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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > April > Instructions by the Spirits > Progression of the terrestrial globe
Spontaneous essay
Partial instructions about the theory of the fluids
Paris, November 11th, 1863 – medium Ms. A.C.
Progression of all things necessarily leads to the transubstantiation and spiritual mediumship is one of the powers of nature that will help our planet get there faster because like other worlds it must follow the law of transformation and progress. Not only its human contingent but also the minerals, plants and animals, gases and imponderable fluids must progress and transform into more depurated substances. Science that has already worked on the interesting issue of the formation of this planet acknowledges that it was not created by one word, as stated in the Book of Genesis[1] in a sublime allegory, but that it has endured transformations in a long series of centuries that produced mineral layers of several type. Following the evolution of those layers one can see the successive surge and multiplication of vegetables and later on animals indicating that those organized bodies found the appropriate to live in those environments.
In studying the progression of animate beings, as has been done with minerals and vegetables, it is recognized that these beings, first shellfish, gradually rose in the animal scale, and that their progress followed that of the production and treatment of soil; we notice at the same time the disappearance of certain species, as soon as the physical conditions necessary for their life no longer exist. Thus, for example, the great dinosaurs, the monster amphibious and the giant mammals that we only find the fossils, have completely disappeared from the earth with the conditions of existence that the floods had created. Being the floods one of the means of transformation of Earth, they have been almost general; that is to say, during a certain period they have upset the globe and have thus produced different types of vegetation and atmospheric fluids. Mankind, like all organic beings, has appeared on Earth when the conditions necessary to their existence were available.
Here the material creation is stopped by the forces of nature alone; it then begins the role of work of the incarnate Spirit in mankind, for they must concur to the common work; working for oneself everyone must work for the general betterment. So we see that, from the earliest races, mankind cultivating the earth, making it produce for their bodily needs, and thereby bringing about transformations in the soil, its produce, its gases and fluids. The more Earth is populated, the more it is worked, cultivated, and cleansed and the more its products are abundant and varied; the purification of its fluids gradually leads to the disappearance of plant and animal species, poisonous and harmful to mankind and that can no longer exist in a too purified and subtle air for their organization, no longer finding the necessary elements for their survival.
The health condition of the globe has improved significantly since its inception but it is still not enough, indicating that it will be improved further by the work and ingenuity of mankind. It is by design that people are induced to establish themselves in the most inhospitable and unhealthy countries; regions infested by terrible animals and harmful mists have already become habitable; little by little, the transformations on the soil will bring about complete purification.
Through work people learn to know and direct the forces of nature. One can trace in history the thread of discoveries and conquests of the human mind, and the application of that to satisfy their needs. But by following this path, one must also observe that humanity has knocked rough edges and dematerialized; by drawing a parallel between today’s person with the first inhabitants of the globe, we can assess the progress already accomplished; we can see that the more mankind progresses, the more it is excited to progress further, and that evolution itself is in proportion to the already accomplished progress. Progress today advances at a high speed and forcibly drags over those that are still behind. We have just spoken of physical, material, and intelligent progress; but let us now see the moral progress and the influence it must have on the former.
Moral progress was awakened at the same time as the material development, but it has been slower because mankind was placed in the midst of a material creation, having needs and aspirations in harmony with that reality. As humans advanced, they felt the spiritual develop and grow in them and aided by celestial influences, people began to understand the need for the intelligent driving of the Spirit over matter; moral progress continued its development and, at different times, advanced Spirits have come to guide humanity, giving a greater impulse to its ascending march; such are Moses, the prophets, Confucius, the sages of antiquity and Christ, the greatest of all on Earth and also the humblest. Christ gave humanity a greater idea of his own worth, his independence and his spiritual personality. But his followers, being far inferior to him, did not understand the grandiose idea that shines out of all of his teachings; they materialized what was spiritual; hence the kind of moral status quo in which humanity has remained. Scientific and intellectual progress continue their progress and moral progress slowly drags on. Is it not certain that if, since Christ, all who have professed his doctrine had practiced it, humanity would have spared themselves of many evils, and would now be morally more advanced?
