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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864 > July > Extracted from the Revue Spirite D'Anvers on the crusade against Spiritism (Number of June 1863)
“Spiritism is definitely something horrible because no science, no heretic doctrine has ever raised stronger opposition in the heart of the Church than Spiritism, not even atheism. All imaginable resources, ethical or not, were employed first to muffle it and later on, when realized the total impossibility of destroying Spiritism, to stain it or to show it under the dark image of sin. Poor Spiritism! It was only claiming a little place under the sun to allow the world to freely enjoy its benefits. It did not ask those supposedly disciples of Jesus Christ, the man called love, to bring the word charity inscribed on their faces; all it wanted was to redirect those thousands of stray sheep to the good path, those that were failed by the pretense disciples; all it wanted was to second Jesus in his mission of devotion, healing with hope the poor hearts damaged by the gangrene of doubt and such a selfless and pure request was responded with a decree of prohibition!”
In reality we see strange things in this world: The official messengers of charity condemn more than nine tenths of mankind because they escape their influence and condemn even more severely the ones that wish to save those unfortunate ones.
“Therefore, and without a doubt, Spiritism is something much culpable because it is so much fought against and it seems strange that such a perverse doctrine may have conquered such a large space in such a short period of time. However what must seem much more remarkable is that the abhorrent Spiritism is so sturdily established and so much logical that all arguments raised against it come to contribute to its solidification and propagation despite the attempts of destroying and reducing it to nothing. In fact it is partially due to the obstacles lifted against Spiritism that it owns it fast propagation and the careless sermons of certain adversaries have do not have insignificant contribution to its spread. That is what happens in the natural order of things. Truth has no fear of its adversaries and they are in fact the contributors of its triumph. Spiritism is a tremendous focus of heat and light and whoever blows over such brazier will both infallibly burn oneself a little and revive it even further. Nonetheless commandments and conferences seem insufficient to destroy Spiritism – we are far from denying that definite insufficiency – the Roman congregation has just placed all books by Mr. Allan Kardec in the index[1], books that contain the universal teachings of the Spirits to whom all of us Spiritists are connected. Allow us to make the two considerations below with that respect:
The Spiritist books in question, no doubt, contain the purest and the required development by the current stage of evolution of humanity, the precepts of Jesus acknowledged to be a Messiah by the Spirits. By condemning those books, therefore, aren’t they condemning the words of Christ in a single blow, and by placing the books in the index isn’t the same of placing the Gospels there, the Gospels that are in agreement with us? Second reflection: isn’t the measure taken today a little bit late? Why wait so long? In addition to being more or less inexplicable (unless you believe that Spiritism seems so much truthful and that you are so much persuaded of its success that you hesitated to face it for a long time and that a very powerful personal interest led you to do so – since we do not have the pretension of considering you ignorant) and awkward. In fact The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book and the Imitation of the Gospels According to Spiritism are equally in the hands of thousands of people, and we doubt very much that the condemnation by the Roman congregation may now turn bad what everyone considered good and noble.
Regardless, the Spiritist books were placed in the index. That is even better because many of those that have not read them yet will now devour them! Seven out of ten persons that browse the books will be convinced or remain strongly shaken and willing to study the Spiritist phenomena. Even better because when our adversaries find out that their efforts lead to results in direct opposition to the expected results will change sides if they are sincere, selfless and have the enlightenment required by the ministry. In fact that is required by God’s law since nothing in this world may remain stationary but instead everything progresses and the religious idea must follow the general progress or disappear. Consequently, may all of our adversaries continue their crusade! They have already compromised the ordinations, sermons, public courses, occult influences and sometimes apparently victorious due to the state of dependence of those upon whom their tyranny is thrown; they used the auto of faith, publically burning our books in Barcelona. Since they could only burn a few books and seeing the astonishing way by which they were replaced they were finally placed in the index. Ah! Since the inquisition is no longer tolerated, although it is far from being annihilated and still operates under different formats with the support of hidden influences such as those mentioned above, the only thing that still remains is the mass excommunication of all Spiritists, that is, a remarkable percentage of people and in particular a notable percentage of Christians! (We are only talking about the confess Spiritists because there is also the large number of those that are Spiritists without knowing it).”
