The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > January > Bibliography > Revelations from beyond the grave
Revelations from beyond the grave

Revelations from beyond the grave by Mrs. H. Dozon, evoking medium and Mr. H. Dozon, ex- officer of the Guard, Knight of the Legion of Honor. Large volume, 2.25 francs. Ledoyen edition; Galerie d’Orleans, 31, Palais Royal.

The work contains a collection of communications obtained by Mrs. Dozon, member of the Spiritist Society of Paris, during and after a painful disease that, as she says herself, would have abated her courage if she did not have maintained her faith in Spiritism and in the evident assistance of spiritual friends and guides who supported her in the most difficult times. Thus, the majority of the communications are markedly affected by the circumstances in which they were received. The obvious objective was to raise her low morale, something that was promptly achieved. Their character is essentially religious. The communications exhale the purest, soothing and reassuring moral. Some show remarkable elevation of thoughts. We regret the fact that, given the speed that the book was published, there wasn’t sufficient time to do the necessary corrections.

If the announced Library of the Inv ublished this work would have found an honorable position there.

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