The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > September > Reconciliation through Spiritism
Reconciliation through Spiritism

Spiritism has demonstrated many times its beneficial influence by reestablishing the harmony among families and individuals. We have many examples in private cases that were entrusted to us and cannot be revealed. Such a case, however, does not apply to the story below.

A merchant marine captain from Le Havre, one of our personal acquaintance, is a devout Spiritist and a good medium. He had a large number of men under his command initiated in matters of Spiritism and was really pleased with their order, discipline and good behavior. His eighteen-year- old brother and a nineteen-year-old pilot were aboard, both mediums of strong faith who happily received the wise advices given by the good Spirits. One evening though they had a falling out that started with words and ended with a fist fight. Next thing they did was to propose a time and place to fight again early in the morning or the day after. At night both felt like writing and each one received from their spiritual guides a serious reproach about the uselessness of their discussion and advice about the beauty of their friendship with an invitation to reconcile their differences. Moved by the same feeling, both youngsters left their places and embraced one another in tears. Not a single cloud stained their mutual understanding since that occasion. The captain himself reported that to us. We saw their notebooks of Spiritist communications as well as the ones belonging to the young men where anyone has access to read.

The event below happened to the same captain in one of his sea crossings. It is a pleasure to transcribe it below.

It was high sea with great weather when he received the following communication: “Take every precaution because tomorrow at 2am there will be a thunderstorm and your ship is in great danger.”

Since there was no indication of bad weather the captain soon thought it was a premonition. In any case and to avoid any reason for complaint he took some measures. He had no reason to regret his actions because a violent storm took place at the very time that was predicated. For three days the ship faced the greatest dangers that it had ever endured. Thanks, however, to the previously taken precautions it was over without incident.

The event that happened brings forward the following thoughts:

As one of the outcomes of a well-understood Spiritism – we insist on the expression well- understood – is the development of a charitable feeling. However, as it is well known, charity itself is a very elastic concept that ranges from simple alms to loving the enemies, which is the sublimation of charity. One can say that charity summarizes all noble impulses with respect to the neighbor. A true Spiritist, like a true Christian, may have enemies. Wasn’t that the case with Jesus? But a true Spiritist is not anybody’s enemy for he or she is always prepared to forgive and to pay back evil with good.

If two true Spiritists had reasons for animosity in the past their reconciliation will be easy because the offended forgets the offenses and the offender acknowledges his action. From then on there will no longer be any dispute between them because they will be reciprocally indulgent and will make concessions both ways. None will try to impose a humiliating forgiveness on the other, a forgiveness that causes more harm than peace.

If two individuals live in perfect harmony under those conditions then the same may happen to a large number of individuals who will then be as happy as it is possible on Earth since most of our tribulations are caused by the contact with evil. Now suppose a whole nation guided by such principles. Wouldn’t that nation be the happiest in the world?

Some will say that what is possible to some individuals is impossible to the masses unless there is a miracle. Well, Spiritism has already made such miracles many times in a small scale with broken families in which peace was reestablished. The future will demonstrate that the same can be done at a large scale.

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