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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > August > The merit of prayer
The merit of prayer
The same person mentioned in the preceding fact one day spontaneously received the following communication but in principle not understanding its origin.
“You have not forgotten me and I had never had your forgiveness. It is true that I caused a lot of harm but I have been punished for a long time. My suffering has not ended. I see you going about doing your duties with so much courage to provide for the needs of your family and envy ceaselessly devours my heart. Your…”
We stopped here to ask who that person was. The spirit added:
“Do not interrupt me. I will give you a name when I finish. I followed your resignation and that was one of my greatest sufferings. Have some compassion on my soul if you are really a disciple of Jesus. I was too much alone on Earth although surrounded by relatives and envy was my greatest fault. It was envy that made me dominate your husband. It seemed that you regained control over him when I met you and that was when I put myself between the two of you. Forgive me and have courage. God will have mercy on you. My sister the one that I oppressed my whole life was the only one to pray for me but yours are the prayers that I miss the most. The others do not bring me the seal of forgiveness. Good-bye. Forgive!
Angele Rouget”
The lady then adds: “I then remembered perfectly well that person deceased some twenty five years ago and to whom I have given no thoughts for a long time. I ask myself how much wouldn’t her sister’s prayers, a virtuous, kind, resigned and dedicated person, be more fruitful than mine. You must certainly realize that I have forgiven and prayed.
Answer: The spirit explains that when says “prayers form others do not bring me the seal of forgiveness”. In fact since that lady was the one particularly offended by the deceased, her prayers were dressed in forgiveness and that would certainly touch even more the guilty spirit! Her sister was in a way doing her duty; on the other side there is an act of charity. The offended had more rights and merit to request grace; her forgiveness must then alleviate the spirit. Now, we know that the main effect of prayer is to act upon the moral side of the spirit as much to calm down as to lead the spirit to good. By doing so the prayer expedites the clemency of the Supreme Judge who always forgives the repentant sinner.
Imperfect as it is before the divine justice, human justice frequently offers some similar examples. If a person is taken to the court by the offenses addressed to someone, there is nobody more capable of granting acquittal to that person than the offended who may generously withdraw the complaint.
Having the message above been read at the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, the following question was framed by one of the members:
“Q. The Spirits constantly ask for prayers from the mortals. Would that be the case that the good Spirits do not pray in favor of those in suffering? And, in that case, why would our prayers be more efficient?”
The following answer was given by St. Augustine in the same session, through the medium Mr. E. Vézy:
“Pray always, my children; I have told you already: the prayer is like a beneficent drizzle than can turn the over dried earth less arid. I come still to repeat and add a few words as an answer to the question. You ask why the suffering Spirits prefer to ask for your prayers rather than ours. Are the prayers of the mortals more efficient that those of the good Spirits?
Who told you that your prayers were capable of spreading consolation and giving strength to weak Spirits who cannot go to God but with effort and many times without courage? If they beg for your prayers it is because they have the merit of the earthly emanations that voluntarily rise up to God. They always appreciate it since they come from your charity and love. The prayer is an act of abnegation to you; to us it is a duty. The incarnate who prays for the neighbor accomplish the noble task of pure Spirits; without having their courage and strength, realize their wonders!
It is an attribute of our life to console the spirit that suffers but one of your prayers is a collar that you take from your neck to give to the beggar; it is the bread that you take from your table to give to the hungry and that is why your prayers are pleasing to the one who receives them. Doesn’t the father always yield to the prayer of the prodigal son? Doesn’t he call all servants to kill the beautiful veal to celebrate the return of the guilty son? How would he not do even more for the one who would kneel and say: Oh Father! I am wicked but I am not asking for myself; forgive my repentant brother, who is weaker and less culpable than me!”
Oh! That is when the father acknowledges; that is when every gift of love is taken from the heart to the son. He says: “You were full of iniquities; you said yourself that you were a criminal; but, understanding the greatness of your faults you have not asked for grace towards you; you accept the suffering of my punishment and despite the tortures you find enough strength to ask in favor of your brother!” Well, then! The father doesn’t want to be more charitable than the son: he forgives both; he will hold their hands so that they can move on and follow the straight line that leads to his glory.
Now you know, my children, why the suffering Spirits that wander around you beg for your prayers; we must pray; you can pray. Prayer from the heart is the soul of the souls if I can say so; it is the sublime quintessence that rises virgin, beautiful and radiant to the vastest soul of God.”
