise advices given by the good Spirits. One evening though they had a falling out that started with words and ended with a fist fight. Next thing they did was to propose a time and place to fight again early in the morning or the day after. At night both felt like writing and each one received from their spiritual guides a serious reproach about the uselessness of their discussion and advice about the beauty of their friendship with an invitation to reconcile their differences. Moved by the same feeling, both youngsters left their places and embraced one another in tears. Not a single cloud stained their mutual understanding since that occasion. The captain himself reported that to us. We saw their notebooks of Spiritist communications as well as the ones belonging to the young men where anyone has access to read.

The event below happened to the same captain in one of his sea crossings. It is a pleasure to transcribe it below.

It was high sea with great weather when he received the following communication: “Take every precaution because tomorrow at 2am there will be a thunderstorm and your ship is in great danger.”

Since there was no indication of bad weather the captain soon thought it was a premonition. In any case and to avoid any reason for complaint he took some measures. He had no reason to regret his actions because a violent storm took place at the very time that was predicated. For three days the ship faced the greatest dangers that it had ever endured. Thanks, however, to the previously taken precautions it was over without incident.

The event that happened brings forward the following thoughts:

As one of the outcomes of a well-understood Spiritism – we insist on the expression well- understood – is the development of a charitable feeling. However, as it is well known, charity itself is a very elastic concept that ranges from simple alms to loving the enemies, which is the sublimation of charity. One can say that charity summarizes all noble impulses with respect to the neighbor. A true Spiritist, like a true Christian, may have enemies. Wasn’t that the case with Jesus? But a true Spiritist is not anybody’s enemy for he or she is always prepared to forgive and to pay back evil with good.

If two true Spiritists had reasons for animosity in the past their reconciliation will be easy because the offended forgets the offenses and the offender acknowledges his action. From then on there will no longer be any dispute between them because they will be reciprocally indulgent and will make concessions both ways. None will try to impose a humiliating forgiveness on the other, a forgiveness that causes more harm than peace.

If two individuals live in perfect harmony under those conditions then the same may happen to a large number of individuals who will then be as happy as it is possible on Earth since most of our tribulations are caused by the contact with evil. Now suppose a whole nation guided by such principles. Wouldn’t that nation be the happiest in the world?

Some will say that what is possible to some individuals is impossible to the masses unless there is a miracle. Well, Spiritism has already made such miracles many times in a small scale with broken families in which peace was reestablished. The future will demonstrate that the same can be done at a large scale.

Answer to the Spiritists of Lyon and Bordeaux (to Mr. Sabô)

My dear brothers and Spiritist friends of Lyon,

I wish to promptly tell you how much I am touched by the testimonies of sympathy that you have just given me with the kind and welcome invitation to visit you this year also. I happily accept that because it is always a pleasure for me to be among you.

Friends, it is a great joy to see the family grow so markedly. It is a very positive message in the face of the silly and dishonorable attacks against Spiritism. It seems that popularity only increases their rage for I have received today a letter from Lyon announcing an article in the La France Littéraire, a newspaper of that city, with aggressions towards Spiritism in general and my books in particular, in a very unpleasant way, when I am then asked if I should respond through the press or take this issue to court. I say that the answer must be the use of indifference.

If Spiritism were not advancing, if my books were unpopular then nobody would worry about it and nothing would be said. It is our success that bothers the enemies. Let them spill their powerless rage that only shows how close they are to their own defeat. They are not so stupid to the point of attacking an aborted idea. The fiercest their attacks the least they should be feared because they are ignored by righteous people, only demonstrating that they have nothing serious to oppose but their rage.

Go on then my friends with the great work of regeneration that has been initiated under such fortunate auspices and you will soon harvest the fruits of perseverance. You must demonstrate and particularly through the practice of good your union and that Spiritism is the Divine gift of peace and concord to humanity and make sure that people will see you and say that they wish everybody were Spiritist.

