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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > April > Answers to the questions about the fallen angels
Answers to the questions about the fallen angels
Observation: We received answers to the questions proposed in our January issue from all over the place. The extension of the material does not allow a simultaneous publication of all of them. For now we limit ourselves to the subject of the fallen angels.
Bordeaux, medium Mrs. Cazemajoux
My friends, the theory contained in the summary that you have just read is the most logical and rational. A justified reason cannot admit the creation of pure and perfect Spirits rebelling against God and trying to be His equal in power and greatness.
Before achieving perfection, ignorant and weak, the spirit is allowed to follow the path of free will and is frequently dragged by corruption, drowning in an ocean of iniquities. But it is pride that definitely loses the spirit. The spirit denies God and attributes to chance his own creation, the wonders of nature and the universal harmony. Then, ala! That spirit is a fallen angel. Instead of moving forward towards happier worlds the spirit is even exiled from the home planet, going to atone the endless revolt against God in inferior worlds.
Brothers, refrain from following them. Those are the bad angels. Do your best to avoid increasing their number. May the focus of the Spiritist faith clarify you with respect to your current duties and your future interests so that one day you can avoid the fate of the rebellious Spirits and move up in the Spiritist scale that leads to perfection.
Your spiritual guides
The Hague, Holland, medium Baron de Kock
I do not have much to say about this article other than the fact that it contains the sublimity of truth. I have nothing to add or to remove. Happy are the ones who have faith in these beautiful words and accept the doctrine written by Allan Kardec. Kardec is the man chosen by God for the instruction of those in the present times. His are the words inspired by the good Spirits, very superior Spirits. Have faith. Read and study the whole doctrine. It is a good advice that I give you.
Your spiritual guide
Sens, medium Mr. Pichon
Q. What must we think of the doctrine of the fallen angels that Mr. Kardec published in the last issue of The Spiritist Review?
A. That it is perfectly rational and that we ourselves would not have explained it in a better way.
Paris, private communication – medium Ms. Stephany
It is well explained but one must be honest: there is something that bothers me. Why speak about the dogma of the Immaculate Conception? Have you had any revelation about Jesus’s mother? Leave these discussions to the Catholic Church. I regret that comparison as much as the priests will believe that you are willing to attract them.
A spirit sincere friend of the medium and of the director of The Spiritist Review
Lyon, medium Mrs. Bouillant
We formerly believed that after having inhabited the most radiant of the worlds the angels would have rebelled against God and deserved their expulsion from the Eden, their God given dwelling. We sang about their downfall and weakness and embellished them with every known flower of rhetoric by believing in this fable of the lost paradise. It offered us a theme with special charm. That first man and that first woman expelled from their oasis, condemned to live on Earth and victimized by all the ailments that surround humanity, all that was a great source of inspiration to authors and the subject was particularly useful to our melancholic ideas.
Like the others, we believed the mistake and joined our word to all others that had been said before us. Now that our lives in space allow us to judge things from a true stand point; now that we can understand how absurd it is to conceive that the spirit, after having achieved the highest degree of perfection, could suddenly fall back, revolting against his own creator, fighting against God; now that we can assess how many filtering steps are required to depurate the liqueur to become essence and quintessence, we can tell you what are the fallen angels and the lost paradise.
In His immutable law of progress God wants humanity to advance, advance incessantly, from century to century, at times that God determines. When the majority of the Spirits that inhabit Earth become much superior to those who inhabit their region God then commands a migration of Spirits and those who accomplished their missions with conscience are sent to designated regions but the stubborn or lazy spirit, the one that stains the picture, that one is forced to stay behind. In the process of depuration that spirit is repelled as it is done by the Chemists with the substances that were not purified. The spirit is then in contact with other inferior ones thus feeling the imposed embarrassment.
Intuitively the spirit remembers the happiness that was one day enjoyed among his equals but now the spirit feels like the exotic flower that had suddenly been transplanted to an uncultivated terrain. Such spirit revolts when understanding his superiority and tries to dominate the others around. Such rebellion transforms itself into a fight against the Creator who gave him life, unknown to him. If his thoughts could be seen he would convert the overflowing acrimony of this heart into bitter complaints, like the prisoner in his cell, suffering tremendously until the laziness and selfishness that blocked him from following his equals are atoned. These, my friends, are the fallen angels, and these are the ones who regret for their lost paradise.
