Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > October > Spiritist Dissertations > Farewells

Parisian Society, August 16th, 1867 – medium Mr. Morin, in spontaneous somnambulism

Note. - Among the communications obtained in the last meeting of the Society, before the holidays, this one presents a particular character that differs from the usual form. Several Spirits, of those who are assiduous at the sessions, and sometimes manifest themselves there, came successively to address a few words to the members of the Society, before their separation, through Mr. Morin, in spontaneous somnambulism. It was like a group of friends coming to say goodbye, and to testify their sympathy at the time of departure. To each speaker who presented himself, the interpreter changed his tone, pace, expression, physiognomy, and by the language we recognized the Spirit who spoke before he was named; it was he who spoke, using the organs of an incarnate, and not his translated thought, more or less faithfully translated, by passing through an intermediary; so the identity was positive, and apart from the physical resemblance, we had before us a Spirit, as he was during his life. After each speech, the medium remained absorbed for a few minutes; it was the time of the substitution of one Spirit by another; then, gradually coming back to himself, he spoke again in a different tone. The first to show up was our former colleague Leclerc, who died in December of last year.


“Some of your brothers who have left, come to take the opportunity to show you their sympathy, at the time of their separation. Death is nothing when it results in giving birth to a life that is much greater, much broader, much more useful than human life! ... It was confusion, followed by exhaustion (reference to the way he died), and I stand up freer and happier, by entering this invisible world that my soul had foreseen, that my whole being wanted! … Free! … to hover in space! … I saw, I observed, and my delirious joy was limited only by the exaggerated regret that my loved ones had for the absence of my material personality; but today that I was able to prove my existence to them, and that I showed them that if my body was no longer there, my Spirit was more than ever, today I am happy, very happy; for what the incarnate could not do, I was able to obtain in a state of spirituality. I am useful today, very useful, and thanks to the sympathetic affection of those who knew me, my usefulness is more effective.

How good it is to be able to serve our brothers, and thus to be useful to the whole humanity! How good, how sweet to the soul to be able to share with humanity the little knowledge that we have acquired through suffering! I, once imprisoned in this obtuse body, today I stand tall, and if it were not for the fear of your ridicule, I would admire myself; because you see, to be good is to be part of God; and this goodness, did I have it? Oh! answer me, your testimony will be one more happiness, added to the happiness I enjoy; but why do I need your words? Can't I read your hearts, and see your innermost feelings? Today, thanks to my dematerialization, can't I see your most secret thoughts?

Oh! God is great, and his goodness is sublime! My friends, like me, bow before his majesty; work towards the accomplishment of his purposes, doing more and better than I could do myself.


“For the soul that longs for freedom, how long time is on earth, and how long the longed-for moment is overdue! But also, once the link is broken, how quickly the Spirit flies and runs towards the celestial kingdom, that he saw in a dream during his life, and to which he ceaselessly aspired! The beautiful, the infinite, the intangible, all the purest feelings, this is the prerogative of those who despise human treasures, wanting to walk in the holy life of good, charity and duty. I have my reward and I am very happy, because now I no longer expect visits from those who are dear to me; now there are no more bounds to my sight, and that suffering, that long lasting thinning of the body is no more; I am happy, cheerful, full of vivacity. I no longer wait for visitors; I will visit them.

Ernestine Dozon.”

“Very happy are those that, on this day, can come without shame among you, to share with you their joy, their pleasure, by coming here! But I, who took the road of cowards to avoid the beaten path; I, who entered by surprise into a world that was not unknown to me; I, who broke the prison door, instead of waiting for it to be wide open for me, it is because of that shame that covers my face that I come to this table, because I find a way to tell you: Thank you for your sincere forgiveness, thank you for your prayers, for the interest you have lavished on me and that has shortened my sufferings! Thank you again, for the thoughts about the future that I see germinating in your hearts, for the fraternal community of your sympathies that I will benefit from!

Today, the barely glimpsed glow has become a luminous beacon, with broad and brilliant rays; from now on I see the road, and if your prayers support me, as I feel it, if my humility and my repentance are not contradicted, you can count on one more traveler on this broad road that is called good.


“I failed… I sinned… I sinned a lot! … And yet if God places intelligence in the brain of a man, and that beside it he puts desires to be satisfied, inclinations impossible to overcome, why would he make the Spirit endure the consequences of these obstacles, that he could not overcome? ... But I am lost, I blaspheme! ... because, since he had given me an intelligence, it was the instrument to help me overcome the obstacles… The greater that intelligence, the less I am excusable…

My own intelligence, especially my presumption, have lost me… I suffered morally from all my disappointments, much more than physically, and that says a lot! … By making these confessions to you, I suffer from the past and from all of the sufferings of my loved ones, that come to add to the baggage of the evils that already crush me… Oh! pray for me! Today is a day of indulgence; Well! I claim yours. May those whom I have offended and disregarded forgive me!


