The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > November > Spiritist dissertations > Role of the Spiritist Society of Paris medium Mr. Leymarie
Role of the Spiritist Society of Paris medium Mr. Leymarie

Paris is the port of arrival for the world. Everyone comes here to collect an idea or an impression. When I was among you I used to ask myself why this great city, meeting point of the world, did not shelter a large Spiritist gathering but as large as that allocated in the largest amphitheaters. Sometimes I used to think that the Parisian Spiritists were much too devoted to having fun. I even thought that the Spiritist faith was an amateurish pleasure, a distraction among many continuously offered by Paris. However, from a distance and nonetheless so close to you I see and understand better. Paris seats on the riverbanks of the Sena but in fact Paris is everywhere and its powerful mind revolves the world daily.

Like Paris, the central Society spreads its thoughts throughout the universe. Its strength is not in the circle where the sessions take place but in all countries that follow its dissertations, in all places where it becomes law given its intelligent teachings. It is like the sun whose beams reach the infinite. For that very reason the Society cannot be a common group. Its points of view are predestined and greater is its apostolic mission. It cannot be restricted to a small space. It needs to reach the world for its nature is invasive. In fact, today it pacifically conquer cities, tomorrow kingdoms and later on the whole world.

When visited by a stranger you welcome him or her with warmth and dignity so that the person may carry a great idea of Spiritism, this powerful weapon of civilization that must pave every way and defeat every resistance and destroy every doubt. That is needed so that everyone may have their Spirits nourished by a food that transforms everything in its mysterious passage for the new belief is strong like God, great like Him, charitable like everything else that comes from a superior power, that harms in order to send consolation, giving in the works of humanity prayer and pain in anticipation.

Blessed may you be, my dear Society, you that always give with benevolence, you that carries out tough task without looking at the obstacles on the way. You have deserved a lot from God. You will not be and cannot be an ordinary center but on the contrary – I repeat – you must be the beneficent spring where suffering will always come to find the healing balsam.

Sanson, (former member of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies)

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