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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > August > Spiritism in Lyon
Spiritism in Lyon
Communications from beyond the grave, select manifestations from the Spiritist Society of Brotteaux with the epigraph: “Spiritism is not imposed; it is reached by necessity”. Allan Kardec, The Spiritist Review 1861. Brochure in-8, 32 pages, followed with four mediumistic drawings. Price 75 cents. At the main bookstores in Lyon and at the Ledoyen in Paris.
This is the first of a series of brochures to be published at undetermined times. It contains a collection of messages received in the Brotteaux group directed by Mr. Déjoud, manager at an atelier. All those communications are in full agreement with the doctrine found in The Spirits’ Book and breathe the healthiest moral with the unquestionable sponsorship of good and benevolent Spirits.
The style is simple, family-like, perfectly adapted to the environment where they were given and do not carry abstract ideas. The good Spirits want to instruct, before anything else, hence they position themselves at the level of the audience, giving little importance to the satisfaction of those who appreciate pompous styles and do not take advantage of the lessons. To them the essential thing is that the instruction is good and penetrates people’s hearts. Our understanding is that from that point of view the collection fully achieves the objective.
We happily take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Déjoud, leader of that group, one of the largest in Lyon, for his enthusiasm and perseverance in the propagation of Spiritism among the workers, his brothers.
The third volume of “Revelations from beyond the grave” by Mrs. Dozan will be published soon.
This is the first of a series of brochures to be published at undetermined times. It contains a collection of messages received in the Brotteaux group directed by Mr. Déjoud, manager at an atelier. All those communications are in full agreement with the doctrine found in The Spirits’ Book and breathe the healthiest moral with the unquestionable sponsorship of good and benevolent Spirits.
The style is simple, family-like, perfectly adapted to the environment where they were given and do not carry abstract ideas. The good Spirits want to instruct, before anything else, hence they position themselves at the level of the audience, giving little importance to the satisfaction of those who appreciate pompous styles and do not take advantage of the lessons. To them the essential thing is that the instruction is good and penetrates people’s hearts. Our understanding is that from that point of view the collection fully achieves the objective.
We happily take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Déjoud, leader of that group, one of the largest in Lyon, for his enthusiasm and perseverance in the propagation of Spiritism among the workers, his brothers.
The third volume of “Revelations from beyond the grave” by Mrs. Dozan will be published soon.