Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > February > Spiritist dissertations > Clarity

Parisian Society, January 5th, 1866 – medium Mr. Leymarie

Will you give me hospitality in your first session in 1866? I wish, embracing you fraternally, to offer you friendly greetings; may you have a lot of moral satisfactions, a lot of will and persevering charity.

In this century of lights, what is most lacking is clarity! The half-scientists, the baddie of the press, have valiantly done the work of the spider to obscure, with the help of a so-called liberal fabric, all that is clear, all that illuminates.

Dear Spiritists, have you found, in all social strata, this force of reasoning that is the intelligent hallmark of successful beings? Are you not, on the contrary, certain that the great majority of your brothers are languishing in unhealthy ignorance? Heresies and bad deeds everywhere!

Good intentions, corrupted in its principle, fall one by one, like those beautiful fruits that a worm spoils at the heart and the wind throws to the ground. Clarity in the arguments, in knowledge, would it have made, by chance, the choice of residence in the academies, among the philosophers, the journalists or the pamphleteers? … It seems that one could doubt it, by seeing them, like Diogenes, with a lantern in hand, seeking truth under the sun.

Light, clarity, you are the essence of all intelligent movement! You will soon inundate, with your beneficent rays, the most obscure recesses of this poor humanity; it is you that will bring out of the mire so many dumbfounded, rude, unhappy earthlings that must be cleansed by education, by freedom, above all by the awareness of their spiritual value. Light will drive away tears, sorrows, dark despair, the negation of divine things, all bad will! By besieging materialism, it will force it to no longer take shelter behind this factitious, worm-eaten rampart, from which it awkwardly unleashes its darts against anything that is not its work.

But the masks will be torn off and we will then know whether pleasures, fortune and sensualism are indeed the emblems of life and freedom. Clarity is useful in everything and to everybody; both embryo and man need light! without it everything gropes, and the groping soul seeks the soul.

May an eternal night be made! the harmonious colors will soon disappear from your globe, the flowers will wither, the great trees will be destroyed; the insects, the whole of nature will no longer produce those thousand sounds, the eternal song of God! The streams will bathe desolate shores; the cold will have mummified everything, and life disappeared! ...

It is the same with the Spirit. If you make night around it, it will be sick; the cold will petrify its divine tendencies; man, as in the Middle Ages, will go numb, similar in his soul to the wild and desolate solitudes of boreal regions!

That is why, Spiritists, that you owe yourselves all the clarity. But before you advise and teach, first start by illuminating the smallest folds of your soul. When, purified enough to fear nothing, you can raise your voice, your gaze, your gesture, you will wage an implacable war to the shadows, to sadness, to the absence of life; you will teach the great Spiritist laws to the brothers who know nothing of the role that God assigns to them.

1866, may you, for years to come, be that luminous star that led the wise men to the cradle of a humble child of the people; they came to pay homage to the incarnation that was to represent, in the broadest sense, the Spirit of truth, this beneficent light that transformed humanity. By this child, everything was realized! He is the one that perpetuates grace and simplicity, charity, benevolence, love, and freedom.

Spiritism, also a luminous star, must, like the one, eighteen centuries ago, that torn apart the dark veil of the iron centuries, lead the earthlings to the conquest of the promised truths. Will it be able to extricate itself from the storms, promised to us by human evolution, and the desperate resistance of science at bay? This is what all of you, my friends, and we, your brothers of erraticity[1], are called upon to better accuse, by flooding this year with the acquired clarity.

To work for this purpose is to be followers of the Child of Bethlehem, it is to be children of God, from whom all light and all clarity emanate.


[1] Earthly spiritual world (T.N.)

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