My friends I am happy to see so many groups united by a common feeling, marching together towards the noble objective that was proposed. Since that objective is the same to all there could not be any division. You must be guided by one and the same flag that reads: Without charity there is no salvation. Rest assured that the whole humanity will feel the need to gather around charity when tired of the fights engineered by pride, envy and greed. This maxim, true lifeline of salvation, where fatigue rests, will have the glory of having been proclaimed first by Spiritism. Have it written in all meeting places and at home. May it be from now on the word of union among all human beings who sincerely want the best to all, without hidden intentions! But you can do even better: have it inscribed in your hearts and since that day you will already enjoy the calmness and serenity that will be experienced by future generations when it becomes the foundation of all social relationships. You are the pioneers. You must set the example so that the others feel encouraged to follow you. Do not forget that the tactics of the incarnate and disincarnate enemies is your division. Give them assurance that it is a waste of time to try to cast any feeling of envy or rivalry upon you,

the apostasy of the true Spiritist-Christian Doctrine.

The 500 signatures that subscribe the invitation that you have kindly sent me is a manifestation against such an attempt and there are many others that will be a pleasure to see there. It is more than a simple formula to me. It is a commitment to walk on the path delineated by the good Spirits. I will keep them as a jewel because they will one day be part of the archives of Spiritism.

One more additional words, my friends. I have a request for my visit with you: there should not be any banquet for a number of reasons. I do not want to see my visit costing you and preventing me from the pleasure of having some of you around and everyone united. Times are hard. We must not incur useless expenses. I tell with all my heart that what you would do for me in such a circumstance could be the reason for deprivation of many and that would spoil the pleasure of our gathering.

I am not going to Lyon for any exhibition or to receive any tribute but to be with you, to carry consolation to those in need, to encourage the weak and help you with my advices as much as possible. What you can offer me that would give me the most pleasure is to be able to witness the spectacle of your good, frank and solid union. Believe me that the kind words in your invitation carry more value than any feast in the world, even if offered in a palace. What would have I left out of a banquet? Nothing whereas your invitation remains as a precious memory of your caring love.

So long, my friends.

God willing I will have the pleasure of warmly shaking your hands.


To Mr. Sabô, from Bordeaux

I feel touched by the wishes from the Spiritists of Bordeaux to have me visiting you still this year. Unless there is an unforeseen obstacle I have the intention of paying you a short visit at least to thank you for the warm welcome of last year. However I would like to make it clear to you that I would not like to attend any banquet. I am not going to visit you to receive applauds but to give instructions to those who feel the need and with whom I will be honored to meet. Some wanted to give the name of pastoral visit to my trip. I do not want it to have any other meaning. Believe me when I say that I feel more honored with a simple, frank and cordial welcome than with a pompous ceremony, which is not in agreement with my character, habits, and principles.

If they were not united the union would not be produced by a banquet. On the contrary, if it does exist, it can be manifested in a different way other than a party where there would be opportunity for self-love. That situation would not touch a true Spiritist where these type of expenses could be redirected to mitigate sufferings.

If you want you can join forces and count on me with my two cents. But instead of eating the money may it serve to alleviate those who lack the necessary. It will then be a party of the hearts and not of stomachs. It is better to be blessed by the unfortunate ones than the cooks.

The sincerity of the union is translated by actions and even more by quiet actions rather than flamboyant demonstrations. I wish I could see peace and agreement ruling the great family. May each one leave their susceptibilities and rivalries aside, puerile children of pride! May all have the sole objective of the propagations and the triumph of the doctrine and may everyone endeavor to achieve that with perseverance and selflessness, without any personal interest or vanity. That is what is going to be a true party to me; that is what will have me rejoicing of pleasure and will allow me to keep the kindest and most remarkable memory of my second visit to Bordeaux.

Please convey my intentions to our Spiritist brothers, etc.


We thought to be our duty to publish the answers above so that people will make no mistake with respect to our intentions during our visits with Spiritist Centers. We take the opportunity to thank those of other towns who also send similar invitations. We regret the fact that time is short for us to go everywhere. We will do that in due course.

In time we have just received the kindest and most considerate invitation in the name of the members of the Spiritists of the Society of Vienna – Austria. We truly regret the absolute impossibility of attending it this year.


Spiritist poetry

Pilgrimage of the soul

A little drop, the minimal part,
As blood circulates from the heart,
Our life stems out of Divinity,
Flowing in space for eternity.

Earth is a place of test and suffering;
It shelters our pains, our crying;
It is our hell, our place of freedom,
Where our past returns in right proportion.

Thus, each of us leaving behind this globe
Elevates more or less to reach another orb.
Depending on the impurity that contains
The creature evolves or here in chains remains.

Fact is that nobody is chosen
Before atoning the bad deeds,
If bitter remorse, prayer, and pain
Have not exalted goodness above the weeds.

