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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > January > Questions and Issues Proposed to Several Spiritist Groups
Questions and Issues Proposed to Several Spiritist Groups
1st – Formation of the EarthThere are two methodologies about the origin and formation of Earth. The most common opinion, generally adopted by science, is that Earth is the product of the gradual condensation of cosmic matter in a specific region of space. The same happens to other planets. According to the other methodology, more recently preconized according to the revelation of one spirit, Earth was formed by the incrustation of four satellites of a former planet that disappeared. Such a junction would have been the result of the will of the souls of those planets. A fifth satellite, the Moon, would have refused such association, given its free will. The voids that were formed due to the absence of the Moon would have created cavities that were filled up by the oceans. Each of those planets would have brought their typical beings in a cataleptic state: humans, animals and plants. After the joining and an equilibrium was reached, those creatures left their lethargic state and populated the globe. That would have been the origin of the primitive races on the planet: the black race in Africa, the yellow in Asia, the red in the Americas and the white in Europe.
Which of these two methodologies may be considered as an expression of truth? We request a thoughtful and explicit solution to this issue as to the others.
NOTE: This and other related questions are naturally marginal from a moral point of view that is the essential objective of Spiritism. Therefore there is no reason to take them as object of continual concern. As a matter of fact we are aware that the Spirits do not know everything about the origin of things and that they only say what they know or believe to know. However, since the divergence of systems could lead some people to see rupture in the unity of Spiritism, particularly because those systems were formulated by the Spirits, it is convenient to compare the pros and cons in the interest of Spiritism itself, supporting the judgment of worth of certain communications on the agreement of the majority.
Which of these two methodologies may be considered as an expression of truth? We request a thoughtful and explicit solution to this issue as to the others.
NOTE: This and other related questions are naturally marginal from a moral point of view that is the essential objective of Spiritism. Therefore there is no reason to take them as object of continual concern. As a matter of fact we are aware that the Spirits do not know everything about the origin of things and that they only say what they know or believe to know. However, since the divergence of systems could lead some people to see rupture in the unity of Spiritism, particularly because those systems were formulated by the Spirits, it is convenient to compare the pros and cons in the interest of Spiritism itself, supporting the judgment of worth of certain communications on the agreement of the majority.
2nd – The Soul of Earth
The proposition below was taken from a brochure under the title Summary of the Harmonic Religion.
“God created man, woman and all the best and most beautiful creatures. The souls of the globes, however, were given the power of creation of inferior creatures to complete the works through the combination of their own prolific fluid known in our planet by the name of aurora boreal and through the combination of this fluid with that of the other globes. Now, the soul of the terrestrial globe, like human souls, enjoys the free will, that is the freedom of choice between the good and the bad path, having chosen the latter. Hence the bad and imperfect creations such as the ferocious and venous animals and the plants that produce poisons. But humanity will make those nasty creatures disappear when in agreement with the soul of Earth, then walking together the good path, managing the planet in a more intelligent way, rendering the creation of a more perfect population.”
Is there any truth in such a proposition? How can one understand the soul of Earth?
“God created man, woman and all the best and most beautiful creatures. The souls of the globes, however, were given the power of creation of inferior creatures to complete the works through the combination of their own prolific fluid known in our planet by the name of aurora boreal and through the combination of this fluid with that of the other globes. Now, the soul of the terrestrial globe, like human souls, enjoys the free will, that is the freedom of choice between the good and the bad path, having chosen the latter. Hence the bad and imperfect creations such as the ferocious and venous animals and the plants that produce poisons. But humanity will make those nasty creatures disappear when in agreement with the soul of Earth, then walking together the good path, managing the planet in a more intelligent way, rendering the creation of a more perfect population.”
Is there any truth in such a proposition? How can one understand the soul of Earth?
3rd – Seat of the human soul
The following passage was extracted from the same book as above under the title “The Key of Life”, page 751:
“The soul has a luminous divine nature. It has the shape of the human being that it animates. It resides at the median cerebral region that connects the two lobes of the brain on its basis. In the harmonious man and in unity the soul, a radiant diamond, is ornamented by a white and luminous crown. It is the crown of harmony.”
What is true about that proposition?
“The soul has a luminous divine nature. It has the shape of the human being that it animates. It resides at the median cerebral region that connects the two lobes of the brain on its basis. In the harmonious man and in unity the soul, a radiant diamond, is ornamented by a white and luminous crown. It is the crown of harmony.”
What is true about that proposition?
4th – Seat of the souls
In the same book:
“The Spirits are obliged to reincarnate to achieve progress, while inhabiting the planets. As long as they achieve solar regions they no longer need the reincarnation, thus progressing by inhabiting suns of superior order from where they move on to celestial regions. The Milky Way whose light is so smooth is the dwelling of the angels or superior Spirits.”
Is that true?
“The Spirits are obliged to reincarnate to achieve progress, while inhabiting the planets. As long as they achieve solar regions they no longer need the reincarnation, thus progressing by inhabiting suns of superior order from where they move on to celestial regions. The Milky Way whose light is so smooth is the dwelling of the angels or superior Spirits.”
Is that true?
5th – Manifestations of the Spirits
According to the doctrine taught by one spirit, “no human spirit can manifest or communicate with people or serve as an intermediary between God and humanity since God is Almighty and is everywhere God does not need auxiliaries for the execution of His orders and God does everything on His own. In the so called Spiritist communications it is only God that manifests, taking the human form of the evoked Spirits in the apparitions and their language in the written communications, Spirits with whom we believe to communicate. Hence, since the person is dead there cannot be any relationship with those left behind on Earth before a given level of advancement in the spiritual world is achieved through the several successive reincarnations. Since only God can manifest the rude and trivial communications, the blasphemies and lies are equally produced by God but as a test, in the same way that God does with the good ones, with the objective of instructing.”
Naturally the spirit that dictated the message above says that he is God himself. Based on that he formulated an extensive philosophical, social and religious doctrine.
What should one think about such a system, its consequences and the nature of the spirit that teaches it?
Naturally the spirit that dictated the message above says that he is God himself. Based on that he formulated an extensive philosophical, social and religious doctrine.
What should one think about such a system, its consequences and the nature of the spirit that teaches it?
6th – Rebel angels, fallen angels and lost paradise
How can we see the theory about it given by Mr. Allan Kardec above?