Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > October > Spiritist Dissertations > I
Advices about the healing mediumship


Paris, March 12th, 1867 – Desliens group, medium Mr. Desliens

“As you have been told many times already, in various instructions, healing mediumship, together with the seeing faculty, is called to play a great role in the present period of revelation. These are the two agents that cooperate most powerfully in the regeneration of humanity, and in the fusion of all beliefs into one, tolerant, progressive, universal.

When, recently, I communicated in a meeting of the Society, where I had been mentioned, I said and I repeat it, everyone has more or less the healing faculty, and if everyone wanted to seriously dedicate themselves to the study of this faculty, many mediums that ignore each other could render useful services to their brothers in humanity. Time did not allow me to develop all my thoughts in this regard; I will take advantage of your call to do so today.

In general, those who seek the healing faculty want, as their sole desire, to obtain the reestablishment of their material health, to restore the freedom of action of a given organ, precluded of its functions by any material cause. But, know this well, that is the least of the services that this faculty is called upon to render, and you would only know it in its beginnings and in a completely rudimentary way, if you assigned it with this single role ... No, the healing faculty has a nobler and more extensive mission! ... If it can restore the vigor of health to the bodies, it must also give the souls all the purity of which they are capable, and it is only in this case that it could be called curative in the absolute sense of the word.

You have often been told, and your teachers cannot repeat it too often, that the apparent material effect, suffering, almost always has an immaterial morbid cause, residing in the moral state of the Spirit. So, if the healing medium attacks the illnesses of the body, it only attacks the effect, and since the primary cause of the illness remains, the effect can recur, either in its primordial form, or in any other form. This is often one of the reasons why such and such a disease, suddenly cured by the influence of a medium, reappears with all its accidents, as soon as the beneficent influence goes away, because there is nothing left, absolutely nothing to fight the morbid cause.

To avoid these relapses, the spiritual remedy must attack the disease on its base, as the material fluid destroys it in its effects; in a word, it is necessary to treat both body and soul.

To be a good healing medium, not only must the body be able to serve as a channel for restorative material fluids, but the Spirit must also possess a moral power that it can only acquire by its own improvement. To be a healing medium, one must, therefore, prepare for it, not only by prayer, but by the purification of one's soul, in order to physically treat the body by physical means, and to influence the soul by moral power.

One last thought. You were advised to preferably seek the poor who have no other resources than the charity of the hospital; I am not quite of this opinion. Jesus said that the doctor's mission is to treat the sick and not the healthy; remember that in matters of moral health there are sick people everywhere, and that the doctor's duty is to go wherever his help is needed.

Abbot Prince of Hohenlohe.”

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