Like a wandering spirit, still stained and filthy,*
A new body incorporates to feel the pain,
Reborn to virtue in a human family,
To improve, refine and die once again.

* This fifth stanza is missing in the original for the month of September, later corrected by Allan Kardec in November of the same year.

It is out of devotion that chosen souls
Incarnate among us, by the Almighty’s will,
Servants of a good Father, preaching us
The law of love, and our bodies heal.

Once the sacred mission is over
God soon assigns them with a task of
Heavenly grade from where the higher
Souls sing in the infinite choir of love.

Thus, when our trials one day end
And through love we reach sacred regions,
Triumphantly our hearts will lend
More righteousness to the noble legions.

There, oh happiness, the grace
Of God reunites us with our loved ones;
In a holy encounter we embrace
One another, blessed sons.

Through sublime and beauty our transformation;
We are then transferred to the sacred city
Where there is true appreciation
For the conquered treasure: we are happy!

From the graded worlds, following the immense scale,
Through many lives we grow; no more devils,
We arrive where our beginning is pale,
Pure love, brilliant angels.

We will then pioneer a new race
As the guardian souls of the future;
God’s will shall be our base,
Faithful keepers of a forming nature.

God’s power is so present and real
In the lengthy path of humanity.
Let us then worship and kneel
Singing hosanna throughout eternity.

B. Joly, herbalist from Lyon

OBSERVATION: The strict critics may have severe restrictions to these verses. We leave that task to them and only consider the idea whose accuracy from the Spiritist point of view is undeniable. It is really about the soul and its peregrinations through the purifying work to finally achieve endless happiness. There is, however, a very orthodox point that we could not accept. It is expressed in the sentence: Flowing in space for eternity. If by that the author understands that the soul rises indefinitely it results that perfect happiness is never achieved. Reason tells us that if the soul is a finite being its ascension towards the absolute good must have a term; that arriving at a certain level the soul will not remain in eternal contemplation, as a matter of fact very little attractive, completely useless; on the contrary, that the soul will have endless and blessed activities as an auxiliary power to Divinity.

The guardian angel - African Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Ms. O…

Poor humans in suffering on Earth,
Rest reassured; cry out loud
No more. The torment around roars but you feel the girth
Of the guides protecting you in their shrouds.
The Father, the Almighty,
Gave us all a brother, an angel
With a kind voice, a true sanctuary
Of happiness in their mantle.
After this life; we want you happy,
We want you in heavens In the plains of charity.
Ah! If you could see our smiles
When your first steps we detect;
If you could see our sorrow
When behind you are left!
All we want is to teach
The secret of good
So that angel you may reach
Joining the guardians’ brotherhood.
Yes, after enduring penalties and trials
And been duly purified
The Lord sends you back to Earth
On a mission of progress; you are assigned!
Embracing the little ones like a dove,
In a kind and subtle way,
Pure like the maternal love,
You then guide with a stern sway
To the hopes of a heavenly stay.


OBSERVATION: These verses and others of a certain extension and not less remarkable with the title The Child and the Atheist, to appear in our next issue, were published in the Echo de Sétif, Algeria, on July 31st 1862, preceded by the following note:

One of our subscribers sent us the two following poems received by a medium from Constantin in the initial days of this month. Although we do not find them immune to criticism from a technical point of view, we published them because they explain, at least partially, the Spiritist Doctrine that tends to spread all over the globe.”

This medium seems to have the gift of poetry. He has already received a large number of verses written with an incredible agility, without doodling and not knowing the rules of metric. We met a member of the Constantin Society who witnessed the writing.

Spiritist dissertations

Cosmological studies Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mr. Flammarion

The three communications below are in a certain way the initiation of a young medium. One can see what they promise for the future. They are the introduction of a series of studies dictated by the spirit who proposes to develop them under the title “Cosmological studies”. We leave it up to the reader the appreciation of the form and substance of the text.


It has been announced for some time here, elsewhere, and by several Spirits that you would receive revelations about the system of the globes. I have been tasked to contribute to such a prediction in the order of my own destiny. Before starting what could be called cosmological studies it is important to make the first principle very clear so that the edifice may last long and rest on a solid foundation.

That first principle, the first cause is the great and sovereign power that gave life to the worlds and creatures; the preface to any serious meditation is God. Everything bows before such a venerable name and the ethereal harp of heavens vibrates its golden strings.

