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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > April > Spiritist Dissertations > Attacks to the new idea
Attacks to the new idea
As you see people are now discussing the Spiritist ideas even in courses of theology and the Catholic Review has asserted that current Spiritism is the works of the devil, as one can see in the article entitled “Satanism in Modern Spiritism” in the magazine mentioned above. Ala! Let them speak! Let them act! Spiritism is like steel and all serpents will try to bite it with their fangs.
Nevertheless there is something worth mentioning: it is the fact that in the past they refused to get involved with those who moved tables and chairs whereas in our days they are really involved with those innovators whose ideas and theories are raised to the level of a doctrine. Ah! The fact is that such a doctrine; such a revelation opens cracks in all previous doctrines, in every old philosophy insufficient to satisfy the needs of human reason. Hence, priests, scientists and journalists come down to the arena holding their pens to reject the new idea: progress. Never mind! Isn’t that an undeniable proof of the propagation of our teachings? Well, one cannot discuss and combat but those ideas that are really serious and sufficiently well engrained not to be treated as utopias, like chimeras coming out of sick minds. As a matter of fact, better than anybody else you can see the speed with which Spiritism recruits followers every day and that even in the enlightened military ranks among officers of all arms. Do not be afraid of all these unfortunate people who roar for nothing since they ignore their actual condition. They are embarrassed. Their certainties and probabilities fade away under the lights of Spiritism because from the bottom of their hearts they feel that we are the ones with the truth. I say we because today Spirits and incarnate Spirits we have only one objective: the destruction of the materialistic ideas and the regeneration of the faith in God, to whom we owe everything.
Erastus, medium Mr. d’Ambel
Nevertheless there is something worth mentioning: it is the fact that in the past they refused to get involved with those who moved tables and chairs whereas in our days they are really involved with those innovators whose ideas and theories are raised to the level of a doctrine. Ah! The fact is that such a doctrine; such a revelation opens cracks in all previous doctrines, in every old philosophy insufficient to satisfy the needs of human reason. Hence, priests, scientists and journalists come down to the arena holding their pens to reject the new idea: progress. Never mind! Isn’t that an undeniable proof of the propagation of our teachings? Well, one cannot discuss and combat but those ideas that are really serious and sufficiently well engrained not to be treated as utopias, like chimeras coming out of sick minds. As a matter of fact, better than anybody else you can see the speed with which Spiritism recruits followers every day and that even in the enlightened military ranks among officers of all arms. Do not be afraid of all these unfortunate people who roar for nothing since they ignore their actual condition. They are embarrassed. Their certainties and probabilities fade away under the lights of Spiritism because from the bottom of their hearts they feel that we are the ones with the truth. I say we because today Spirits and incarnate Spirits we have only one objective: the destruction of the materialistic ideas and the regeneration of the faith in God, to whom we owe everything.
Erastus, medium Mr. d’Ambel