The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > November > Multiple fables and poetry > The monologue of the little donkey
The monologue of the little donkey


A little donkey – pay attention to that
For I mean what I say, you can bet –
A legit donkey of the kind that one shears,
A harnessed donkey in no fear
Watched the train at the station;
His shiny eyes, his lively attention.
“Is that you – he screams – now that you sleep?
If I believe in a certain sheep

You travel with no harness, no horse or mule
Roaring over the dunes
Your carriages crossing winds.
A miracle! – They say – Nah! In my mind
Times have changed. Those who mock
Me now know that I stick out from the flock.
I like good food, I appreciate the good stuff.
These iron feet will not take you far off.
I have my own rule:
I give a lot of thought.
Traveling without horses? One would dare not!”
The donkey – we can see – was wakened
By reason – a light by pride erased
Like the wise man that becomes a fool.
Deny it oh scholars, the spark of the soul;
Can you deny the sublime design?
The origin of it all, can you decline?
Like the engine that demands power
The evoked dead do need prayer,
But the true prayer, the one that really
Comes from the waves of love and charity.

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