Spiritism has come to speed up that progress, unveiling to mankind its destiny and we already see its power by the number of followers and the easiness with which it is understood. It will lead to an active moral transformation and by the multiplicity of the mediumistic communications the heart and minds of all incarnate persons will be worked by friendly Spirits and educators. From that education a new scientific impulse will surge for new avenues will open up to science that will guide its researches towards the new forces of nature that are revealed. The already developed human skills will develop even further through the mediumistic work. Initially welcomed by kind souls, inconsolable before the loss of friends and relatives, Spiritism was later on embraced by the unfortunate ones of this world whose number is large and that were encouraged and sustained in their trials by its Doctrine that is both soothing and reassuring. It then propagated fast and many astonished skeptical, that studied it out of curiosity in the beginning, were convinced by themselves, finding hopes and consolations.
Today scholars are beginning to be touched and some of them that have studied it seriously and admit Spiritism as one natural force unknown up until now, and that apply their intelligence and knowledge to its study will make humanity advance a huge scientific step.
But the Spirits are not limited to scientific instruction. They have a double duty and must above all cultivate the moral advancement. Besides the studies of science they will do, and are already doing now, help you work your own self. The incarnate ones that are intelligent and wish to progress will understand that their dematerialization is the best condition to a progressive study and that their present as well as future happiness are related to that.
OBSERVATION: That is how the world, after having achieved a certain level of intellectual progress, will enter the period of moral progress whose route is opened by Spiritism. Such progress will take place by the force of things and will naturally lead to the transformation of humanity by broadening the circle of the ideas in a spiritual sense and by the intelligent and thoughtful practice of the moral laws taught by Jesus Christ. The speed with which the Spiritist ideas propagated at the very heart of materialism that dominates our times, that is the positive indication of a prompt change in the order of things. All it is needed is the extinction of a generation for the one that stands up already announces much different sponsorship.
[1] Genesis 1 (TN)
Partial instructions about the theory of the fluids
Paris, November 11th, 1863 – medium Ms. A.C.
Progression of all things necessarily leads to the transubstantiation and spiritual mediumship is one of the powers of nature that will help our planet get there faster because like other worlds it must follow the law of transformation and progress. Not only its human contingent but also the minerals, plants and animals, gases and imponderable fluids must progress and transform into more depurated substances. Science that has already worked on the interesting issue of the formation of this planet acknowledges that it was not created by one word, as stated in the Book of Genesis[1] in a sublime allegory, but that it has endured transformations in a long series of centuries that produced mineral layers of several type. Following the evolution of those layers one can see the successive surge and multiplication of vegetables and later on animals indicating that those organized bodies found the appropriate to live in those environments.
In studying the progression of animate beings, as has been done with minerals and vegetables, it is recognized that these beings, first shellfish, gradually rose in the animal scale, and that their progress followed that of the production and treatment of soil; we notice at the same time the disappearance of certain species, as soon as the physical conditions necessary for their life no longer exist. Thus, for example, the great dinosaurs, the monster amphibious and the giant mammals that we only find the fossils, have completely disappeared from the earth with the conditions of existence that the floods had created. Being the floods one of the means of transformation of Earth, they have been almost general; that is to say, during a certain period they have upset the globe and have thus produced different types of vegetation and atmospheric fluids. Mankind, like all organic beings, has appeared on Earth when the conditions necessary to their existence were available.
Here the material creation is stopped by the forces of nature alone; it then begins the role of work of the incarnate Spirit in mankind, for they must concur to the common work; working for oneself everyone must work for the general betterment. So we see that, from the earliest races, mankind cultivating the earth, making it produce for their bodily needs, and thereby bringing about transformations in the soil, its produce, its gases and fluids. The more Earth is populated, the more it is worked, cultivated, and cleansed and the more its products are abundant and varied; the purification of its fluids gradually leads to the disappearance of plant and animal species, poisonous and harmful to mankind and that can no longer exist in a too purified and subtle air for their organization, no longer finding the necessary elements for their survival.
