Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > February > Spiritist dissertations > Providential Communication of the Spirits
Providential Communication of the Spirits

Group Delanne, Paris, January 8th, 1865 – medium Mrs. Br…

The times have come when this word of the prophet must be fulfilled: “I will pour out, says the Lord, of my Spirit onto all flesh, and your children will prophesy, your elders will have dreams.” Spiritism is this diffusion of the divine Spirit, coming to instruct and moralize all these poor disinherited of spiritual life that, seeing only matter, forgot that man does not live on bread alone.

The body, a material organism at the service of the soul, needs food appropriate to its nature; but the soul, emanation of the Creative Spirit, needs a spiritual nourishment, found only in the contemplation of the celestial beauties, resulting from the harmony of the intelligent faculties in their complete development.

As long as man neglects to cultivate his Spirit, remaining absorbed in the pursuit or possession of material goods, his soul stays somehow stationary, requiring a great number of incarnations before it can, imperceptibly obeying, and as if by force of the inevitable law of progress, arrive at that beginning of intellectual vitality, taking over the direction of the material being to which it is united. That is why, despite the teachings given by Christ to advance humanity, it is still so behind, because egoism did not want to fade away, before the law of charity that must change the face of world, turning it into a place of peace and happiness. But the goodness of God is infinite, it surpasses the indifference and ingratitude of his children; that is why he sends them these divine messengers that come to remind them that God did not create them for the earth, where they are only for a short while, so that, through work, they develop the qualities deposited in their soul as a seed, and that, citizens of heavens should not take pleasure in a station inferior to their ignorance, where they are held back by their faults alone.

Thank the Lord, then, and greet the advent of Spiritism with joy, since it is the fulfillment of prophecies, the shining sign of the goodness of the Father of mercy, and for you a new call to this unravelling of matter, so desirable, since only that can give you real happiness.

Louis of France

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