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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > September > Spiritist dissertations > Vacation of the Spiritist Society of Paris
Vacation of the Spiritist Society of Paris
Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, August 1st 1862, Medium Mr. Vézy
You are now going to spread out for some time but the good Spirits will always be with those who ask for their help and support. If each and every one of you leave the master’s room that is not for leisure only but still to serve the great human cause wherever you are and under which flag you found shelter. You know well that there is not a right time for the study to a sincere Spiritist. Your whole life is not more than an hour and that is still short for the work to be done: the intellectual development of the human race! The branches do not separate from the trunk just because of their growth. On the contrary, they give rise to new impulses that further unite and tie them together.
Take this opportunity of vacation that will separate you to become stronger in your faith following the example of the apostles of Jesus. Leave this place of worship strong and courageous. May your faith agglutinate around you thousands of believers who will bless the light shining around you.
Courage! Courage! On the day of gathering when the golden flag of Spiritism call you to the struggle, unfolding upon your heads, may each one have followers around you and the good Spirits will call your number and take it to God!
Be awake, Spiritists, at the time of your resting. Watch and pray! I have already told you and other voices will repeat: The clock of the centuries is ticking and there is a vibration felt. It calls for those who are in darkness and unhappy will be the ones who do not wish to listen!
Oh Spiritists! Go, wake up the sleepy ones and tell them that they shall be surprised by the sea waves with their terrible roars. Tell them to pick up a well-lit and solid base for the stars are shooting in space and the whole nature moves, trembles and agitate! But there is light after darkness and those who did not listen and did not want to see will migrate to inferior worlds when the time comes so that they can atone and wait for a long, very long time for the new rising stars who will enlighten them.
Time will seem like an eternity to them for they shall not accomplish their tasks until the day when they begin to believe and understand.
Spiritists, I shall no longer call you children but valiant and courageous people! Soldiers of the new faith, fight bravely. Have charity as your weapon and your body covered with the armor of love. Go on! Be alert! Have lies and mistakes behind and reach out to whoever asks: Where is light?
Tell them that those who are guided by the lights of Spiritism are not weak; that they are not dazzled by mirages and do not accept rules that are not dictated by a cold and sound reason; that their task is charity and that they support their brothers in the name of a universal charity and not to reach a paradise that they know can only be achieved after the required atonement! May they get to know God and understand, before anything else, that God is immutable in His justice and hence He cannot forgive a life plentiful of errors over a split second of repentance as He cannot punish one hour of sacrilege with an eternal suffering!
Yes, Spiritists, you may count the years of mistakes by the number of the stars but know this that the golden years will come for those who have learned to count them!
Go, then, workers and soldiers, and that each and every one brings back the brick or the stone that will help in the construction of the edifice. Truly I tell you that this time there will be no confusion when erecting the crowning tower to God. On the contrary, God will reach out to you on your way, sheltering you from the storms.
This is the second hour of the day. These are the servers that come again from the part of the Master looking for workers. If you are available come and do not wait for the last hour!
St. Augustine
You are now going to spread out for some time but the good Spirits will always be with those who ask for their help and support. If each and every one of you leave the master’s room that is not for leisure only but still to serve the great human cause wherever you are and under which flag you found shelter. You know well that there is not a right time for the study to a sincere Spiritist. Your whole life is not more than an hour and that is still short for the work to be done: the intellectual development of the human race! The branches do not separate from the trunk just because of their growth. On the contrary, they give rise to new impulses that further unite and tie them together.
Take this opportunity of vacation that will separate you to become stronger in your faith following the example of the apostles of Jesus. Leave this place of worship strong and courageous. May your faith agglutinate around you thousands of believers who will bless the light shining around you.
Courage! Courage! On the day of gathering when the golden flag of Spiritism call you to the struggle, unfolding upon your heads, may each one have followers around you and the good Spirits will call your number and take it to God!
Be awake, Spiritists, at the time of your resting. Watch and pray! I have already told you and other voices will repeat: The clock of the centuries is ticking and there is a vibration felt. It calls for those who are in darkness and unhappy will be the ones who do not wish to listen!
Oh Spiritists! Go, wake up the sleepy ones and tell them that they shall be surprised by the sea waves with their terrible roars. Tell them to pick up a well-lit and solid base for the stars are shooting in space and the whole nature moves, trembles and agitate! But there is light after darkness and those who did not listen and did not want to see will migrate to inferior worlds when the time comes so that they can atone and wait for a long, very long time for the new rising stars who will enlighten them.
Time will seem like an eternity to them for they shall not accomplish their tasks until the day when they begin to believe and understand.
Spiritists, I shall no longer call you children but valiant and courageous people! Soldiers of the new faith, fight bravely. Have charity as your weapon and your body covered with the armor of love. Go on! Be alert! Have lies and mistakes behind and reach out to whoever asks: Where is light?
Tell them that those who are guided by the lights of Spiritism are not weak; that they are not dazzled by mirages and do not accept rules that are not dictated by a cold and sound reason; that their task is charity and that they support their brothers in the name of a universal charity and not to reach a paradise that they know can only be achieved after the required atonement! May they get to know God and understand, before anything else, that God is immutable in His justice and hence He cannot forgive a life plentiful of errors over a split second of repentance as He cannot punish one hour of sacrilege with an eternal suffering!
Yes, Spiritists, you may count the years of mistakes by the number of the stars but know this that the golden years will come for those who have learned to count them!
Go, then, workers and soldiers, and that each and every one brings back the brick or the stone that will help in the construction of the edifice. Truly I tell you that this time there will be no confusion when erecting the crowning tower to God. On the contrary, God will reach out to you on your way, sheltering you from the storms.
This is the second hour of the day. These are the servers that come again from the part of the Master looking for workers. If you are available come and do not wait for the last hour!
St. Augustine