Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > October > Spiritist Dissertations > III
Advices about the healing mediumship


Paris, March 24th, 1867 – medium Mr. Rul)

“I come to continue the instruction I gave to a medium of the Society. Why did you doubt that I had come to your call? Don't you know that a good Spirit is always happy to help his earthly brethren in the path of improvement and progress?

Today you know what I said about the extended role reserved to the healing mediumship; you know that, depending on the state of your soul and the aptitudes of your organism, you will be able, if God allows it, to heal, either the physical pains, or the moral pains, or both. You doubt that you can do either, because you know your imperfections; but God does not ask for perfection, the absolute purity of men on Earth. From this point of view, none of you would be worthy of being a healing medium. God asks you to improve yourself, to make constant efforts to purify yourself, and he takes your good will into account.

Since you seriously desire to relieve your brothers who are suffering physically and morally, have confidence, and hope that the Lord will grant you this favor. But I repeat to you, do not be exclusive in the choice of your patients; all, whoever they are, rich or poor, believer or unbeliever, good or bad, all have a right to your help. Does the Lord deprive the wicked from the beneficent of the heat of the sun that warms, that encourages, that gives life? Is light denied to anyone that does not bow down to the goodness of the Almighty? Heal, therefore, whoever suffers, and take advantage of the good that you have brought to the body to purify the even more suffering soul, teaching it to pray. Do not be hurt by the refusals you will encounter; always do your work of charity and love, and do not doubt that the good, although delayed for some, will never be lost. Improve yourself through prayer, through the love of the Lord, of your brothers, and do not doubt that the Almighty gives you frequent opportunities to exercise your mediumistic faculty. Be happy when, after healing, you handshake with of your grateful brother, and both of you, prostrated at the feet of your Heavenly Father, pray together to thank and worship him; be happier still, when, greeted by ingratitude, after having healed the body, powerless to heal the hardened soul, you will raise your thoughts towards the Creator, for your prayer will be the first spark, destined to light, later on, the torch that will shine in the eyes of your brother, cured of his blindness, and you will say to yourself that the more a patient suffers, the more the doctor must give him care.

Courage, brother, hope and wait that the good Spirits that guide you, inspire you when you must begin, with your brothers that suffer, the application of your new mediumistic faculty. Until then pray, progress by moral charity, by the influence of the example, and never miss the slightest opportunity to enlighten your brothers. God is watching over each of you, and the one who is the most unbeliever today can be the most fervent and the most believing tomorrow.

Abbot Príncipe de Hohenlohe.”

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