Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

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Earthly proofs of men on a mission

Douay, March 8th, 1867 – medium Mrs. M…

“… The blood must, my children, purify the earth; terrible struggle, more horrible still by the splendor of the civilization amid which it breaks out. Oh, Lord! when everything is being prepared to strengthen the bonds of peoples from one end of the world to the other, when in the dawn of material fraternity we see the lines of demarcation of races, customs, and language tending to unity, the war comes, war and its entourage of ruins, fires, deep divisions, and religious hatred; yes, all that because nothing in our progress has followed the Spirit of God; because your bonds were not tightened neither by kindness nor by loyalty, but by interest alone; because it is not true charity that imposes silence to religious hatreds, but indifference; because the barriers were not lowered at your frontiers by the love of all, but by mercantile calculations; finally, because the views are human and instinctive and not spiritual and charitable; because the rulers only seek their own interests and each one of the peoples does the same.

Sublime selflessness of Jesus and his apostles, where are you? You are saddened, my children, when you sometimes think of the harsh mission of these sublime Spirits, that come to lift the courage of humanity, and die at the task, after having emptied the cup of human ingratitude. You moan when you see that the Lord, who sent them, seems to abandon them, when his protection seems most necessary. Have you not been told of the trials that the superior Spirits endure when they take a higher step in their spiritual initiative? Have you not been told that each rank of the celestial hierarchy is acquired by merit, by dedication, like with you in the army, by the bloodshed and by the services accomplished? Well, that is the case with the Messiahs in this land of sorrows; they are supported while their humanitarian work lasts, as long as they work for man and for God, but, when they alone are at stake, when their ordeal becomes individual, the visible help disappears, and the struggle becomes as bitter and harsh as man must endure it.

That is the explanation for this apparent abandonment, that afflicts you in the life of missionaries of all ranks of your humanity. Do not ever think that God abandons his creature out of whim or powerlessness; no, but in the interest of one’s own advancement, He leaves it to one’s own strength, to the entire use of one’s free will.

Cura D’Ars.”

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