You must strive to stay ahead and to avoid being left behind when the trumpet of return is played. Remember what you owe yourself. You must remind yourself of your free will.
The personality of the spirit explains why the son of a scientist is sometimes educationally challenged and why one cannot transform intelligence into inheritance. A great man may well transfer the strength of his character to his decedents but will never be able to transmit his genius. You may rest assured that every genius that came to develop their talents here was out of their own work like a wise man said: “The mothers of Patay, Letronne and the great Arago raised those great men innocently.” No, my friend, the mother who gives birth to an illustrious talent has no influence upon the spirit that animates the son. That spirit was already well advanced when came to reincarnate in this crucible of purification.
Follow then the steps of the staircase, steps that are brilliant and shiny like the suns for they are illuminated by the light of God, and remember that now that you know the path you will be very guilty if you become a fallen angel. As a matter of fact, I believe that nobody would dare feel sorry for you and sing the lost paradise song to you again.
Frankfurt, medium Mrs. Delton
The only thing I will say about this interpretation of the fallen angels is that it is part of the teachings that you must receive in order to provide you with the true meaning of those things that are misunderstood. You must not think that the author of that article wrote it without assistance, as he wondered himself. He believed to have issued his personal opinion and that is why he was suspicious about it, whereas in fact he only gave form to ideas that he received out of inspiration.
Yes, he is right when he says that the rebel angels are still here on Earth and that they are the materialists and the impious that dare deny God’s power. Isn’t that extreme pride? All of you who believe in God and who say hosannas are outraged by such audacity of a human being and you are right. However, check your own conscience and verify if you yourself are not constantly revolting and thus forgetting the sacred laws of God.
You who believe in the superiority of your merit; you who are proud of the gifts that you have been endowed; you who show jealousy and envy towards the higher position, favors and authority of your neighbor?
Are you charitable, you who criticize your brother; you who cast upon him defamation and slander; who instead of kindly concealing the defects feel pleasure in bringing them up to public knowledge in order to humiliate? I truly tell you that the believers, in particular the Spiritists who behave like that are more to blame than the atheist and the materialist for the former have the light and do not see. Yes, you are also rebellious angels because you do not obey God’s laws. When the big day comes, God will ask you: What have you done with my teachings?
Paul, protector spirit
Bordeaux, medium Mrs. Cazemajoux
My friends, the theory contained in the summary that you have just read is the most logical and rational. A justified reason cannot admit the creation of pure and perfect Spirits rebelling against God and trying to be His equal in power and greatness.
Before achieving perfection, ignorant and weak, the spirit is allowed to follow the path of free will and is frequently dragged by corruption, drowning in an ocean of iniquities. But it is pride that definitely loses the spirit. The spirit denies God and attributes to chance his own creation, the wonders of nature and the universal harmony. Then, ala! That spirit is a fallen angel. Instead of moving forward towards happier worlds the spirit is even exiled from the home planet, going to atone the endless revolt against God in inferior worlds.
Brothers, refrain from following them. Those are the bad angels. Do your best to avoid increasing their number. May the focus of the Spiritist faith clarify you with respect to your current duties and your future interests so that one day you can avoid the fate of the rebellious Spirits and move up in the Spiritist scale that leads to perfection.
Your spiritual guides
The Hague, Holland, medium Baron de Kock
I do not have much to say about this article other than the fact that it contains the sublimity of truth. I have nothing to add or to remove. Happy are the ones who have faith in these beautiful words and accept the doctrine written by Allan Kardec. Kardec is the man chosen by God for the instruction of those in the present times. His are the words inspired by the good Spirits, very superior Spirits. Have faith. Read and study the whole doctrine. It is a good advice that I give you.
Your spiritual guide
Sens, medium Mr. Pichon
Q. What must we think of the doctrine of the fallen angels that Mr. Kardec published in the last issue of The Spiritist Review?
A. That it is perfectly rational and that we ourselves would not have explained it in a better way.
Paris, private communication – medium Ms. Stephany
It is well explained but one must be honest: there is something that bothers me. Why speak about the dogma of the Immaculate Conception? Have you had any revelation about Jesus’s mother? Leave these discussions to the Catholic Church. I regret that comparison as much as the priests will believe that you are willing to attract them.
