The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > October > Spiritist dissertations > The crow and the fox
The crow and the fox

Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, August 8th, 1862 – medium Mr. Leymarie

Be suspicious of the smarmy ones. Race of liars. Incarnations of two faces that lie to deceive. Unfortunate are the ones who listen to them and believe for the concept of truth is perverted in them. Nevertheless, how many people are misguided by that deceitful adulation! They pay attention to the villain who praises their own weaknesses whilst rejecting the sincere friend to tell them the truth and give them good advice; they attract the false friend and keep away the real and selfless one. These people are satisfied by adulation, by the approval of everything, getting applause even for the most absurd of all things. And – this is really strange – they refuse really sensible advice and believe in the lies from the first one that shows up as long as those lies flatter their own ideas. What would you expect? They want to be deceived and so they are. They often acknowledge the consequences but the evil is done and sometimes without remedy.

Where does it come from? The causes are numerous. First and without denial it is pride that blinds these individuals as they consider themselves infallible. They easily consider themselves the model of commonsense. Then comes a lack of judgment that does not allow them to separate right from wrong. Pride is also there to stain their poor judgment. Without pride they would mistrust themselves seeking the advice of those with more experience. You must understand also that the bad Spirits are not oblivious to the situation and take the opportunity to mystify and trick them.

Who would more easily fall into those traps than the flattered proud one? Pride to them is like a lack of armor as greed is to others. They are skillful in taking advantage of that but they also make attempts with the stronger ones from a moral point of view.

Do you want to avoid the influence of the bad Spirits? Rise, rise in virtue to the point where they cannot reach you and then they are the ones who are going to fear you. However, if you stick to the tip of the rope they will find ways of forcing your defeat; they will call you with sweet voices, they will flatter your plumage and like the crow you will drop the cheese.


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