Oh! Children of Earth, you who have mumbled that great name for such a long time without understanding it, how many adventurous theories were written since the beginning of times of the human philosophy! How many wrong interpretations of the universal consciousness came to be through crazy beliefs of ancient peoples! And today in the very splendor of the Christian era what is the idea that people have of the first of all beings, of the one who is by excellence?

Haven’t we seen the proud pantheism arrogantly rising to the one considered to be the whole, from where everything has come out and to where everything must return and confound as one, without distinction or individuality?

Haven’t we seen crude atheism shamefully propagating skepticism and corrupting intellectual progress, despite what has been said by their sophist defenders?

We could mention the endless mistakes made with respect to the primary and eternal principle and these thoughts are sufficient to demonstrate that the human mind will always be wrong on trying to explain this unsolvable problem even to many discarnate minds.

What you must do, or better saying, what we all must do is to humbly bow before the Great Being. All we have to say, children, is that it is up to us to rise up to the idea of an Infinite Being and that must be enough to prevent anybody from the proud pretension of staring directly at the Sun light without becoming immediately blind by the dazzling splendor of God in His eternal glory.

Pay special attention to this for it is the prelude of our studies: believe in God, Creator and Organizer of the cosmos; love God, Creator and Protector of souls and we can then humbly enter together and respect the sanctuary where He has disseminated the gifts of His infinite power.



Having established the first point in our thesis the second question to be addressed is the power conventionally called nature. After the word that summarizes everything comes the other that represents everything. However, what is nature?

Let us hear first the definition of the modern naturalist. He says nature is the exterior throne of the divine power. I will add the definition that encompasses the idea of all observers: nature is the effective power of God.

Notice two explanations for the same word and that through a remarkable subtleness of language represents two apparently different things. In fact nature in the first definition represents the effect whose cause is expressed in the second one.

A sight of the endless horizon; of exuberant trees showing the rising sap of life; of the fields covered in beautiful perfumed flowers, crowned by the sun; that is what is called nature. The power that controls the spheres in space and gets a single grain to germinate is still nature.

May all this be a source of profound reflections to you; that if we utilize the same word to represent cause and effect it is because in reality they are the one and the same thing! The globe attracts the globe in space following laws that are inherent to the constitution of the universe and the force of attraction is identical to the very force exerted by itself. That is cause and effect.

The solar ray reaches the flower that feeds the bee. Here still the ray is the effect and the cause. Wherever you set your eyes on Earth there you will find such a duality in nature.

We must conclude that if nature is, as defined, the effective power of God, it is at the same time the throne of that very power; it is simultaneously active and passive, effect and cause, material and immaterial force; it is the creative law, is the law that governs, the law that embellishes; it is the creature and the image; it is the manifestation of the creative power, infinitely beautiful, infinitely admirable, infinitely worthy of the very power that it represents.



The theme of our third study is going to be space. Many definitions have been given to space but this is the main one: the separation between two bodies. From that some sophists have then concluded that if there aren’t bodies there is no space. That is the foundation of thinking of some theologians who established that the space is then finite since the number of bodies is finite there could not be an infinite space between them. The space has also been defined as the place navigated by the globes, the emptiness where the matter acts, etc. Let us leave all these definitions in the treaties where they belong and defining nothing.

Space is one of those words that represent a primitive and axiomatic idea, evident by itself and that several other definitions do no more than obscure its meaning. We all know what space is and I only wish to reestablish its infinity so that future works do not find obstacles to the investigation of our point of view.

Now I say that space is infinite because it is impossible to provide any boundary and because, despite the difficulty of the idea of infinite, it is easier for us to travel eternally in our thoughts than to stop at a point beyond which there would not be anything.

In order to try to imagine limitless space in our minds, let us suppose that we travel from Earth, lost amidst infinity, towards any given point in the universe at the speed of an electrical spark that travels thousands of leagues in a split second. After having just left this planet and travelled millions of leagues, we would have reached a point from where Earth would look like a pale star. An instant later and following in the same direction we get to faraway stars that we can hardly see form Earth. Even your Sun will be invisible from there, hidden by the huge distances that separate us. Still at the same lightning speed we pass by systems of planets as we advance in space, islands of ethereal lights, galaxies, sumptuous sceneries where God has spread globes with the same profusion as plants were sown on Earth’s soil.

