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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > October > Spiritist dissertations > Reason and the supernatural
Reason and the supernatural
Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mr. A. Didier
The human being is limited in intelligence and sensations. Without being able to understand things beyond certain limits the human being pronounces the sacramental word: Supernatural.
The word supernatural in the new science that you are studying is a conventional word. It does exist but explains nothing. In fact, what is the meaning of the word supernatural? Outside of nature; beyond what is understood by us. Nothing is more insensible than the application of that word to everything that is beyond us. To someone that thinks the word supernatural is not definitive. It is vague; it induces presentiment.
The banal phrase of the ignorant unbeliever is well known: “It is supernatural. Reason tells us…etc.” But what is the reason? Ah! When nature grows and acts sovereignly showing us unknown treasures reason becomes irrational and absurd since it persists despite the facts. Well, if something happens it is allowed by nature. Nature has certainly sublime manifestations to us but these are still very restrictive if we enter the domain of the unknown. Ah! You want to excavate nature, find the origin of things – the rerum cause – and still believe it to be unnecessary to keep your trivial reason aside? You must be joking, ladies and gentlemen. What is human reason other than the way of thinking in this world? If you travel from planet to planet do you believe that your reason should follow you? No, ladies and gentlemen. The only reason that you must have amongst all these phenomena is to keep cold blood and observation and start from that point of view and not from the point of view of disbelief.
We have touched very serious subjects lately as you remember but we have not concluded from this that it is only evil that comes from humanity. After many struggles and discussions we also see good thoughts, a new faith and new hope. Spiritism, as I told you recently, is the light that from now on must illuminate every intellectual being devoted to progress.
Prayer shall be the only dogma and the only practice of Spiritism, that is, harmony and simplicity. The art shall be new for it will be fertilized by new ideas. Believe that every work that is inspired by a philosophical-religious idea is always a powerful and sound manifestation. Christ shall always be humanity but not the suffering humanity: He will be the triumphant humanity.
The human being is limited in intelligence and sensations. Without being able to understand things beyond certain limits the human being pronounces the sacramental word: Supernatural.
The word supernatural in the new science that you are studying is a conventional word. It does exist but explains nothing. In fact, what is the meaning of the word supernatural? Outside of nature; beyond what is understood by us. Nothing is more insensible than the application of that word to everything that is beyond us. To someone that thinks the word supernatural is not definitive. It is vague; it induces presentiment.
The banal phrase of the ignorant unbeliever is well known: “It is supernatural. Reason tells us…etc.” But what is the reason? Ah! When nature grows and acts sovereignly showing us unknown treasures reason becomes irrational and absurd since it persists despite the facts. Well, if something happens it is allowed by nature. Nature has certainly sublime manifestations to us but these are still very restrictive if we enter the domain of the unknown. Ah! You want to excavate nature, find the origin of things – the rerum cause – and still believe it to be unnecessary to keep your trivial reason aside? You must be joking, ladies and gentlemen. What is human reason other than the way of thinking in this world? If you travel from planet to planet do you believe that your reason should follow you? No, ladies and gentlemen. The only reason that you must have amongst all these phenomena is to keep cold blood and observation and start from that point of view and not from the point of view of disbelief.
We have touched very serious subjects lately as you remember but we have not concluded from this that it is only evil that comes from humanity. After many struggles and discussions we also see good thoughts, a new faith and new hope. Spiritism, as I told you recently, is the light that from now on must illuminate every intellectual being devoted to progress.
Prayer shall be the only dogma and the only practice of Spiritism, that is, harmony and simplicity. The art shall be new for it will be fertilized by new ideas. Believe that every work that is inspired by a philosophical-religious idea is always a powerful and sound manifestation. Christ shall always be humanity but not the suffering humanity: He will be the triumphant humanity.