The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > November > Medication prescribed by the Spirits
Medication prescribed by the Spirits

The title above will provoke laughter on the nonbelievers. Never mind! They laughed at many other things that did not preclude them from being acknowledged as true. The good Spirits care about the suffering of humanity. Hence it does not come as a surprise the fact that they try to bring us relief and they have proved on many occasions that they can do it when they are elevated enough to have the necessary knowledge since they can see what the human eyes cannot and foresee what people cannot foresee.

The medication in question was given to Ms. Ermance Dufaux* in the circumstances below – she sent us the formula with an authorization to have it published in favor of others who could benefit from that. One of her relatives who had died long ago had brought it from America. This prescription was a balm that was highly efficient in the treatment of ulcers and wounds. With his death the prescription that was not passed on to anybody was then lost.

Ms. Dufaux was affected by an old and serious illness in her leg that had been resisted to all sorts of treatments. Tired of the uselessness of so many medicines one day she enquired her protector spirit if would there be any possible cure in her case.

  • - Yes, he said. Use the balm of your uncle.
  • - But you know that the prescription was lost.
  • - The spirit then dictated the following:
Saffron, 20 centigrams, cumin 4g, yellow wax 31-32g, oil of sweet almond 1 spoon. Melt the wax and then add the oil; add the saffron and the cumin in a little cloth bag and simmer for ten minutes. Spread the ointment on a piece of cloth and cover the wound. Renovate the procedure every day. Before applying the medication, it is necessary to wash the wounded area with mallow water or another refreshing lotion.”

Ms. Dufaux followed the instructions and very soon thereafter her leg was healed and, since then there has been no other incident. A lady that does laundry works for her was also cured of a similar illness. A worker that was injured by a shrapnel from a sickle and that penetrated deeply in his leg presented significant swelling to the point of being told that there would be the need for the leg to be amputated. After the application of the same ointment the swelling disappeared and the piece of metal was removed from the wound. The man totally recovered and was back to work in eight days. When applied onto abscessed boils, it suppurates and heals in a very short time. It acts by removing the morbid principles from the ulcer then healing it by allowing the removal of slivers when applicable, like a speck of bone, wood, etc. It seems also to be good to herpes and all affections of the skin in general. Its composition, as seen above, is very simple, easy and inoffensive. One can then try it without worries.

*Medium who wrote the story of Joan of Arc

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