The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

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Spiritist trip in 1862

We have just come from a visit to several Spiritist Centers in France feeling sorry for not having enough ti
me to have visited all others that invited us or for not having had the time to stay longer with those who we did visit, considering the warmth and fraternal welcome addressed to us everywhere. During a journey of more than six weeks covering a total length of 693 leagues we visited twenty cities and attended more than fifty meetings. The result gave us great moral satisfaction both on the collected observations and from witnessing the huge progresses of Spiritism.

The report of this trip that mainly contains the instructions given by us to the several groups is too extensive to be published in The Review since it would almost require two volumes. We will publish a separate brochure in the same format as The Review and that can be attached to it if necessary.*

In our journey we visited the possessed of Morzine, Savoie, and there we also collected important and very instructive observations about the causes and modes of obsession in all degrees, confirmed by isolated and identical cases seen in other places and about the means of fighting it. This will be the subject of a special and lengthy article that we intended to have published in this current issue but since time did not allow us to finish it has been postponed to the next number. As a matter of fact it is going to be better since it will be done without rush. Besides, several recent facts came to shed light into the subject opening up a new horizon to pathology. The article will respond to all requests of clarification that frequently come to us regarding similar cases. It seems appropriate to us to take the opportunity and rectify an opinion that appeared to be wide spread to us.

Several people, including those in the Province, thought that the cost of this trip was covered by the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies. We had to correct the mistake every time the issue was mentioned. To those who still believe in that we remind what was said on another occasion (The Spiritist Review, June 1862) that the Society only covers the ongoing expenses and does not keep any savings. In order to accumulate resources, the Society would focus on increase the quantity. This is something that the Society does not do and will not do since its objective is not speculation and quantity does not add value to its activities. Its influence resides in the moral and serious character of the meetings, which gives outsiders the impression of a serious, reverent assembly. This is the most powerful means of propaganda. Hence the Society could not cover those kind of expenses. The costs of these trip as well as all other areas required to support our relationships within Spiritism are covered by our own personal savings and resources. Without this support and sales of our books, we would not be able to pay all the required expenses. I can say that, without any vanity, but rather to pay tribute to the truth and to provide clarification to those who believe that we are enriching ourselves.

* Large brochure in-8, type and format like The Spiritist Review. Price 1 franc. Free postage in France. In printing.

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