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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > February > Bibliographic News > Poetic echoes from beyond the grave
Poetic echoes from beyond the grave
Collection of mediumistic poems obtained by Mr. Vavasseur; preceded by a Study on mediumistic poetry, by Mr. Allan Kardec. 1 vol. in-12, price 1 fr. By post, for France and Algeria, 1 fr. 20 c. - Paris, central bookstore, 24, boulevard des Italiens; at the office of the Spiritist Review, and at the author's, 3, rue de la Mairie, in Paris-Montmartre.
This work, of which we spoke in our last issue, and whose printing has been delayed, is for sale.
This work, of which we spoke in our last issue, and whose printing has been delayed, is for sale.