A spirit sincere friend of the medium and of the director of The Spiritist Review
Lyon, medium Mrs. Bouillant
We formerly believed that after having inhabited the most radiant of the worlds the angels would have rebelled against God and deserved their expulsion from the Eden, their God given dwelling. We sang about their downfall and weakness and embellished them with every known flower of rhetoric by believing in this fable of the lost paradise. It offered us a theme with special charm. That first man and that first woman expelled from their oasis, condemned to live on Earth and victimized by all the ailments that surround humanity, all that was a great source of inspiration to authors and the subject was particularly useful to our melancholic ideas.
Like the others, we believed the mistake and joined our word to all others that had been said before us. Now that our lives in space allow us to judge things from a true stand point; now that we can understand how absurd it is to conceive that the spirit, after having achieved the highest degree of perfection, could suddenly fall back, revolting against his own creator, fighting against God; now that we can assess how many filtering steps are required to depurate the liqueur to become essence and quintessence, we can tell you what are the fallen angels and the lost paradise.
In His immutable law of progress God wants humanity to advance, advance incessantly, from century to century, at times that God determines. When the majority of the Spirits that inhabit Earth become much superior to those who inhabit their region God then commands a migration of Spirits and those who accomplished their missions with conscience are sent to designated regions but the stubborn or lazy spirit, the one that stains the picture, that one is forced to stay behind. In the process of depuration that spirit is repelled as it is done by the Chemists with the substances that were not purified. The spirit is then in contact with other inferior ones thus feeling the imposed embarrassment.
Intuitively the spirit remembers the happiness that was one day enjoyed among his equals but now the spirit feels like the exotic flower that had suddenly been transplanted to an uncultivated terrain. Such spirit revolts when understanding his superiority and tries to dominate the others around. Such rebellion transforms itself into a fight against the Creator who gave him life, unknown to him. If his thoughts could be seen he would convert the overflowing acrimony of this heart into bitter complaints, like the prisoner in his cell, suffering tremendously until the laziness and selfishness that blocked him from following his equals are atoned. These, my friends, are the fallen angels, and these are the ones who regret for their lost paradise.
You must strive to stay ahead and to avoid being left behind when the trumpet of return is played. Remember what you owe yourself. You must remind yourself of your free will.
The personality of the spirit explains why the son of a scientist is sometimes educationally challenged and why one cannot transform intelligence into inheritance. A great man may well transfer the strength of his character to his decedents but will never be able to transmit his genius. You may rest assured that every genius that came to develop their talents here was out of their own work like a wise man said: “The mothers of Patay, Letronne and the great Arago raised those great men innocently.” No, my friend, the mother who gives birth to an illustrious talent has no influence upon the spirit that animates the son. That spirit was already well advanced when came to reincarnate in this crucible of purification.
Follow then the steps of the staircase, steps that are brilliant and shiny like the suns for they are illuminated by the light of God, and remember that now that you know the path you will be very guilty if you become a fallen angel. As a matter of fact, I believe that nobody would dare feel sorry for you and sing the lost paradise song to you again.
Frankfurt, medium Mrs. Delton
The only thing I will say about this interpretation of the fallen angels is that it is part of the teachings that you must receive in order to provide you with the true meaning of those things that are misunderstood. You must not think that the author of that article wrote it without assistance, as he wondered himself. He believed to have issued his personal opinion and that is why he was suspicious about it, whereas in fact he only gave form to ideas that he received out of inspiration.
Yes, he is right when he says that the rebel angels are still here on Earth and that they are the materialists and the impious that dare deny God’s power. Isn’t that extreme pride? All of you who believe in God and who say hosannas are outraged by such audacity of a human being and you are right. However, check your own conscience and verify if you yourself are not constantly revolting and thus forgetting the sacred laws of God.
You who believe in the superiority of your merit; you who are proud of the gifts that you have been endowed; you who show jealousy and envy towards the higher position, favors and authority of your neighbor?
Are you charitable, you who criticize your brother; you who cast upon him defamation and slander; who instead of kindly concealing the defects feel pleasure in bringing them up to public knowledge in order to humiliate? I truly tell you that the believers, in particular the Spiritists who behave like that are more to blame than the atheist and the materialist for the former have the light and do not see. Yes, you are also rebellious angels because you do not obey God’s laws. When the big day comes, God will ask you: What have you done with my teachings?
Paul, protector spirit