[1] The Index – List of Prohibited Books – was a list of publications deemed heretical, anti-clerical or lascivious, and therefore banned by the Roman Catholic Church (TN).
In reality we see strange things in this world: The official messengers of charity condemn more than nine tenths of mankind because they escape their influence and condemn even more severely the ones that wish to save those unfortunate ones.
“Therefore, and without a doubt, Spiritism is something much culpable because it is so much fought against and it seems strange that such a perverse doctrine may have conquered such a large space in such a short period of time. However what must seem much more remarkable is that the abhorrent Spiritism is so sturdily established and so much logical that all arguments raised against it come to contribute to its solidification and propagation despite the attempts of destroying and reducing it to nothing. In fact it is partially due to the obstacles lifted against Spiritism that it owns it fast propagation and the careless sermons of certain adversaries have do not have insignificant contribution to its spread. That is what happens in the natural order of things. Truth has no fear of its adversaries and they are in fact the contributors of its triumph. Spiritism is a tremendous focus of heat and light and whoever blows over such brazier will both infallibly burn oneself a little and revive it even further. Nonetheless commandments and conferences seem insufficient to destroy Spiritism – we are far from denying that definite insufficiency – the Roman congregation has just placed all books by Mr. Allan Kardec in the index[1], books that contain the universal teachings of the Spirits to whom all of us Spiritists are connected. Allow us to make the two considerations below with that respect:
The Spiritist books in question, no doubt, contain the purest and the required development by the current stage of evolution of humanity, the precepts of Jesus acknowledged to be a Messiah by the Spirits. By condemning those books, therefore, aren’t they condemning the words of Christ in a single blow, and by placing the books in the index isn’t the same of placing the Gospels there, the Gospels that are in agreement with us? Second reflection: isn’t the measure taken today a little bit late? Why wait so long? In addition to being more or less inexplicable (unless you believe that Spiritism seems so much truthful and that you are so much persuaded of its success that you hesitated to face it for a long time and that a very powerful personal interest led you to do so – since we do not have the pretension of considering you ignorant) and awkward. In fact The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book and the Imitation of the Gospels According to Spiritism are equally in the hands of thousands of people, and we doubt very much that the condemnation by the Roman congregation may now turn bad what everyone considered good and noble.
Regardless, the Spiritist books were placed in the index. That is even better because many of those that have not read them yet will now devour them! Seven out of ten persons that browse the books will be convinced or remain strongly shaken and willing to study the Spiritist phenomena. Even better because when our adversaries find out that their efforts lead to results in direct opposition to the expected results will change sides if they are sincere, selfless and have the enlightenment required by the ministry. In fact that is required by God’s law since nothing in this world may remain stationary but instead everything progresses and the religious idea must follow the general progress or disappear. Consequently, may all of our adversaries continue their crusade! They have already compromised the ordinations, sermons, public courses, occult influences and sometimes apparently victorious due to the state of dependence of those upon whom their tyranny is thrown; they used the auto of faith, publically burning our books in Barcelona. Since they could only burn a few books and seeing the astonishing way by which they were replaced they were finally placed in the index. Ah! Since the inquisition is no longer tolerated, although it is far from being annihilated and still operates under different formats with the support of hidden influences such as those mentioned above, the only thing that still remains is the mass excommunication of all Spiritists, that is, a remarkable percentage of people and in particular a notable percentage of Christians! (We are only talking about the confess Spiritists because there is also the large number of those that are Spiritists without knowing it).”
[1] The Index – List of Prohibited Books – was a list of publications deemed heretical, anti-clerical or lascivious, and therefore banned by the Roman Catholic Church (TN).