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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > October > Spiritist Dissertations > II
Advices about the healing mediumship
Parisian Society, March 15th, 1867 – medium Mr. Desliens
“In a recent communication, I spoke of the healing mediumship in a broader perspective than it has hitherto been considered, and I made it more of the moral treatment than the physical treatment of the sick, or at least I was combining these two treatments in one. I ask you to allow me to say a few words on this subject.
Suffering, disease, even death, in the conditions in which you know them, aren’t they more especially the attribute of the worlds inhabited by lower or less advanced Spirits? Isn't the main goal of moral development to lead humanity to happiness, by making it acquire more complete knowledge, by ridding it of imperfections of all kinds that slow down its ascension towards infinity? Now, by improving the Spirit of the sick, don’t we put them in better conditions to endure their physical sufferings? By attacking the vices, the evil inclinations, that are the source of almost all physical disorganizations, don’t we make these disorganizations impossible to reproduce? By destroying the cause, one necessarily prevents the effect from manifesting again.
Healing mediumship can, therefore, have two forms, and this faculty will not be at its peak, in those who will possess it, until they unite in themselves these two ways of being. It can comprehend only the material relief of the sick, and then it is addressed to the incarnates; it can include the moral improvement of individuals, and in this case, it is addressed to the Spirits as well as to men; it can finally comprehend moral improvement as well as material relief, and in this case both, cause and effect, can be fought victoriously. Is the treatment of obsessing Spirits anything more than a sort of influence like the healing mediumship, exercised in concert by mediums and Spirits on a disembodied personality?
Healing mediumship, therefore, embraces both moral and physical health, the world of the embodied and that of the Spirits.
Abbot Príncipe de Hohenlohe.”
“In a recent communication, I spoke of the healing mediumship in a broader perspective than it has hitherto been considered, and I made it more of the moral treatment than the physical treatment of the sick, or at least I was combining these two treatments in one. I ask you to allow me to say a few words on this subject.
Suffering, disease, even death, in the conditions in which you know them, aren’t they more especially the attribute of the worlds inhabited by lower or less advanced Spirits? Isn't the main goal of moral development to lead humanity to happiness, by making it acquire more complete knowledge, by ridding it of imperfections of all kinds that slow down its ascension towards infinity? Now, by improving the Spirit of the sick, don’t we put them in better conditions to endure their physical sufferings? By attacking the vices, the evil inclinations, that are the source of almost all physical disorganizations, don’t we make these disorganizations impossible to reproduce? By destroying the cause, one necessarily prevents the effect from manifesting again.
Healing mediumship can, therefore, have two forms, and this faculty will not be at its peak, in those who will possess it, until they unite in themselves these two ways of being. It can comprehend only the material relief of the sick, and then it is addressed to the incarnates; it can include the moral improvement of individuals, and in this case, it is addressed to the Spirits as well as to men; it can finally comprehend moral improvement as well as material relief, and in this case both, cause and effect, can be fought victoriously. Is the treatment of obsessing Spirits anything more than a sort of influence like the healing mediumship, exercised in concert by mediums and Spirits on a disembodied personality?
Healing mediumship, therefore, embraces both moral and physical health, the world of the embodied and that of the Spirits.
Abbot Príncipe de Hohenlohe.”