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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > February > Religious and Philosophical Meditations Dictated by the spirit of Lamennais Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, medium Mr. A. Didier > How blessed are the poor in spirit
How blessed are the poor in spirit
The most meritorious actions to the spirit after death are those of the heart rather than intelligence. How blessed are those who are the poor in spirit does not refer to the mentally challenged only but also to those who have plenty of intellectual gifts and did not use them badly since those gifts are a powerful weapon to drag the masses.
However, and as Gérard de Nerval* said lately, the unknown intelligence on Earth shall have a great merit before God. In fact someone that bears a powerful intelligence fighting against every unfortunate circumstance must rejoice with these words: “the last will be first, and the first will be last”. This must not be exclusively understood in a material sense but also with respect to the manifestations of the spirit and in the works of human intelligence. The qualities of the heart are meritorious because the circumstances that can preclude them are very small, rare and futile. Charity must shine everywhere, despite everything and to everyone, like the Sun shines to all. A person can preclude someone else’s intelligence from manifesting but cannot do anything against their feelings. The struggle against adversity, the anguishes of pain can paralyze the impulses of the genius but cannot halt those of charity.
* Reference to a communication by Gérard de Nerval
However, and as Gérard de Nerval* said lately, the unknown intelligence on Earth shall have a great merit before God. In fact someone that bears a powerful intelligence fighting against every unfortunate circumstance must rejoice with these words: “the last will be first, and the first will be last”. This must not be exclusively understood in a material sense but also with respect to the manifestations of the spirit and in the works of human intelligence. The qualities of the heart are meritorious because the circumstances that can preclude them are very small, rare and futile. Charity must shine everywhere, despite everything and to everyone, like the Sun shines to all. A person can preclude someone else’s intelligence from manifesting but cannot do anything against their feelings. The struggle against adversity, the anguishes of pain can paralyze the impulses of the genius but cannot halt those of charity.
* Reference to a communication by Gérard de Nerval