The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > September > Answer to the Spiritists of Lyon and Bordeaux (to Mr. Sabô)
Answer to the Spiritists of Lyon and Bordeaux (to Mr. Sabô)

My dear brothers and Spiritist friends of Lyon,

I wish to promptly tell you how much I am touched by the testimonies of sympathy that you have just given me with the kind and welcome invitation to visit you this year also. I happily accept that because it is always a pleasure for me to be among you.

Friends, it is a great joy to see the family grow so markedly. It is a very positive message in the face of the silly and dishonorable attacks against Spiritism. It seems that popularity only increases their rage for I have received today a letter from Lyon announcing an article in the La France Littéraire, a newspaper of that city, with aggressions towards Spiritism in general and my books in particular, in a very unpleasant way, when I am then asked if I should respond through the press or take this issue to court. I say that the answer must be the use of indifference.

If Spiritism were not advancing, if my books were unpopular then nobody would worry about it and nothing would be said. It is our success that bothers the enemies. Let them spill their powerless rage that only shows how close they are to their own defeat. They are not so stupid to the point of attacking an aborted idea. The fiercest their attacks the least they should be feared because they are ignored by righteous people, only demonstrating that they have nothing serious to oppose but their rage.

Go on then my friends with the great work of regeneration that has been initiated under such fortunate auspices and you will soon harvest the fruits of perseverance. You must demonstrate and particularly through the practice of good your union and that Spiritism is the Divine gift of peace and concord to humanity and make sure that people will see you and say that they wish everybody were Spiritist.

My friends I am happy to see so many groups united by a common feeling, marching together towards the noble objective that was proposed. Since that objective is the same to all there could not be any division. You must be guided by one and the same flag that reads: Without charity there is no salvation. Rest assured that the whole humanity will feel the need to gather around charity when tired of the fights engineered by pride, envy and greed. This maxim, true lifeline of salvation, where fatigue rests, will have the glory of having been proclaimed first by Spiritism. Have it written in all meeting places and at home. May it be from now on the word of union among all human beings who sincerely want the best to all, without hidden intentions! But you can do even better: have it inscribed in your hearts and since that day you will already enjoy the calmness and serenity that will be experienced by future generations when it becomes the foundation of all social relationships. You are the pioneers. You must set the example so that the others feel encouraged to follow you. Do not forget that the tactics of the incarnate and disincarnate enemies is your division. Give them assurance that it is a waste of time to try to cast any feeling of envy or rivalry upon you,

the apostasy of the true Spiritist-Christian Doctrine.

The 500 signatures that subscribe the invitation that you have kindly sent me is a manifestation against such an attempt and there are many others that will be a pleasure to see there. It is more than a simple formula to me. It is a commitment to walk on the path delineated by the good Spirits. I will keep them as a jewel because they will one day be part of the archives of Spiritism.

One more additional words, my friends. I have a request for my visit with you: there should not be any banquet for a number of reasons. I do not want to see my visit costing you and preventing me from the pleasure of having some of you around and everyone united. Times are hard. We must not incur useless expenses. I tell with all my heart that what you would do for me in such a circumstance could be the reason for deprivation of many and that would spoil the pleasure of our gathering.

I am not going to Lyon for any exhibition or to receive any tribute but to be with you, to carry consolation to those in need, to encourage the weak and help you with my advices as much as possible. What you can offer me that would give me the most pleasure is to be able to witness the spectacle of your good, frank and solid union. Believe me that the kind words in your invitation carry more value than any feast in the world, even if offered in a palace. What would have I left out of a banquet? Nothing whereas your invitation remains as a precious memory of your caring love.

So long, my friends.

God willing I will have the pleasure of warmly shaking your hands.


To Mr. Sabô, from Bordeaux

I feel touched by the wishes from the Spiritists of Bordeaux to have me visiting you still this year. Unless there is an unforeseen obstacle I have the intention of paying you a short visit at least to thank you for the warm welcome of last year. However I would like to make it clear to you that I would not like to attend any banquet. I am not going to visit you to receive applauds but to give instructions to those who feel the need and with whom I will be honored to meet. Some wanted to give the name of pastoral visit to my trip. I do not want it to have any other meaning. Believe me when I say that I feel more honored with a simple, frank and cordial welcome than with a pompous ceremony, which is not in agreement with my character, habits, and principles.

If they were not united the union would not be produced by a banquet. On the contrary, if it does exist, it can be manifested in a different way other than a party where there would be opportunity for self-love. That situation would not touch a true Spiritist where these type of expenses could be redirected to mitigate sufferings.

If you want you can join forces and count on me with my two cents. But instead of eating the money may it serve to alleviate those who lack the necessary. It will then be a party of the hearts and not of stomachs. It is better to be blessed by the unfortunate ones than the cooks.

The sincerity of the union is translated by actions and even more by quiet actions rather than flamboyant demonstrations. I wish I could see peace and agreement ruling the great family. May each one leave their susceptibilities and rivalries aside, puerile children of pride! May all have the sole objective of the propagations and the triumph of the doctrine and may everyone endeavor to achieve that with perseverance and selflessness, without any personal interest or vanity. That is what is going to be a true party to me; that is what will have me rejoicing of pleasure and will allow me to keep the kindest and most remarkable memory of my second visit to Bordeaux.

Please convey my intentions to our Spiritist brothers, etc.


We thought to be our duty to publish the answers above so that people will make no mistake with respect to our intentions during our visits with Spiritist Centers. We take the opportunity to thank those of other towns who also send similar invitations. We regret the fact that time is short for us to go everywhere. We will do that in due course.

In time we have just received the kindest and most considerate invitation in the name of the members of the Spiritists of the Society of Vienna – Austria. We truly regret the absolute impossibility of attending it this year.


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