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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > November > Notice
Response to Mr. S.B. from Marseille
Response to Mr. S.B. from Marseille
No account is taken of letters that are not conspicuously signed, or that go without a firm address when the name is unknown. They are discarded.
This response is also addressed to a series of letters bearing the stamp of Besançon road, coming daily for a certain time. If this notice reaches their author, he will be informed that, for the above reason, and given their length, they were not even read whenthey arrived; the person responsible for taking care of the correspondence put them aside, like all those that are surrounded by mystery, and that, for this reason, are not considered serious enough to take our time, in detriment of work of real importance, and that is barely sufficient.
Allan Kardec
This response is also addressed to a series of letters bearing the stamp of Besançon road, coming daily for a certain time. If this notice reaches their author, he will be informed that, for the above reason, and given their length, they were not even read whenthey arrived; the person responsible for taking care of the correspondence put them aside, like all those that are surrounded by mystery, and that, for this reason, are not considered serious enough to take our time, in detriment of work of real importance, and that is barely sufficient.
Allan Kardec