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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > September > Spiritist poetry
Spiritist poetry
Pilgrimage of the soulA little drop, the minimal part,
As blood circulates from the heart,
Our life stems out of Divinity,
Flowing in space for eternity.
Earth is a place of test and suffering;
It shelters our pains, our crying;
It is our hell, our place of freedom,
Where our past returns in right proportion.
Thus, each of us leaving behind this globe
Elevates more or less to reach another orb.
Depending on the impurity that contains
The creature evolves or here in chains remains.
Fact is that nobody is chosen
Before atoning the bad deeds,
If bitter remorse, prayer, and pain
Have not exalted goodness above the weeds.
Like a wandering spirit, still stained and filthy,*
A new body incorporates to feel the pain,
Reborn to virtue in a human family,
To improve, refine and die once again.
* This fifth stanza is missing in the original for the month of September, later corrected by Allan Kardec in November of the same year.
It is out of devotion that chosen souls
Incarnate among us, by the Almighty’s will,
Servants of a good Father, preaching us
The law of love, and our bodies heal.
Once the sacred mission is over
God soon assigns them with a task of
Heavenly grade from where the higher
Souls sing in the infinite choir of love.
Thus, when our trials one day end
And through love we reach sacred regions,
Triumphantly our hearts will lend
More righteousness to the noble legions.
There, oh happiness, the grace
Of God reunites us with our loved ones;
In a holy encounter we embrace
One another, blessed sons.
Through sublime and beauty our transformation;
We are then transferred to the sacred city
Where there is true appreciation
For the conquered treasure: we are happy!
From the graded worlds, following the immense scale,
Through many lives we grow; no more devils,
We arrive where our beginning is pale,
Pure love, brilliant angels.
We will then pioneer a new race
As the guardian souls of the future;
God’s will shall be our base,
Faithful keepers of a forming nature.
God’s power is so present and real
In the lengthy path of humanity.
Let us then worship and kneel
Singing hosanna throughout eternity.
B. Joly, herbalist from Lyon
OBSERVATION: The strict critics may have severe restrictions to these verses. We leave that task to them and only consider the idea whose accuracy from the Spiritist point of view is undeniable. It is really about the soul and its peregrinations through the purifying work to finally achieve endless happiness. There is, however, a very orthodox point that we could not accept. It is expressed in the sentence: Flowing in space for eternity. If by that the author understands that the soul rises indefinitely it results that perfect happiness is never achieved. Reason tells us that if the soul is a finite being its ascension towards the absolute good must have a term; that arriving at a certain level the soul will not remain in eternal contemplation, as a matter of fact very little attractive, completely useless; on the contrary, that the soul will have endless and blessed activities as an auxiliary power to Divinity.
The guardian angel - African Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Ms. O…
Poor humans in suffering on Earth,
Rest reassured; cry out loud
No more. The torment around roars but you feel the girth
Of the guides protecting you in their shrouds.
The Father, the Almighty,
Gave us all a brother, an angel
With a kind voice, a true sanctuary
Of happiness in their mantle.
After this life; we want you happy,
We want you in heavens In the plains of charity.
Ah! If you could see our smiles
When your first steps we detect;
If you could see our sorrow
When behind you are left!
All we want is to teach
The secret of good
So that angel you may reach
Joining the guardians’ brotherhood.
Yes, after enduring penalties and trials
And been duly purified
The Lord sends you back to Earth
On a mission of progress; you are assigned!
Embracing the little ones like a dove,
In a kind and subtle way,
Pure like the maternal love,
You then guide with a stern sway
To the hopes of a heavenly stay.
OBSERVATION: These verses and others of a certain extension and not less remarkable with the title The Child and the Atheist, to appear in our next issue, were published in the Echo de Sétif, Algeria, on July 31st 1862, preceded by the following note:
“One of our subscribers sent us the two following poems received by a medium from Constantin in the initial days of this month. Although we do not find them immune to criticism from a technical point of view, we published them because they explain, at least partially, the Spiritist Doctrine that tends to spread all over the globe.”
This medium seems to have the gift of poetry. He has already received a large number of verses written with an incredible agility, without doodling and not knowing the rules of metric. We met a member of the Constantin Society who witnessed the writing.
“One of our subscribers sent us the two following poems received by a medium from Constantin in the initial days of this month. Although we do not find them immune to criticism from a technical point of view, we published them because they explain, at least partially, the Spiritist Doctrine that tends to spread all over the globe.”
This medium seems to have the gift of poetry. He has already received a large number of verses written with an incredible agility, without doodling and not knowing the rules of metric. We met a member of the Constantin Society who witnessed the writing.