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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > February > Religious and Philosophical Meditations Dictated by the spirit of Lamennais Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, medium Mr. A. Didier > Slavery
Slavery! When that word is pronounced the hearts goes cold because one sees egotism and pride. When a priest talks about slavery he refers to that slavery of the soul that diminishes the human spirit and muffles conscience that is freedom. Oh! Yes, that slavery of the soul is terrible and every day it does excite the eloquence of many preachers. But what do they say about the slavery of the helot and the black? Before such a question the priest shows the cross and says: “Wait!” In fact that is the consolation to offer to those unfortunate people and it says: “When your body is lacerated by the whip and you die from the pain you must not think of Earth. Think of heavens.”
We touch here one of the most serious and terrible issues faced by the human race and that throws it into uncertainty. Is the black race to the level of the Europeans and should human prudence, or even better, human justice show them emancipation as the safest way of achieving the progress of civilization? The philanthropists point to the Gospel and say: “Has Jesus talked about slaves?” No, but Jesus spoke of resignation and said these sublime words: “My kingdom is not from this world.”
John Brown, when I look at your corpse in the gallows I am taken by a profound compassion and eager admiration, but reason, this brutal reason that incessantly drags us to the whys, leads us to ask ourselves: “What would have you done after victory?”
Allan Kardec
We touch here one of the most serious and terrible issues faced by the human race and that throws it into uncertainty. Is the black race to the level of the Europeans and should human prudence, or even better, human justice show them emancipation as the safest way of achieving the progress of civilization? The philanthropists point to the Gospel and say: “Has Jesus talked about slaves?” No, but Jesus spoke of resignation and said these sublime words: “My kingdom is not from this world.”
John Brown, when I look at your corpse in the gallows I am taken by a profound compassion and eager admiration, but reason, this brutal reason that incessantly drags us to the whys, leads us to ask ourselves: “What would have you done after victory?”
Allan Kardec