Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > June > Bibliography > Spiritist Union of Bordeaux
Spiritist Union of Bordeaux

The latest issue of the Union, that is now reaching us, and that ends its second year, contains the following notice:

Absorbed by the material work imposed on us by the need to provide for our needs and those of the family, that we have the task of raising, we have not been allowed to publish regularly the latest issues of the Spiritist Union. We will not hide it, in the presence of this task both so painful and so unappreciated that we have imposed on ourselves, we wondered if we should not stop and leave to others, more fortunate than us, the care to continue the work we have undertaken, with as much ardor as with conviction and faith. But, yielding to the urges of many of our readers, who think that the Spiritist Union not only has its reason for being, but has already done, and is called upon to do, perhaps in the very near future, a great service to Spiritism, we have resolved to walk still forward, and still face the difficulties of all kinds that are piling up under our feet. Only, to make such a task possible for us, and to avoid the irregularity that, unfortunately, until now we have been the victim so often, we have had to make major changes to our method of publication.

The Spiritist Union, that will begin its third year next June, will now appear once a month only, in 32-page notebooks, large in-8 °. The price of the subscription will be set at 10 francs per year.

We hope that our subscribers will be willing to accept these conditions that are, moreover, those of the Spiritist Review of Allan Kardec, and of almost all the publications or philosophical reviews of Paris, and that by sending us, as soon as possible, their membership, they will make it as easy as possible for us to accomplish the work to which, for more than four years, we have made such great sacrifices.

A Bez.”

We are among those who regard this journal as having its reason to be and its usefulness; by the spirit in which it is written, it can and must render incontestable services to the cause of Spiritism. We congratulate Mr. Bez on his perseverance, despite the material difficulties he encounters in his very position. He took, in our opinion, a very wise course in only publishing it once a month, while providing the same amount of material. One cannot imagine the time and expenses that entail the publications that appear several times a month, when one is obliged to suffice alone or almost alone; it is absolutely necessary to have nothing else to do, and to renounce any other occupation. By appearing on the 15th of each month, for example, it will alternate with our Spiritist Review; in this way, those who would like it to appear more often, that is impossible, will find in it the complement of what they want, and will not be deprived of reading the subjects in which they are interested for so long. We are asking for their assistance to support this publication.

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