Saint Augustine
“You have not forgotten me and I had never had your forgiveness. It is true that I caused a lot of harm but I have been punished for a long time. My suffering has not ended. I see you going about doing your duties with so much courage to provide for the needs of your family and envy ceaselessly devours my heart. Your…”
We stopped here to ask who that person was. The spirit added:
“Do not interrupt me. I will give you a name when I finish. I followed your resignation and that was one of my greatest sufferings. Have some compassion on my soul if you are really a disciple of Jesus. I was too much alone on Earth although surrounded by relatives and envy was my greatest fault. It was envy that made me dominate your husband. It seemed that you regained control over him when I met you and that was when I put myself between the two of you. Forgive me and have courage. God will have mercy on you. My sister the one that I oppressed my whole life was the only one to pray for me but yours are the prayers that I miss the most. The others do not bring me the seal of forgiveness. Good-bye. Forgive!
Angele Rouget”
The lady then adds: “I then remembered perfectly well that person deceased some twenty five years ago and to whom I have given no thoughts for a long time. I ask myself how much wouldn’t her sister’s prayers, a virtuous, kind, resigned and dedicated person, be more fruitful than mine. You must certainly realize that I have forgiven and prayed.
Answer: The spirit explains that when says “prayers form others do not bring me the seal of forgiveness”. In fact since that lady was the one particularly offended by the deceased, her prayers were dressed in forgiveness and that would certainly touch even more the guilty spirit! Her sister was in a way doing her duty; on the other side there is an act of charity. The offended had more rights and merit to request grace; her forgiveness must then alleviate the spirit. Now, we know that the main effect of prayer is to act upon the moral side of the spirit as much to calm down as to lead the spirit to good. By doing so the prayer expedites the clemency of the Supreme Judge who always forgives the repentant sinner.
Imperfect as it is before the divine justice, human justice frequently offers some similar examples. If a person is taken to the court by the offenses addressed to someone, there is nobody more capable of granting acquittal to that person than the offended who may generously withdraw the complaint.
Having the message above been read at the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, the following question was framed by one of the members:
“Q. The Spirits constantly ask for prayers from the mortals. Would that be the case that the good Spirits do not pray in favor of those in suffering? And, in that case, why would our prayers be more efficient?”
The following answer was given by St. Augustine in the same session, through the medium Mr. E. Vézy:
“Pray always, my children; I have told you already: the prayer is like a beneficent drizzle than can turn the over dried earth less arid. I come still to repeat and add a few words as an answer to the question. You ask why the suffering Spirits prefer to ask for your prayers rather than ours. Are the prayers of the mortals more efficient that those of the good Spirits?
Who told you that your prayers were capable of spreading consolation and giving strength to weak Spirits who cannot go to God but with effort and many times without courage? If they beg for your prayers it is because they have the merit of the earthly emanations that voluntarily rise up to God. They always appreciate it since they come from your charity and love. The prayer is an act of abnegation to you; to us it is a duty. The incarnate who prays for the neighbor accomplish the noble task of pure Spirits; without having their courage and strength, realize their wonders!
It is an attribute of our life to console the spirit that suffers but one of your prayers is a collar that you take from your neck to give to the beggar; it is the bread that you take from your table to give to the hungry and that is why your prayers are pleasing to the one who receives them. Doesn’t the father always yield to the prayer of the prodigal son? Doesn’t he call all servants to kill the beautiful veal to celebrate the return of the guilty son? How would he not do even more for the one who would kneel and say: Oh Father! I am wicked but I am not asking for myself; forgive my repentant brother, who is weaker and less culpable than me!”
Oh! That is when the father acknowledges; that is when every gift of love is taken from the heart to the son. He says: “You were full of iniquities; you said yourself that you were a criminal; but, understanding the greatness of your faults you have not asked for grace towards you; you accept the suffering of my punishment and despite the tortures you find enough strength to ask in favor of your brother!” Well, then! The father doesn’t want to be more charitable than the son: he forgives both; he will hold their hands so that they can move on and follow the straight line that leads to his glory.
Now you know, my children, why the suffering Spirits that wander around you beg for your prayers; we must pray; you can pray. Prayer from the heart is the soul of the souls if I can say so; it is the sublime quintessence that rises virgin, beautiful and radiant to the vastest soul of God.”
Saint Augustine