The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > March > Spiritist Teachings and Dissertations > The Vineyard of the Lord Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mr. E.Vézy
The Vineyard of the Lord Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mr. E.Vézy

Finally, everyone shall come to work at the vineyard. I already see them coming in large numbers.
Hands on my children! God wants all of you at work.

Sow, sow and one day you will reap abundantly. See the beautiful, dazzling and radiant Sun rising in the East! It comes to warm you up and allow the fruits of the vineyard to grow. Go on, children! The vintages shall be magnificent and each one will drink the chalice of the sacred wine of regeneration. It is the Lord’s wine to be served at the banquet of the universal fraternity! All nations will gather there in a single family, singing hosannas to only one God. Take on your plows and sickles, you who want to live forever. Tie up the grapevine cords; make sure they are upright and their tips will reach heavens. There will be some who will produce a hundred cubits, and the Spirits from the ethereal worlds will come to squeeze the fruits and refresh themselves; the juice will be so powerful that it will give strength and courage to the weak; it will be the nourishing milk to feed the little ones. That is the vintage that is in preparation; it is already done; the vessels that must contain the sacred liquor are being prepared. Approach your lips, you who want to taste because this liquor intoxicate you with heavenly intoxication, and you will see God in your dreams, until reality succeeds dream. Children! Spiritism is the splendid vine that must rise to God. Eager followers, you must show it powerful and strong, and you, little ones, it is necessary that you help the strong ones to propagate it! Cut the buds and plant them in another field; they will produce new vines and other buds in all countries of the world. Yes, I tell you, everyone will drink the juice from the vine in the Kingdom of Christ with our heavenly Father! Hence, be strong and ready and do not live a life of austerity. God does not demand that you live in austerities and deprivation; God does not ask you to be covered in cilice; God wants everybody to feel the warmth of His Sun and if some beams are colder than others it is to have his power and strength understood by all. No, do not cover yourself with cilice; do not mortify your flesh by the whip of discipline. One needs to be robust and powerful to work at the vineyard. One must sustain the God given vigor. God did not create humanity to transform it into an adulterated place; God created it with the manifestation of His glory and power.

You who wish to live the true life, you shall walk our Lord’s path when you have given bread to the unfortunate ones, the alms to misery and your prayers to God. Then, when your eyelids are definitely shut by death an angel of God will proclaim your deeds and carry your soul over to God on her white wings of charity, as pure and beautiful as the blossoming lily of the morning Spring day. Pray, love and do charity my brothers! The vineyard is large as is the field of the Lord. Come, come for God and Jesus call you and I bless you.

St. Augustine

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