The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

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Charity to Criminals – A Moral Issue

“A man is in a life threatening situation. It is necessary to risk one’s life to save him. It is known that the person is a criminal and as such if saved he could commit new crimes. Despite all that should we risk ourselves to save him?”

The answer that follows was obtained by the medium Mr. A. Didier, at the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, on February 7th, 1862:

That is a very serious question that can be very naturally presented to the spirit. I will respond according to my own moral advancement since it is related to the issue of risking one’s life even for a wrongdoer.

Dedication is blind. One helps a personal enemy hence one must help an enemy of Society that is a criminal. Would you then believe that it is only death that we save him from? It could be his entire previous life. Think about this: In those rapid instants that steal the last minutes of his life the lost man sees his past life before his eyes. Death may come too soon for him and his reincarnation might be perhaps terrible. Go on, enlightened people by the Spiritist Science! Move on and subtract him from his doom and then, perhaps, that man who could die cursing you might embrace you. However, you must not ask if he will or will not do that. Just save him for by doing so you obey that voice from the heart that says: “You can save him; just do that!”


OBSERVATION: Out of an incredible coincidence some days ago we received the following communication from a Spiritist group in Le Havre, more or less dealing with the same subject. They tell us that after a conversation about the murderer of Dumollard, the spirit of Mrs. Elisabeth of France who have already given several messages, spontaneously dictated the following:

“True charity is one of the most sublime teachings that God has given the world. A complete fraternity must exist among the true disciples of his doctrine. You must love the miserable, the criminals as God’s creatures to whom forgiveness and mercy must be shown if they repent, like it has been done to yourselves for your faults against the law. Know this that you are more to blame than those to whom you deny forgiveness and commiseration for they frequently do not know God as you do and shall be less accountable than you. Do not judge. Oh! Do not judge my dear friends, for your judgment shall come back to you even more severely and you need indulgence to the sins that you do incessantly. Do not you know that there are many actions that are criminal to the eyes of God of purity and that are not even considered misdemeanor to the eyes of the world? True charity is not only the alms that you give, not even in the words of reassurance that follow. No. That is not the only thing that God expects from you. The sublime charity taught by Jesus Christ also consists on the benevolence towards your neighbor at all times and in all things. You can still exercise that sublime virtue towards many people that do not need alms but to whom your kind and consoling words will give courage and lead them to the Lord.

I also tell you this, the times when the great fraternity will reign in this globe are near. The law of Christ will rule the masses. He will be the only brake and the only hope and he will guide the souls to the dwellings of the blessings.

Hence, love one another as children of the same Father. Do not differentiate the other miserable ones for God wants all to be equal. Thus, you must neglect no one. God allows heartless criminals among you as a teaching. Soon, when the true laws of God govern the masses, there will no longer be the need for such teachings and all impure and revolted Spirits shall be spread out onto inferior worlds, according to their inclinations.

You own them the help of your prayers: that is true charity. One must not say of a criminal: “That is a ingrate; Earth must be cleansed of their presence; death that is imposed upon them is too kind a punishment to someone of that kind.” No. That is not how you should speak. Look at your model, Jesus. What did he say when he saw these type of individuals by his side? He was sorry for this very unfortunate person, reaching out to him. In reality you cannot do that but you can at least pray for that miserable person and assist their spirit over that time that they still have on Earth. Regret may touch their heart if you pray faithfully. He is your neighbor as much as the best of humanity. His strayed and disturbed soul was created like yours, to the image of a perfect God. Hence, pray for him. You must not be judgmental. Only God can.

Elisabeth of France

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