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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > January > Questions and Issues Proposed to Several Spiritist Groups > 5th – Manifestations of the Spirits
5th – Manifestations of the Spirits
According to the doctrine taught by one spirit, “no human spirit can manifest or communicate with people or serve as an intermediary between God and humanity since God is Almighty and is everywhere God does not need auxiliaries for the execution of His orders and God does everything on His own. In the so called Spiritist communications it is only God that manifests, taking the human form of the evoked Spirits in the apparitions and their language in the written communications, Spirits with whom we believe to communicate. Hence, since the person is dead there cannot be any relationship with those left behind on Earth before a given level of advancement in the spiritual world is achieved through the several successive reincarnations. Since only God can manifest the rude and trivial communications, the blasphemies and lies are equally produced by God but as a test, in the same way that God does with the good ones, with the objective of instructing.”
Naturally the spirit that dictated the message above says that he is God himself. Based on that he formulated an extensive philosophical, social and religious doctrine.
What should one think about such a system, its consequences and the nature of the spirit that teaches it?
Naturally the spirit that dictated the message above says that he is God himself. Based on that he formulated an extensive philosophical, social and religious doctrine.
What should one think about such a system, its consequences and the nature of the spirit that teaches it?