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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > July > Spiritist Dissertations
Spiritist Dissertations
Struggles of the Spirits to return to good
Paris, March 14th, 1867 – medium Mr. Rul.
Struggles of the Spirits to return to good
Paris, March 14th, 1867 – medium Mr. Rul.
Thank you, dear brother, for your compassion to the one that atones, through suffering, the faults he has committed; thank you for your good prayers, inspired by your love to your brothers. Call me sometimes, it will be a gathering that I will never miss, rest assured. I told you, in a communication given to the Society, that after having suffered, I would be permitted to come and give you my opinion on some of the questions with which you are concerned. God is so good, that after having imposed atonement on me, through suffering, he took pity on my repentance, for he knows that if I failed, it was out of weakness, and that pride is the son of ignorance. I am allowed to enlighten myself, and if I cannot, like the good Spirits that left earth, penetrate the mysteries of creation, I can study the rudiments of the universal science, in order to advance and help my brothers to advance too.
I will tell you the relationship that exists between the state of the soul and the nature of the fluids that surrounds it, in each environment in which it is momentarily placed; and if, as you have been told, the pure soul cleanses the fluids, believe that the impure thought vitiates them. You can assess what efforts the repenting Spirit must make to combat the influence of these fluids, with which it is enveloped, further increased by the accumulation of all the bad fluids that the perverse Spirits bring to suffocate it. Do not think that it is enough for me to want to improve myself, to drive away the Spirits of pride that surrounded me during my stay on earth. They are always near me, trying to hold me back in their unhealthy atmosphere. Good Spirits come to enlighten me, give me the strength I need to fight against the influence of bad Spirits, then they move away, leaving me to my own strength to fight against evil. It is then that I feel the beneficial influence of your kind prayers, for you unknowingly continue the work of the good Spirits from beyond the grave.
You see, dear brother, that everything is linked together in the immensity; that we are all in solidarity with one another, and that there is not a single good thought that does not bear with it the fruits of love, improvement and moral progress. Yes, you are right to tell your brothers, who are suffering, that one word is enough to explain the Creator; that this word must be the star that guides each Spirit, whatever degree of the Spiritist scale that it belongs to, by all its thoughts, by all its acts, in the inferior as in the superior worlds; that this word, the gospel of all ages, the alpha and omega of all science, the light of eternal truth, is love! Love of God, love of one’s brothers. Happy are those who pray for their brothers in suffering. Their trials on earth will become light, and the reward that awaits them will be above their expectations! ...
You see, dear brother, how the Lord is full of mercy, for despite my sufferings, he allows me to come and speak to you in the language of a good Spirit.
I will tell you the relationship that exists between the state of the soul and the nature of the fluids that surrounds it, in each environment in which it is momentarily placed; and if, as you have been told, the pure soul cleanses the fluids, believe that the impure thought vitiates them. You can assess what efforts the repenting Spirit must make to combat the influence of these fluids, with which it is enveloped, further increased by the accumulation of all the bad fluids that the perverse Spirits bring to suffocate it. Do not think that it is enough for me to want to improve myself, to drive away the Spirits of pride that surrounded me during my stay on earth. They are always near me, trying to hold me back in their unhealthy atmosphere. Good Spirits come to enlighten me, give me the strength I need to fight against the influence of bad Spirits, then they move away, leaving me to my own strength to fight against evil. It is then that I feel the beneficial influence of your kind prayers, for you unknowingly continue the work of the good Spirits from beyond the grave.
You see, dear brother, that everything is linked together in the immensity; that we are all in solidarity with one another, and that there is not a single good thought that does not bear with it the fruits of love, improvement and moral progress. Yes, you are right to tell your brothers, who are suffering, that one word is enough to explain the Creator; that this word must be the star that guides each Spirit, whatever degree of the Spiritist scale that it belongs to, by all its thoughts, by all its acts, in the inferior as in the superior worlds; that this word, the gospel of all ages, the alpha and omega of all science, the light of eternal truth, is love! Love of God, love of one’s brothers. Happy are those who pray for their brothers in suffering. Their trials on earth will become light, and the reward that awaits them will be above their expectations! ...
You see, dear brother, how the Lord is full of mercy, for despite my sufferings, he allows me to come and speak to you in the language of a good Spirit.