Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > April > Letter from a Spiritist
Letter from a Spiritist

To Dr. Francisco de Paula Canalejas

Brochure printed in Madrid, in Spanish, containing the fundamental principles of the Spiritist doctrine, taken from What is Spiritism? with this dedication:

To Mr. Allan Kardec, the first who described methodically, and coordinated with clarity, the philosophical principles of the new school, this weak work is dedicated by his devoted coreligionist. Despite the obstacles that the new ideas meet in this country, Spiritism finds here deeper sympathies than one could suppose, mainly in the upper classes, where it counts numerous, keen and devoted followers; for here, in terms of religious opinions, the extremes meet, and as everywhere else, the excesses of some produce opposite reactions. In the ancient and poetic mythology, fanaticism would have been made the father of disbelief.”

We congratulate the author of this brochure on his zeal for the propagation of the doctrine, and thank him for his gracious dedication, as well as the kind words that followed the pamphlet. His feelings, and those of his brothers in belief, are reflected in this characteristic phrase of his letter: “We are ready for anything, even to bow our heads to receive martyrdom, just as we raise it very high to confess our faith."

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