“Invisible spectator, I have been attending your studies for some time with great happiness! Your work absorbs my intellectual faculties even more than they did in my life. I see, I observe, I study, and today that my brain fibers are no longer obstructed by matter, I opened my spiritual eyes, and I can see the fluids that I had uselessly sought to see during my lifetime.

Well! if you could see this immense network, this fluidic entanglement, your visual glimmers would be so much annihilated that you would only see darkness. I see, I feel, I feel more! … And in these fluidic molecules, intangible atoms, I distinguish the different propulsive forces; I analyze them, I bundle them and use them to the benefit of the poor suffering bodies; I gather, I agglomerate the sympathetic fluids, and I will simply, at no charge, pour them on those who need them.

Ah! the study of fluids is a beautiful thing! And you would understand how valuable all these mysteries are to me, if like me, you had devoted your whole existence to understand them, in vain. Thanks to Spiritism, the apparent chaos of this knowledge has been put in order; Spiritism has distinguished between what is in the physical domain from what belongs to the spiritual world; it recognized two very distinct parts in magnetism; it made its effects easy to recognize, and God knows what the future holds!

But I noticed that I am absorbing all your time for my benefit, while other Spirits still wish to speak to you. I will come back, through writing, to continue to develop my ideas on these studies that I so loved to talk about during in my life.

E. Quinemant.”

“My dear children, the Spiritist social year has been fruitful to your studies, and I come with pleasure to show you all my satisfaction. Many facts have been analyzed, many misunderstood things have been clarified, and you have touched on certain questions that will soon be admitted in principle. I am, or rather, we are satisfied.

Despite all the ardor employed up to now, amidst you and by your enemies, against your good intentions, your phalanx was the strongest, and if evil has claimed some victims, it is because leprosy already existed in them; but the wound is already healing; the good comes in and the bad goes; and for the wicked that remain among you, remorse will be terrible later, for they add hypocrisy to their defects; but those who are sincere, those who join you today, those who bring their dedication to the truth and the desire to communicate it to all, those I tell you, my children, will be very happy, for they will bring happiness not only to themselves, but to all who listen to them. Look around your ranks, and you will see that the voids created by defections are very quickly filled, with advantage, by new individualities, and they will enjoy the benefits that will be the prerogative of the next generation.

Go my children! Your studies are still very elementary; but each day brings the means to go deeper, and for that, new instruments will be added to those you already have. You will have more extensive instructions, and that for the greater glory of God, and for the greater wellbeing of humanity.

There are among you several of these instruments that will take place at your table, at the start of the social year; they do not yet dare to declare themselves; but encourage them; bring to your side the timid and the proud who believe they are doing better than the others, and we will then see if the timid are afraid, and if the proud will not have to curb their pretensions.

St. Louis.”

The epidemic that comes to decimate the world, at certain times, and that you have conventionally called cholera, strikes again and with redoubled blows onto humanity; its effects are quick and its action rapid. Without any warning, man passes from life to death, and those, more privileged, spared by its lightning hand, remain stunned, trembling, before the appalling consequences of an unknown disease, in its causes, and for which the remedy is completely unknown.

Fear takes hold, in these sad moments, in those who only contemplate the action of death, without thinking beyond it, and who, by this fact alone, lend themselves more easily to evil; but since the hour of each of us is marked, one must leave, in spite of everything, if it is struck. The hour is marked for a good number of inhabitants of the terrestrial universe; from where one leaves every day; the plague is gradually spreading and will spread over the entire surface of the globe.

This disease is unknown, and it is perhaps even more so today; for, to its own constitution, other elements are added daily, confusing human knowledge and preventing the necessary remedy from being found, to stop its progress. Men, therefore, despite their science, must suffer the consequences, and this destructive scourge is quite simply one of the means to activate the renewal of humanity, that must be accomplished. But, don't worry; for you Spiritists, who know that to die is to be reborn, if you are reached and you go away, won’t you go to happiness? If, on the contrary, you are spared, thank God who will thus allow you to add to the sum of your sufferings and to pay more for the trial. On either side, whether death strikes you or spares you, you will always win, or don't call yourselves Spiritists.

Dr. Demeure.”

“This is for him (the medium speaks of himself in the third person). - You see, you were told that a time would come when he could see, hear, rest in his turn. Well! That moment has arrived, to you and not to others; at the start of the social year he will no longer fall asleep, except in a few exceptional cases where the utility will be felt; right now, he regrets it, but when he finds out later, when he is awakened, he will be very happy… the selfish!… However, he still has a lot to do; by then he will sleep; he will rarely congratulate and very often fustigate; that is his task. Pray that it will be easy for him; so that his word may carry peace, consolation, and conciliation, wherever it is necessary. Help him with your thoughts; on his return he will put all his good will to assist you, and he will do so with all his heart; but help him, for he is in great need of it. Moreover, the exceptional circumstances in which he will sleep, perhaps and unfortunately, will not be often motivated. Finally, say like him: May the will of God be done!


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