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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > October > Arsène Gautier – memory of a spirit
Arsène Gautier – memory of a spirit
Mrs. S… from Cherbourg sent us the following story:
A mariner from the Navy called Arsène Gautier returned to Cherbourg fifteen or sixteen years ago very sick as a result of an illness acquired along the African coast. He came to the house of one of my son-in-laws that was knowingly friends with his brother, a captain of the Merchant Navy who would arrive at this port in a few days. We welcomed him and, since he was sick, my daughter J… who was then fourteen or fifteen years old asked me to invite him to come closer to the fireplace to warm up and take some medication, which he would not find in his hostel as he waiting for arrival of his brother. My daughter had compassion and took good care of him. He died after returning to his house and since then nobody thought anymore about this event. Even the name that was placed on top of the spontaneous communication that he gave through my daughter, who is a medium today, did not help us to remember. We only recognized him by the details that he provided. He was a man of very limited intelligence and he had led a very tough life. Precluded from the loving care of his relatives, he had resigned to everything. Here is the communication:
“Arsène Gautier. You forgot me long ago, my friend, and I have not lost sight of you since I left this Earth for you are the only person, the only sympathetic spirit that I found on this Earth of pain. I loved you with the full strength of my heart when you were still a child and had but a feeling of compassion for me due to the terrible illness that should become my end. I am happy. That was the first life that God had given me. My spirit was young and since I did not know any others I had a strong connection with you. I am happy and about to return to Earth in order to carry on towards the Lord. I have hope in my heart. The path, so difficult to some, seems wide and easy to me. A good start like my previous life is a great encouragement. God shall help me. You will pray for me so that my shortcoming trial be useful to me as the other one was. I am not advanced but I will get there.”
We had no idea about the identity of the spirit who gave that communication, asking one another who that person was. The spirit responded: “I am the brother of a former captain from Nantes, who was friends with a relative of yours (that gave us a hint – the spirit continued). “Thank you for remembering me. I only regret the fact that in my new life I will be away from you for some time. Good-bye. I love you very much.
Arsène Gautier.”
OBSERVATION: This communication was read at the Parisian Society and we asked one of our spiritual guides if it was possible that it was the first incarnation of that spirit, as he said himself.
Here is the answer:
“His first incarnation on Earth is possible but not as a spirit. In their first incarnations the Spirits are almost unconscious and although little advanced he is far from his origin. He is one of those good Spirits who followed the good path. His progress will be fast for he will only have to eliminate his ignorance and will not have to fight bad tendencies like those who follow the other way.
A mariner from the Navy called Arsène Gautier returned to Cherbourg fifteen or sixteen years ago very sick as a result of an illness acquired along the African coast. He came to the house of one of my son-in-laws that was knowingly friends with his brother, a captain of the Merchant Navy who would arrive at this port in a few days. We welcomed him and, since he was sick, my daughter J… who was then fourteen or fifteen years old asked me to invite him to come closer to the fireplace to warm up and take some medication, which he would not find in his hostel as he waiting for arrival of his brother. My daughter had compassion and took good care of him. He died after returning to his house and since then nobody thought anymore about this event. Even the name that was placed on top of the spontaneous communication that he gave through my daughter, who is a medium today, did not help us to remember. We only recognized him by the details that he provided. He was a man of very limited intelligence and he had led a very tough life. Precluded from the loving care of his relatives, he had resigned to everything. Here is the communication:
“Arsène Gautier. You forgot me long ago, my friend, and I have not lost sight of you since I left this Earth for you are the only person, the only sympathetic spirit that I found on this Earth of pain. I loved you with the full strength of my heart when you were still a child and had but a feeling of compassion for me due to the terrible illness that should become my end. I am happy. That was the first life that God had given me. My spirit was young and since I did not know any others I had a strong connection with you. I am happy and about to return to Earth in order to carry on towards the Lord. I have hope in my heart. The path, so difficult to some, seems wide and easy to me. A good start like my previous life is a great encouragement. God shall help me. You will pray for me so that my shortcoming trial be useful to me as the other one was. I am not advanced but I will get there.”
We had no idea about the identity of the spirit who gave that communication, asking one another who that person was. The spirit responded: “I am the brother of a former captain from Nantes, who was friends with a relative of yours (that gave us a hint – the spirit continued). “Thank you for remembering me. I only regret the fact that in my new life I will be away from you for some time. Good-bye. I love you very much.
Arsène Gautier.”
OBSERVATION: This communication was read at the Parisian Society and we asked one of our spiritual guides if it was possible that it was the first incarnation of that spirit, as he said himself.
Here is the answer:
“His first incarnation on Earth is possible but not as a spirit. In their first incarnations the Spirits are almost unconscious and although little advanced he is far from his origin. He is one of those good Spirits who followed the good path. His progress will be fast for he will only have to eliminate his ignorance and will not have to fight bad tendencies like those who follow the other way.