The health condition of the globe has improved significantly since its inception but it is still not enough, indicating that it will be improved further by the work and ingenuity of mankind. It is by design that people are induced to establish themselves in the most inhospitable and unhealthy countries; regions infested by terrible animals and harmful mists have already become habitable; little by little, the transformations on the soil will bring about complete purification.
Through work people learn to know and direct the forces of nature. One can trace in history the thread of discoveries and conquests of the human mind, and the application of that to satisfy their needs. But by following this path, one must also observe that humanity has knocked rough edges and dematerialized; by drawing a parallel between today’s person with the first inhabitants of the globe, we can assess the progress already accomplished; we can see that the more mankind progresses, the more it is excited to progress further, and that evolution itself is in proportion to the already accomplished progress. Progress today advances at a high speed and forcibly drags over those that are still behind. We have just spoken of physical, material, and intelligent progress; but let us now see the moral progress and the influence it must have on the former.
Moral progress was awakened at the same time as the material development, but it has been slower because mankind was placed in the midst of a material creation, having needs and aspirations in harmony with that reality. As humans advanced, they felt the spiritual develop and grow in them and aided by celestial influences, people began to understand the need for the intelligent driving of the Spirit over matter; moral progress continued its development and, at different times, advanced Spirits have come to guide humanity, giving a greater impulse to its ascending march; such are Moses, the prophets, Confucius, the sages of antiquity and Christ, the greatest of all on Earth and also the humblest. Christ gave humanity a greater idea of his own worth, his independence and his spiritual personality. But his followers, being far inferior to him, did not understand the grandiose idea that shines out of all of his teachings; they materialized what was spiritual; hence the kind of moral status quo in which humanity has remained. Scientific and intellectual progress continue their progress and moral progress slowly drags on. Is it not certain that if, since Christ, all who have professed his doctrine had practiced it, humanity would have spared themselves of many evils, and would now be morally more advanced?
Spiritism has come to speed up that progress, unveiling to mankind its destiny and we already see its power by the number of followers and the easiness with which it is understood. It will lead to an active moral transformation and by the multiplicity of the mediumistic communications the heart and minds of all incarnate persons will be worked by friendly Spirits and educators. From that education a new scientific impulse will surge for new avenues will open up to science that will guide its researches towards the new forces of nature that are revealed. The already developed human skills will develop even further through the mediumistic work. Initially welcomed by kind souls, inconsolable before the loss of friends and relatives, Spiritism was later on embraced by the unfortunate ones of this world whose number is large and that were encouraged and sustained in their trials by its Doctrine that is both soothing and reassuring. It then propagated fast and many astonished skeptical, that studied it out of curiosity in the beginning, were convinced by themselves, finding hopes and consolations.
Today scholars are beginning to be touched and some of them that have studied it seriously and admit Spiritism as one natural force unknown up until now, and that apply their intelligence and knowledge to its study will make humanity advance a huge scientific step.
But the Spirits are not limited to scientific instruction. They have a double duty and must above all cultivate the moral advancement. Besides the studies of science they will do, and are already doing now, help you work your own self. The incarnate ones that are intelligent and wish to progress will understand that their dematerialization is the best condition to a progressive study and that their present as well as future happiness are related to that.
OBSERVATION: That is how the world, after having achieved a certain level of intellectual progress, will enter the period of moral progress whose route is opened by Spiritism. Such progress will take place by the force of things and will naturally lead to the transformation of humanity by broadening the circle of the ideas in a spiritual sense and by the intelligent and thoughtful practice of the moral laws taught by Jesus Christ. The speed with which the Spiritist ideas propagated at the very heart of materialism that dominates our times, that is the positive indication of a prompt change in the order of things. All it is needed is the extinction of a generation for the one that stands up already announces much different sponsorship.
[1] Genesis 1 (TN)