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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > July > Spiritist Poetry
Spiritist Poetry
To the protecting Spirits
To the protecting Spirits
Higher, higher still! Take off, oh my soul
Towards this pure ideal that to you, God has revealed!
Beyond all the heavens, and these blazing worlds,
Towards the divine absolute, I feel called.
From Jacob, asleep, the ladder, climb I will,
Always going up and never down.
For, benevolent and gentle hand, fraternal,
A Spirit will assure my steps, on the road around.
He loves me, he consoles me; he shows me the goalmouth.
He is there, I feel, and I listen to his voice
Resound in my heart, like an Aeolus breath
Resonates over mountains, plains, and coppices!
What does his name matter to me? He is not from earth.
Mysterious angel of heavenly loves,
He has the solitary charm of the unbeknownst.
He lives far away, ineffable homes!
There! ... his body, transfigured by a ray of wonder,
Has the subtlety of the intangible ether.
He ignores the evils of the weak nature,
And yet, he is good, because he suffered.
You speak to me in silence,
I see you in the murky.
You make me feel in advance
The glories of eternity.
If I do harm, you forgive.
In my sleep and in my dreams,
What I undertake, you complete.
In the shadow, a torch that shines,
It is you that pushes my ship to shore,
That supports my courage,
Who keeps me in the storm,
And enlightens me in the night.
You say: love; you say: prayer,
You say: hope; you say: virtue,
And you give the name of brother
To the humble child, weak, with the blues.
So strong, you look for my weakness,
So big, you come to my lowness,
And so fortunate, to my distress.
Blessed angel, sacred guardian,
Your purified fluid in fusion
With my mortal covering,
And I feel the wind from your wings
Passing over my intoxicated heart.
Thank you, dear soul, whoever you are,
Thank you, my brother from beyond.
Child, old man, a woman, young,
What does it matter! Aren’t you there?
You often hover over my head,
You that in the worrying race,
Passed through some comet,
Or Some land in formation.
Do you live in the atmosphere,
Mars or Saturn, a huge sphere,
Are you descended from the Polar Bear,
Aldebaran or Orion?
And why do I bother where you reside!
And what do I care where you come from!
What incredible and splendid skies,
When I feel you, are mine worthwhile?
Hello then, O my sweet star.
Guide my uncertain sail,
On the sea that the mist veils,
Far from the pitfalls, far from the danger.
Standing on the wave, foaming,
Be a beacon in the turmoil,
The friendly light, trembling,
And come and take me after the exile.
Jules-Stany Doinel (d’Aurillac)
Towards this pure ideal that to you, God has revealed!
Beyond all the heavens, and these blazing worlds,
Towards the divine absolute, I feel called.
From Jacob, asleep, the ladder, climb I will,
Always going up and never down.
For, benevolent and gentle hand, fraternal,
A Spirit will assure my steps, on the road around.
He loves me, he consoles me; he shows me the goalmouth.
He is there, I feel, and I listen to his voice
Resound in my heart, like an Aeolus breath
Resonates over mountains, plains, and coppices!
What does his name matter to me? He is not from earth.
Mysterious angel of heavenly loves,
He has the solitary charm of the unbeknownst.
He lives far away, ineffable homes!
There! ... his body, transfigured by a ray of wonder,
Has the subtlety of the intangible ether.
He ignores the evils of the weak nature,
And yet, he is good, because he suffered.
You speak to me in silence,
I see you in the murky.
You make me feel in advance
The glories of eternity.
If I do harm, you forgive.
In my sleep and in my dreams,
What I undertake, you complete.
In the shadow, a torch that shines,
It is you that pushes my ship to shore,
That supports my courage,
Who keeps me in the storm,
And enlightens me in the night.
You say: love; you say: prayer,
You say: hope; you say: virtue,
And you give the name of brother
To the humble child, weak, with the blues.
So strong, you look for my weakness,
So big, you come to my lowness,
And so fortunate, to my distress.
Blessed angel, sacred guardian,
Your purified fluid in fusion
With my mortal covering,
And I feel the wind from your wings
Passing over my intoxicated heart.
Thank you, dear soul, whoever you are,
Thank you, my brother from beyond.
Child, old man, a woman, young,
What does it matter! Aren’t you there?
You often hover over my head,
You that in the worrying race,
Passed through some comet,
Or Some land in formation.
Do you live in the atmosphere,
Mars or Saturn, a huge sphere,
Are you descended from the Polar Bear,
Aldebaran or Orion?
And why do I bother where you reside!
And what do I care where you come from!
What incredible and splendid skies,
When I feel you, are mine worthwhile?
Hello then, O my sweet star.
Guide my uncertain sail,
On the sea that the mist veils,
Far from the pitfalls, far from the danger.
Standing on the wave, foaming,
Be a beacon in the turmoil,
The friendly light, trembling,
And come and take me after the exile.
Jules-Stany Doinel (d’Aurillac)