The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > March > Subscription to Erect a Monument in Memory of Mr. Jobard
Subscription to Erect a Monument in Memory of Mr. Jobard

When the papers announced the construction of a monument to Mr. Jobard, Mr. Allan Kardec notified the Society at the session on January 31st last. He considered mentioning this in the Review but postponed the announcement since the resources were scarce since most of the proceeds have been used in other areas. He also wanted to give some thought to the choice between giving bread to the poor and stones to the dead.

Once questioned about that Mr. Jobard responded:

“Certainly. But I gave some thought: Do you want to know if I like statues? To begin with give your support to the unfortunate ones and if at the end you still have some coins leftover in your pockets you then have a statue erected. That will always keep an artist alive.”

Hence, the Society will receive donations with that objective and credit the amounts to an account that was opened for that with the journal La Proprieté Industrielle at Rue Bergère, 21 where the subscription was originated.

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