Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > March > > There is a time for everything
There is a time for everything

Odessa, family group, 1866 – medium Ms. M…

“Question. – I was amazed while reading, in the Vérité of 1866, the magnetic experiments, and I thought to myself that this so astonishing force could, perhaps, be the cause of all wonders, of all beauties, incomprehensible to us, of the superior planets, whose descriptions are given to us by the Spirits. I beg the good Spirits to enlighten me on this subject.

Answer. - Poor men! The greed for knowledge, the devouring impatience to read the book of creation, everything turns your head and dazzles your eyes accustomed to darkness, when they come across some passages that your mind, still a slave of matter, cannot understand. But, be patient, the times have come. Already the great architect begins to unroll, little by little, before your eyes, the plan of the edifice of the universe; he already lifts a corner of the veil that hides the truth from you, and a ray of light enlightens you. Be content with these premises; get your eyes used to the soft light of the dawn, until they can endure the splendor of the sun, shining with all its brightness.

Thank the Almighty, whose infinite goodness spares your weak sight, gradually lifting the veil that covers it. If he took it off suddenly, you would be dazzled and see nothing; you would fall back into the doubt, into the confusion, into the ignorance from which you have barely emerged. You have already been told that there is a time for everything: do not get ahead of it by your excessive anxiety to know everything. Leave that to the Lord the choice of the method that he considers the most suitable for your instruction. You have a sublime work before you: “nature, its essence, its forces;” It begins by the A B C. So, learn to spell first, to understand these first pages; progress with patience and perseverance, and you will reach the end, while by skipping pages and chapters, the whole seems incomprehensible to you. Moreover, it is not in the designs of the Almighty for man to know everything. So, abide by his will, whose objective is your good.

Read in the great book of nature; educate yourself, enlighten your Spirit, be satisfied with knowing what God wishes to teach you during your stay on earth; you will not have time to get to the last page, and you will only read it when you are detached from matter, when your spiritualized senses allow you to understand it. Yes, my friends, learn and educate yourself, and, above all, progress in morality by loving your fellow human being, by charity, by faith: this is essential, it is the passport before which the doors of the infinite sanctuary are open to you.


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