The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > July > Spiritist teachings and dissertations > A roof tile
A roof tile

Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, medium Mrs. C.

A man is walking outside. A roof tile falls by his feet. He says: “How lucky! One step further and I would be dead.” Generally speaking this is the only appreciation to God. Soon afterwards that same man, however, is taken by an illness and dies in bed. Why has he been spared by the roof tile and died a few days later like everybody else? The unbeliever would say that it was by chance as he said it himself: “How lucky!” What good has it done to him to escape the first accident succumbing to the next? In any case, if he was favored by luck, it did not last long.

The Spiritist answers this question by saying that we escape accidents all the time and that we find ourselves separated from death by a thin line. Do not you see a warning from the heavens to prove to you that life is hanging on a thin thread and that we are never sure that we will live to see tomorrow and that we must always be ready to leave?

What is it that you do when you go on a long journey? You take every precaution; you take care of businesses; you take with you the provisions and everything that is necessary during the journey and you leave behind everything that can stall or delay your trip. If you know the destination and if you have friends there, you leave without fear and certain that you will be welcome. Otherwise you study the map of the region and take letters of recommendation with you.

Suppose you are forced to undertake such a journey overnight and that there is no time to make preparations, whereas, if you were informed well in advance you would have everything prepared to attend to your needs and give you comfort.

Well! Every day you are exposed to the greatest and most important of all journeys and one that will inevitably have to be realized and you do not think of that more than if you had to live indefinitely on Earth! God out of His benevolence warns you by many nearly fatal incidents and all you have to say is: What luck!

Spiritists! Be aware of the preparations you have to make for the great journey that has much more important consequences to you than any other that you do here on Earth as your future happiness depends on how you make those preparations.

The map that will guide you in the country that you are going to visit is the initiation into the mysteries of a future life. Through this the country will no longer be strange to you. Your provisions are the good deeds that you have done. Those will be your only passport and your letter of recommendation.

As for the friends that you are going to meet that you know them. Bad feelings, that is what you must leave behind for unfortunate is the one who is taken by surprise by death and still has hate in his heart like the one who falls on the water and dragged to the bottom by a stone tied to the neck.

The business which you must set in order is the forgiveness to your offenders and the reparation of mistakes made to your neighbor. These amendments allow you to conquer and forgive for bad deeds. These debts are paid by forgiveness. Hurry up since the departing time may come sooner rather than later and there would not be time for consideration.

I truly tell you that the falling tile by your feet is a sign to warn you to always be prepared to leave at any time so that you are not taken by surprise.

The Spirit of Truth

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