Well, we have been travelling for a few minutes only and we are already millions and millions of leagues away from Earth; we have already seen millions and millions of globes and still, listen to this: in reality we have not walked a single step in the universe. If we continue for years, centuries, thousands of centuries, millions of secular periods and endlessly at the same speed of light, we would not have advanced much! And that applies to any direction of our choice, starting from this single and invisible particle called Earth.

That is what space is.


Vacation of the Spiritist Society of Paris

Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, August 1st 1862, Medium Mr. Vézy

You are now going to spread out for some time but the good Spirits will always be with those who ask for their help and support. If each and every one of you leave the master’s room that is not for leisure only but still to serve the great human cause wherever you are and under which flag you found shelter. You know well that there is not a right time for the study to a sincere Spiritist. Your whole life is not more than an hour and that is still short for the work to be done: the intellectual development of the human race! The branches do not separate from the trunk just because of their growth. On the contrary, they give rise to new impulses that further unite and tie them together.

Take this opportunity of vacation that will separate you to become stronger in your faith following the example of the apostles of Jesus. Leave this place of worship strong and courageous. May your faith agglutinate around you thousands of believers who will bless the light shining around you.

Courage! Courage! On the day of gathering when the golden flag of Spiritism call you to the struggle, unfolding upon your heads, may each one have followers around you and the good Spirits will call your number and take it to God!

Be awake, Spiritists, at the time of your resting. Watch and pray! I have already told you and other voices will repeat: The clock of the centuries is ticking and there is a vibration felt. It calls for those who are in darkness and unhappy will be the ones who do not wish to listen!

Oh Spiritists! Go, wake up the sleepy ones and tell them that they shall be surprised by the sea waves with their terrible roars. Tell them to pick up a well-lit and solid base for the stars are shooting in space and the whole nature moves, trembles and agitate! But there is light after darkness and those who did not listen and did not want to see will migrate to inferior worlds when the time comes so that they can atone and wait for a long, very long time for the new rising stars who will enlighten them.

Time will seem like an eternity to them for they shall not accomplish their tasks until the day when they begin to believe and understand.

Spiritists, I shall no longer call you children but valiant and courageous people! Soldiers of the new faith, fight bravely. Have charity as your weapon and your body covered with the armor of love. Go on! Be alert! Have lies and mistakes behind and reach out to whoever asks: Where is light?

Tell them that those who are guided by the lights of Spiritism are not weak; that they are not dazzled by mirages and do not accept rules that are not dictated by a cold and sound reason; that their task is charity and that they support their brothers in the name of a universal charity and not to reach a paradise that they know can only be achieved after the required atonement! May they get to know God and understand, before anything else, that God is immutable in His justice and hence He cannot forgive a life plentiful of errors over a split second of repentance as He cannot punish one hour of sacrilege with an eternal suffering!

Yes, Spiritists, you may count the years of mistakes by the number of the stars but know this that the golden years will come for those who have learned to count them!

Go, then, workers and soldiers, and that each and every one brings back the brick or the stone that will help in the construction of the edifice. Truly I tell you that this time there will be no confusion when erecting the crowning tower to God. On the contrary, God will reach out to you on your way, sheltering you from the storms.

This is the second hour of the day. These are the servers that come again from the part of the Master looking for workers. If you are available come and do not wait for the last hour!

St. Augustine

To the Spiritist Centers to be visited

The large number of centers that we intend to visit together, given the distances to be covered, does not allow us to dedicate the amount of time we would like. We believe we should take advantage of the opportunity and utilize the time for instruction. Given that it is our objective to respond as much as possible to questions that require clarification. We learned that when we propose this during the meetings people generally do not know what to ask or go quiet for being shy or have difficulties to collect their thoughts. In order to avoid such a double inconvenience we ask you to previously prepare the questions in writing and send that to me before the meeting. We can then methodically classify them, eliminate repetitions and respond everyone in a more satisfactory way, at the same time providing refutation to objections to Spiritism.

To Mr. E.K.

I am completely unaware of the inscription mentioned in your letter dated August 2nd and sent from Guingamp. In short, I have never been to Brittany. In addition, I have never heard about this Manè, Thécel, and Pares of another gender as you call him. If he was able to produce in you a positive impression you must thank the unknown author. In any case, it will be a pleasure to welcome you when visiting Paris but I will only be back in the beginning of October. It will be a pleasure to give you all the explanations you wish in person.

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